
President can't seem to act independently of gov't, CHP leader says

May 02 2014
Todays Zaman

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said on Friday that Turkey should be discussing what the next president's role will be and what sort of qualifications he should have, instead of focusing on the possible candidacy of two political figures as the presidential election scheduled for Aug. 10 approaches.

At a meeting with representatives of the international media, Kılıçdaroğlu reviewed recent political developments in Turkey.

Aziz Krichène : Moncef Marzouki s'est rapproché d'Ennahdha depuis l'arrivée de Nidaa Tounes sur la scène

May 02 2014
Radio Mosaique

Lors de l'interview qu'il a accordé à Telvza Tv dans la soirée du vendredi 2 mai 2014, Aziz Kirchène a déclaré qu'en 2013 et avec l'apparition de Nidaa Tounes, la scène politique tunisienne s'est vu divisée entre deux grandes forces politiques qui sont Ennahdha et Nidaa Tounes. Aziz Krichène a déclaré que, malheureusement, la Présidence de la République n'a pas su garder ses distances et s'est rapprochée des positions d'Ennahdha aux dépends de Nidaa Tounes.

Aburizal’s presidential bid must go ahead: Golkar youth

May 02 2014
The Jakarta Post

One of the Golkar Party’s wing organizations has urged party chairman Aburizal Bakrie to pursue with his presidential candidacy amid growing speculation that he has been mulling whether to “downgrade” his target and become a vice-presidential candidate.

The Indonesian Reform Youth Force (AMPI), one of Golkar’s several wing organizations, stated in a press conference on Friday that Aburizal should not succumb to the growing pressure to abandon his presidential bid.

La loi électorale au cœur d’une rencontre entre Ghannouchi et Marzouki

May 02 2014
Radio Mosaique

La loi électorale et les étapes restantes de la transition démocratique étaient les thèmes de la rencontre entre le président de la République, Moncef Marzouki et le chef du mouvement Ennahdha, Rached Ghannouchi, qui a eu lieu aujourd’hui, 2 mai 2014.



PDI-P set to form alliance with PKB

May 02 2014
The Jakarta Post

An alliance between the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the National Awakening Party (PKB) will be announced soon, a senior PDI-P politician said on Thursday.

“We are just waiting to make it official,” PDI-P deputy secretary-general Hasto Kristianto told The Jakarta Post, adding that there would be a meeting between PDI-P leader Megawati Soekarnoputri and PKB leader Muhaimin Iskandar.

Hasto claimed that both parties had a similar ideology and had long been close.

Ben Jaâfer appelle les membres du RCD déchu à prendre une pause

May 02 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de l’ANC, Mustapha Ben Jaâfer, a appelé lors d’une conférence de presse tenue aujourd’hui, 2 mai 2014, au siège de l’assemblée, les membres du RCD déchu et qui ont assumé des responsabilités durant l’ère du régime déchu à prendre une pause et ne pas se présenter aux élections législatives.

En prenant cette pause, ces derniers donneront l’occasion à d’autres politiciens à vivre une nouvelle expérience.


Présidentielles mauritaniennes, “la braise couve sous la cendre”

May 02 2014

L’élection présidentielle prévue pour le 21 juin en Mauritanie sera-t-elle démocratique ? Le patron de l’opposition, Ahmed Ould Daddah, n’y croit guère. « Le président Aziz, explique-t-il à Mondafrique, ne souhaite pas négocier un accord consensuel avec nous pour préparer sereinement le scrutin présidentiel». Le 3 mai, l’opposition pourrait trancher en faveur d'un boycott. Entretien avec Ahmed Ould Daddah.

Maliki says he’s certain of victory in Iraq’s elections

May 01 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Iraqis defied a rash of attacks that killed 14 people Wednesday and voted in the first general elections since U.S. troops withdrew, with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki proclaiming “certain” victory.

Around 60 percent of the country’s 20 million eligible voters cast their ballots in the poll, which was hailed by the United States and United Nations as a rebuke to jihadists who sought to derail the parliamentary elections.

Next govt must target eradication of corruption, says SBY

May 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says corruption eradication should be a priority of the new government, which will take shape after this year’s presidential election.

