
With No Coalition Yet, Aburizal Bakrie’s Refusal to Budge Affecting Golkar’s Chances

Apr 27 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. This year’s legislative election result doesn’t look too good for the Golkar Party. With only 14.3 percent of the votes, the party needs to form a coalition with at least one political party if it wants to nominate its own candidate in the July presidential election, just around the corner.

Yet, while other political parties are busy approaching potential allies, Golkar has reportedly been slow in building ties with others.

Sisi, Sabahi can run for Egypt president: election body

Apr 27 2014

Egypt's presidential election commission on Sunday cleared resigned defense minister Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and former presidential hopeful Hamdeen Sabahi - the only two candidates - to contest the May presidential elections.

"The two have met the candidacy conditions and the commission will not disqualify any of them," commission secretary-general Abdel-Aziz Salman told a press conference in Cairo.

SBY to meet with Dems provincial leaders over coalition

Apr 26 2014
The Jakarta Post

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in his capacity as the chairman of the Democratic Party, is slated to meet with the party’s 33 provincial branch leaders at his residence in Cikeas, West Java, on Saturday afternoon to discuss the party’s next moves ahead of the July 9 presidential election.

The meeting is aimed at seeking input from regional party branches in relation to the idea of having the ruling party form its own coalition and nominate its own presidential candidate, party member Roy Suryo Notodiprojo told The Jakarta Post on Friday.

KPU may delay announcement of election results

Apr 26 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) said on Friday it might fail to meet its own deadline of May 9 for announcing the official results of the legislative poll. 

KPU commissioner Hadar Nafis Gumay said a delay was possible as the commission would still have to conduct revotes in all polling stations in South Nias in North Sumatra. 

He said the revotes and recapitulations might hamper the national recapitulation process, scheduled to be held from April 26 to May 6.

SRF rebels propose roadmap for peace in Sudan

Apr 26 2014
Sudan Tribune

The rebel alliance of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) proposed a roadmap to achieve a comprehensive solution to end war in the southern and western parts of the country and ensure democratic transition in Sudan.

But the non-rebel opposition forces in Sudan cautiously welcomed the three-phase peace plan with some saying they need to review it before taking a position while others voiced their objection to a peace process held outside the country.

Dubious democracy: Constituents in NA-46, Bara expected to vote for a third time

Apr 26 2014
The Express Tribune
JAMRUD: Residents of NA-46 in Khyber Agency will need to queue up at polling stations and get ink on their hands yet again. An election tribunal nullified the results of re-polling which took place at 21 stations during the summer of 2013 and asked for another re-election in the constituency.

Voting was brought to a halt on May 11 after allegations of rigging and violence erupted at more than one polling station. Afterwards, independent candidate Hamidullah Jan Afridi asked the Election Commission of Pakistan for a re-poll in light of the alleged misconduct.

Al Massar, Afek Tounes et le Front Populaire attachés au seuil électoral

Apr 26 2014
Radio Mosaique

La présidente du Bloc Démocratique, Salma Baccar a confié à Mosaïque FM que les partis d’Al Massar, Afek Tounes et le Front Populaire ont exprimé leur attachement à la question du seuil électoral dans le projet de loi électorale et des référendums. 

Les membres de la commission des consensus se sont mis d’accord sur la non-adoption du seuil électoral lors des prochaines élections.


F. Ayadi : la démission de Jebali à l’ordre du jour de la réunion du conseil de la Choura

Apr 26 2014
Radio Mosaique

Fathi Ayadi, président du conseil de la Choura auprès du mouvement Ennahdha a indiqué lors des travaux du  conseil à Hammamet que la situation dans le pays, le dialogue nationale, le dialogue économique et la démission du secrétaire général du parti, Hamadi Jebali seront à l’ordre du jour de la réunion du conseil de la choura. 


Le président du PARENA tacle le pouvoir : Réplique cinglante du RPM, sans équivoque

Apr 26 2014

Lisez le texte intégral du bureau Politique national du parti majoritaire. Réaction du RPM a la déclaration du Parena : « le Mali n’est pas dans l’impasse, c’est Tiébilé Dramé qui est aux abois».Dans une déclaration à nous envoyée par le Bureau politique national du Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM) et signée de son premier secrétaire à la communication, Boubacar Touré, le parti présidentiel réagit vigoureusement à la déclaration du Parti pour la renaissance nationale (Parena) de Tiébilé Dramé diffusée la semaine dernière sous le titre : «IBK, sept mois après : le Mali dans l’impasse ».

Conférence nationale pour la transition : les préalables de Benflis suscitent la méfiance de la Coordination pour les libertés

Apr 26 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Ali Benflis va rencontrer dimanche 27 avril la Coordination nationale pour les libertés et la transition démocratique, ayant boycotté l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril. La rencontre va se tenir chez Ahmed Benbitour, selon une source proche de la Coordination. Les partis et personnalités politiques qui composent cette Coordination vont tenter de convaincre l’ancien chef du gouvernement et candidat malheureux à la présidentielle de prendre part à la conférence nationale pour la transition démocratique prévue les 17 et 18 mai prochain.

Présidentielle : Benflis accuse des institutions de l’État de fraude

Apr 26 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Ali Benflis a accusé ce samedi 26 avril, sans donner de noms, des institutions de l’État de fraude lors de l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril. Le candidat malheureux se base sur les rapports des directeurs de ses comités de soutien dans les 48 wilayas du pays, avec qui, il s’est réuni ce samedi 26 avril à Alger.

Afghan presidential poll unofficial results today

Apr 26 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Afghan election authorities are set to announce complete but unofficial results of this month’s presidential elections on Saturday amid much anticipation.

The possibility of a runoff between the top two candidates is all the more certain after the announcement of nearly 82% of results that placed Dr Abdullah Abdullah in the lead with 43.8% of the total vote, followed by Dr Ashraf Ghani with 32.9%.

Mayor Mungab replaces Yaqshid and Howl Wadag district commissioners

Apr 26 2014
Shabelle News

The Governor of Benadir & Mayor of Mogadishu, Hassan Mohamed Hussein Mungab, issued an official decree stranding the district commissioners of Howl Wadag and Yaqshid in the Benadir regon of their title.

Mr. Mungab reclaimed the official documents of the district commissioner of Yaqshid, Muhudin Hassan Jurus and the district commissioner of Howl Wadag, Mohamed Abukar Ja’far.

Somali presidential spokesman Yarisow resigns

Apr 25 2014

Somali presidential spokesman and senior adviser Abdirahman Omar Osman Yarisow resigned from his post on Thursday (April 24th) after serving for one year, UN-funded Radio Bar-Kulan reported.

Yarisow declined to provide an explanation for his resignation and denied speculation that it was related to a disagreement with high-ranking officials.

Previously he held several positions during Somalia's transitional federal governments, including minister of information, posts and telecommunications.


Turkey's spy agency granted extraordinary powers, as President Gül approves MİT law

Apr 25 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkish President Abdullah Gül has approved a bill expanding the powers and immunities of the country’s spy agency amid strong reactions from opposition parties which argued that the bill will turn the country into "an intelligence state."

Gül’s office announced that the bill was signed into law by Gül late April 25. The bill was much criticized by the opposition parties on the grounds that it will increase the National Intelligence Organization's (MİT) powers without adequate checks and balances.
