
Adoption de la DPG du gouvernement par les députés : Comme sur des roulettes

May 06 2014

Malgré des débats houleux entre la majorité et l’opposition, c’est sans surprise que la Déclaration de Politique Générale du Gouvernement (DPG) a été adoptée par les députés, vendredi dernier. Comme pour dire que le gouvernement a désormais carte blanche pour traduire en actes concrets les besoins et priorités des populations prises en compte dans  ce document que le Premier ministre Moussa Mara a défendu comme un mémoire de fin de cycle  devant les élus de la nation.

Swaida activists decline Coalition elections invite

May 06 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Student anti-regime activists from the southern town of Swaida have declined to take part in “local council” elections overseen by the opposition National Coalition, because it has “failed to learn from past mistakes.” In recent days, pro-uprising Facebook pages from the Druze-majority province have circulated the response by the Swaida Students Coordinating Committee, which accused the Coalition of suffering from “favoritism” and a lack of clarity with regard to officials’ duties and responsibilities.

Feu vert : Système américain à la Cdp

May 06 2014

Cdp ! C pour congrès, D pour démocratie et P pour progrès. Cdp, c’est en fait le sigle du dernier né des partis politiques de la République du Mali. Le Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès est un parti de gauche. Sa ligne directrice repose exclusivement sur le social, un vaste secteur oculté ou mal géré, République après République, au grand malheur de la populace. Le Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès entend ainsi piloté le bâteau Mali autrement avec un gouvernement sans Premier ministre, un sytème à l’américaine quoi.

Yemen... A great revolution and a sleeping transitional authority

May 06 2014
Middle East Monitor

The difference between today's Friends of Yemen conference in London and the first conference to take place in the capital eight years ago is that the current conference is being held at a time when Yemen is in jeopardy of failing in light of a transitional authority put in power in order to cross into a free and dignified future in response to the demands of the Yemeni people and their desires for change, as well as fulfil their dream of establishing a modern democratic state.

Egypt bans Mubarak party officials from elections

May 06 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

An Egyptian court has banned officials from the country's former ruling party under ousted President Hosni Mubarak from running in elections.

The ban comes as Egypt prepares for presidential elections later this month. Former military chief Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi - who removed Islamist president and Mubarak's successor, Mohammed Morsi - is poised to win that vote.

Nidaa Tounes : La Loi Électorale est un nouvel acquis

May 06 2014
Radio Mosaique

Dans un communiqué rendu public aujourd'hui, mardi 6 mai 2014, le mouvement Nidaa Tounes a annoncé que la nouvelle Loi Électorale était un nouvel acquis pour la Tunisie qui vient s'ajouter à la Constitution et à la mise en place d'un gouvernement de compétences nationales.

Le mouvement considère que cette loi permettra la tenue d'élections transparentes dont les résultats seront acceptés de tous.


Opposition debating idea of joint candidate for presidency

May 06 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

In preparation for the run-up to a two-round presidential election scheduled for August, opposition parties have started to consider nominating a joint candidate.

The idea behind a joint candidate is to name the strongest possible competitor to the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) candidate, who will most likely be Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The elections scheduled for August will be different to those of the past, as Turks will be electing their president through direct voting for the first time.

Siria invita a los "países amigos" a supervisar las elecciones

May 06 2014
Europa Press

El presidente del Parlamento sirio, Mohamed Yihad al Laham, ha invitado este lunes a los "países amigos" a enviar misiones de supervisión a las elecciones presidenciales previstas para el mes de junio.

   "Es un placer para mi invitarles a enviar a un grupo de miembros de sus parlamentos y expertos en asuntos electorales para supervisar las elecciones presidenciales en nuestro país", ha indicado Al Laham en su misiva, enviada a varios países.

PDI-P Struggling to Maximize Jokowi Effect

May 06 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Activists who fought for reformation in 1998 strongly rejected presidential candidates that have bad human rights records or those who supported former president Suharto’s regime, which was tainted with human rights violations.

Poengky Indarti, executive director of the Indonesian Human Rights Monitor (Imparsial), said some of the candidates that are running in the presidential race have negative track records, especially related to human rights.

Flagrant délit de discrimination politique : Un conseiller technique remercié pour appartenance à l’Urd

May 06 2014

Au chapitre des mesures individuelles, le Conseil ordinaire des ministres du 30 avril 2014 a procédé à plusieurs nominations, notamment au titre du ministère de la Jeunesse et de la Construction citoyenne. Un conseiller technique et des chargés de mission ont été confirmés ou nommés. Mais, à la grande surprise, l’un des conseillers techniques les plus expérimentés pour traiter des questions de jeunesse n’a pas été confirmé.

Sudan’s PPAC rejects Republican Party’s registration request

May 06 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s Political Parties Affairs Council (PPAC) has officially declined to register the Republican Party (RP), saying the latter’s principles contradict with the Islamic creed, social peace and democratic principles necessary for carrying out political activity.

The PPAC said the RP’s registration request violated provisions of Article (1/5) of the 2005 interim constitution and Article (14) of the 2007 Political Parties’ Act.

Turkey’s ruling party to dominate graft panel in Parliament

May 06 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey’s Parliament has elected to establish a single inquiry commission to investigate corruption allegations against four former ministers of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government, with the panel set to be dominated by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) itself.

The commission, which lawmakers in the 550-seat Parliament voted by a huge majority of 453-9 to establish after a tense session May 5 that lasted 16 hours, will decide whether the former ministers will be prosecuted.     

Mahdi & son steering NUP towards alliance with NCP, ex-SG says

May 06 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of the National Umma Party (NUP) al-Sadiq al-Mahdi and his son Abdel-Rahman are working steadfastly to move the party towards rapprochement with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), the outgoing Secretary General Ibrahim al-Amin said.

In a phone interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, al-Amin lashed out at al-Mahdi and accused him of deliberately blocking any attempts to mobilize the party behind popular uprisings in the country as was the case during the September 2013 protests that broke out across the country after the government lifted fuel subsidies.

Ankara court grants stay of execution for YouTube ban

May 06 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

A Turkish court in Ankara has granted a stay of execution for a ban on YouTube following an appeal by the company’s lawyer, Gönenç Gürkaynak.

Access to YouTube was blocked March 27 by Turkey’s Telecommunications Authority (TİB) without being supported by a court decision, hours after recordings of a key security meeting on Syria were leaked online.

The decision by Ankara’s 4th Administrative Court paves the way for a lifting of the ban on the popular video-sharing website.