“We are aware there is a lot of work still to be done, like eradicating corruption that continues to occur in this country,” Yudhoyono said in his remarks during the opening of the 2014 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas) in Jakarta on Wednesday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Issam Chebbi : Al Jomhouri a voté contre l’article 167 de loi électorale

May 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le porte-parole d’Al Jomhouri, Issam Chebbi a indiqué lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que les députés de son parti ont voté contre l’article 167 relatif à l’exclusion politique, soulignant qu’Al Jomhouri a refusé de revoter sur le parti après que d’autres députés ont signé une pétition dans ce sens conformément à l’article 93 du règlement intérieur de l’ANC. 


Syria: 24 Hopefuls to Presidential Elections Announced by Deadline

May 01 2014
Al Manar

Speaker of Syria People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham announced Thursday that Ziad Adnan Hakawati, Ahmad Ali Qsei’eh, Mohammad Mohammad Nassr Mahmoud, Ali Hassan al-Hassan, Ahmad Omar Dabba, Mahmoud Naji Moussa and Hossein Mohammad Tijan registered to stand in the presidential elections.

Al-Laham said the Assembly received notes form the Supreme Constitutional Court that the new seven candidates had submitted applications to run for presidency.

The candidates need to get written approvals from at least 35 MPs each, otherwise their applications would be dismissed.

A look at Baghdad’s major players in election

May 01 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Iraq Wednesday held its third parliamentary elections since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled dictator Saddam Hussein. The vote was also the first after the withdrawal of the U.S. forces in 2011. Over 22 million voters were eligible to cast their ballots to choose 328 lawmakers out of more than 9,000 candidates.Here’s a look at the major political players and lists in the race:

Female Workers Press Joko for Change

May 01 2014
The Jakarta Globe

Governor and Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) presidential candidate Joko Widodo, popularly know as Jokowi, received a delegation of female workers on Thursday who handed him their “2014 black note” — a petition urging him to take action against workplace discrimination — as tens of thousands of workers took to the streets to mark International Worker's Day.

The workers, representing the Women’s Action Committee (KAP), said they had seen no significant progress for female workers during Joko’s time in office.

Sudan’s election body kicks off preparations for 2015 polls

May 01 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese National elections Commission (NEC) approved plans to prepare for the general elections slated for next year.

The electoral body held a meeting on Thursday to review arrangements made for the 2015 elections and announced that a training session will be held later this month in Port Sudan for poll with funding from the European Union (EU) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Democrats Should Rebuild From Opposition, Forget PDI-P Tie-Up: Academic

May 01 2014
The Jakarta Globe

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Democratic party would benefit over the longer term from rebuilding its reputation in opposition, rather than pushing to become part of an Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) coalition, a political analyst said on Tuesday.

“It’s better for the Democrats to be in opposition along with the Prosperous Justice Party [PKS],” AS Hakim said. “The party has been in power for 10 years and, if they take being in opposition seriously over the next five years, they could repair their image.”

Sudan’s Umma party facing fresh prospects of split as SG is forced out

May 01 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of the National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, moved the meeting of the party’s Central Commission, which started on Thursday, to remove secretary-general Ibrahim al-Amin amid signs of a new split within the party.

In his lengthy opening remarks attended by representatives from other parties including the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and foreign diplomats, al-Mahdi defended this move saying that al-Amin has failed to discharge his duties and was unable to create a consensual secretariat.

Formar gobierno en Irak tomará tiempo, tras las elecciones del miércoles Leer más: Formar gobierno en Irak tomará tiempo, tras las elecciones del miércoles

May 01 2014
El Economista

La formación de un nuevo gobierno en Irak tomará tiempo, tras las elecciones legislativas del miércoles, estimaban analistas y observadores este jueves.

Tras las elecciones legislativas de 2010, las negociaciones entre distintas formaciones políticas para formar un gobierno duraron más de ocho meses.

"Encontrar un compromiso entre sunitas, chiitas y kurdos no es fácil", explicó Ayham Kamel, director para la región Medio Oriente y Africa del Norte de Eurasia Group, una consultora con sede en Nueva York.

After Iraq’s elections

May 01 2014
Al Ahram Weekly Egypt

Many Iraqis viewed this week’s parliamentary elections as their last hope and went to cast their votes even though they were not particularly optimistic. Meanwhile, the violence in the country showed no signs of abating in the days leading up to the elections, with gunmen killing candidates and bombers assaulting election commission offices and campaign gatherings.
