
Ameur Larayedh: Il est difficile d’organiser les élections législatives et présidentielles séparément

May 05 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader du mouvement Ennahdha, Ameur Larayedh, a considéré que le facteur temps ne permet pas d’organiser les élections présidentielles et législatives séparément avant la fin de 2014.

En plus, la séparation de l’organisation des élections nécessitent des fonds supplémentaires à l’État. 

Hamma Hammami a indiqué de sont côté que l’organisation des élections législatives et présidentielles en parallèle ouvre la porte à la falsification des résultats.

Assad to Face Two Candidates in Election

May 05 2014
Israel National News

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad will face two other candidates in the coming June presidential election, the country's Supreme constitutional Court announced Sunday, according to The Associated Press (AP).

21 other candidates were found to be ineligible to run, according to court spokesman Majid Khadra said on state television. He did not elaborate.

Somali legislators call on the President to resign

May 05 2014
Shabelle News

Almost 130 legislators gathered together at a hotel in Mogadishu, they called on the Somali President Hassan Sheikh to resign in a strongly worded letter:


Federal Republic of Somalia

Date: 05/05/14

To: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud – (President of the Somali Federal Republic)

CC: Mr. Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari – (Speaker of the Somali Parliament)

CC: Ambassador Nickolas Kay – (UN Special Representative of the Secretary General)

Re: Call for resignation

Dear Mr. President,

L’opposition rejette la DPG

May 05 2014

Pour le président du groupe parlementaire de l’opposition, la loi portant approbation du code de transparence dans la gestion des finances publiques fait obligation au gouvernement de préparer un rapport audité et publié, dans les trois mois qui suivent chaque alternance politique, sur la situation globale des finances publiques, et en particulier la situation du budget de l’Etat et de son endettement. « Depuis septembre 2013, il y a eu alternance politique et à ce jour ce rapport n’est pas encore disponible.

C. Sarsar : Il est possible d'organiser les présidentielles et législatives en parallèle

May 05 2014
Radio Mosaique

Avant d'entrer à la séance de Dialogue National, le Président de l'ISIE a déclaré sur nos ondes que l'organisation des élections présidentielles et législatives en parallèle  est possible. Chafik Sarsar a cependant déclaré que leur organisation au même moment posera différents problèmes.



Somali prime minister outlines 2014 work plan for parliament

May 05 2014

Somalia's Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed presented the 2014 Work Plan to parliament on Saturday (May 3rd), outlining the ways the government intends to pursue its Vision 2016 goals.

The work plan includes blueprints for establishing inclusive political processes, justice reforms, economic recovery, enhancing social services delivery, mobilising domestic revenue and boosting capacity of government institutions.

Aburizal discusses coalition with Prabowo

May 05 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party presidential hopeful Aburizal Bakrie discussed a possible coalition between Golkar and the Gerindra Party to win July’s presidential election in a meeting with the latter’s presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto, on Monday.

“It’s a return visit as Pak Prabowo had visited [Aburizal’s home] last Tuesday,” Golkar's central executive board deputy secretary general, Lalu Mara, said on Monday as quoted by

Monday's meeting took place at Prabowo’s home in Bojong Koneng village, Hambalang, Bogor, West Java, at 11 a.m. local time.

Election-related crimes could delay national tallying

May 05 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) said that stalled vote counting in some provinces was mostly due to alleged vote-rigging, not administrative errors.

Bawaslu chairman Muhammad said over the weekend that the agency had issued a recommendation to the National Police to launch an investigation into individuals allegedly responsible for election-related crimes that had caused vote-counting delays.

Kalla still awaiting news of Jokowi`s running mate

May 05 2014
Antara News

Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA News) - Former Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla confessed to still awaiting news from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) related to the announcement of the running mate of its presidential nominee, Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"We are going to talk about it later. We will see how it goes. I still wait and keep track of the progress," noted, Kalla, the chairman of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), after inaugurating the new board members of the PMI, here on Monday.

PM Erdoğan pitches his roadmap to presidency

May 05 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has delivered clear signals that its leader, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will run in Turkey’s first ever direct election for president in August.

A decision made in a five-hour long meeting of the AKP’s highest decision-making body, the Central Decision and Executive Council (MKYK), on May 2 is considered to be the clearest of these signals, with the party ultimately opting to maintain its three-term limit for its deputies.

PPP will not join PTI election protest

May 05 2014
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: The announcement made by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to take its case to the streets regarding the May 11 general elections, which took place a year ago, might have lured some political parties, but the main opposition Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has no interest.

On Monday, leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah, said his party did not want to join the PTI campaign.

Critics might take this decision of the PPP as a ‘deal’ with the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), but Shah dismisses such observations.

D-Day arrives for graft debates at Turkey’s Parliament

May 05 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Parliament will gather today for a long-delayed session, during which summary of proceedings for four ex-ministers of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) facing graft charges will be debated.

The session comes after a one-and-a-half month delay due to the local elections held on March 30 and also a procedural flaw in the related motions.

Egypt: Salafist party demands release of 400 jailed members

May 05 2014
Middle East Monitor

Chairman of the Salafist Nour Party Younis Makhyoun said in press statements that he submitted a list of 400 of jailed members of his party to the prosecutor general who promised to release them "if they had not participated in pro-Morsi protests."

Makhyoun said that the Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat requested the names of the detainees to make sure none of them took part in protests.

Chafik Sarsar : le budget consacré à l’organisation des élections s’élève à 100 milliards

May 05 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de l’Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les élections (ISIE), Chafik Sarsar a déclaré suite à sa rencontre avec le chef du gouvernement, Mehdi Jomaâ que le budget consacré à l’organisation des prochaines élections s’élève à 100 millions de dinars. 

Renforcement des institutions et approfondissement de la démocratie

May 05 2014

La remobilisation de l’Administration, l’amélioration du processus électoral, une décentralisation plus poussée avec des instruments susceptibles de rendre plus viables les collectivités, sont autant de sujets qui ont été largement abordés lors des échanges entre le Premier ministre et les élus de la Nation 
