
Moussa Mara nommé Premier ministre : Les quatre raisons d’un choix

Apr 07 2014

Inattendu et brusque, la démission du désormais ancien Premier ministre, Oumar Tatam Ly, est intervenue dans l’après midi du samedi 5 avril. Mais c’est dans la soirée que l’information a été officialisée à travers un communiqué  de la Présidence de la République, lu par son Secrétaire général, Toumani Djimé Diallo.

Jokowi urged to step down

Apr 07 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Gerindra Party has demanded that Joko “Jokowi” Widodo immediately step down as the Jakarta governor.

“All this time, Pak Jokowi has been very busy handling election campaign activities. Policy implementation has continued to run, but it has been sluggish whereas in Jakarta, policy implementation is not allowed to be delayed even for one hour,” said Mohamad Sanusi, head of the Gerindra faction at the Jakarta Legislative Council (DPRD), in Jakarta on Monday as quoted by

EP resolution has no value to Iran: Velayati

Apr 07 2014
Press TV

A senior Iranian official has slammed a recent anti-Iran resolution by the European Parliament (EP), stressing that the Islamic Republic sees no value in such “baseless judgments.”

The recent EP resolution is merely aimed at exerting political pressure on Iran, said Ali Akbar Velayati, who is a top advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

“These kinds of unjust and groundless judgments are of no value to the Iranian nation,” he said.

Oumar Tatam Ly désigne IBK comme le facteur bloquant de sa quête de performance gouvernementale

Apr 07 2014

Dans sa lettre de démission du 5 avril 2014, le désormais ex-Premier ministre a motivé son départ par l’impuissance où le président IBK l’a placé en lui refusant l’autorisation de «doter le gouvernement de compétences accrues» pour en corriger « les dysfontionnements et les insuffisances»

SBY accuses critics of being dishonest

Apr 07 2014
The Jakarta Post

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono lashed out on Sunday against his critics, saying that his record during the past 10 years was impressive.

Yudhoyono said in a statement, posted on his private YouTube channel, that his critics, who accused him of only causing setbacks to the country in the past 10 years, were being unfair.

Mauritanie: "Pas de gouvernement élargi" (Président)

Apr 07 2014
Le président mauritanien, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz a déclaré être prêt à faire des concessions par rapport aux exigences de l'opposition sauf en ce qui concerne la demande de formation d’un gouvernement élargi.


"Je suis prêt à discuter de toutes les questions comme la recomposition de la Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI) mais pas de gouvernement d’union nationale. C’est inutile. Le pays n’en a pas besoin", a dit le chef de l’Etat mauritanien qui animait lundi une conférence de presse à Nouadhibou au nord du pays.

Afghan women in UAE have high expectations from new government

Apr 07 2014
The Gulf Today

SHARJAH: People of Afghanistan are undergoing a groundbreaking electoral exercise: the presidential election. Expats from Afghanistan in the UAE are excited about the result and the prospects the future president holds for the country.

Women from Afghanistan eagerly await a good result for the best future of the nation.

Sudan security bar RNP from holding public seminar despite Bashir directives

Apr 07 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Reform Now Party (RNP), which is chaired by a leading dissident from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani, announced that the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) prevented the party from holding a seminar at the of Omdurman Ahlia University (OAU) despite obtaining prior permission.

IEC To Announce Partial Results Of Presidential Election

Apr 07 2014
Tolo News

Just two days after millions of Afghans safely cast votes around the country, the Independent Elections Commission (IEC) announced on Monday that partial results of the presidential election would be released sometime this week.

IEC officials said votes have been tallied from provinces across the country and are being transferred to the IEC headquarters in Kabul via air transport. Once the ballots have arrived they will verify the count and then announce the preliminary results of the presidential election on April 24.

Sudan’s PCP hails Bashir directives, as SPLM-N says they have “no value”

Apr 07 2014
Sudan Tribune

 Sudan’s opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) has offered a rare praise for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir against the background of his directive on Sunday to release political detainees and allow for more political and press freedoms.

Bashir announced a series of resolutions at the onset of a political roundtable held yesterday in Khartoum with the participation of 83 political parties.

Limogeage d’Oumar Tatam Ly : La faillite du technocrate

Apr 07 2014

Les perdants n’ont pas leur place dans une équipe, a-t-on l’habitude de dire. Cette formule magique et véridique s’applique plus en politique qu’en tout autre domaine. En politique, lorsqu’on perd on quitte. C’est la règle appliquée à tous les démocrates du monde, intègres, dignes, honnêtes. L’ex-Premier ministre Oumar Tatam Ly vient donc d’en faire les frais.

IEC To Announce Partial Results Of Presidential Election

Apr 07 2014
Tolo News

Just two days after millions of Afghans safely cast votes around the country, the Independent Elections Commission (IEC) announced on Monday that partial results of the presidential election would be released sometime this week.

IEC officials said votes have been tallied from provinces across the country and are being transferred to the IEC headquarters in Kabul via air transport. Once the ballots have arrived they will verify the count and then announce the preliminary results of the presidential election on April 24.

Aceh’s Ulema Consultative Assembly: Vote for ‘Pious’ Candidates

Apr 07 2014
Jakarta Globe

Banda Aceh/Malang. Islamic scholars in Aceh called on Muslim voters to vote only for devout Muslim candidates in both legislative and presidential elections, suggesting it was haram, or sinful, to do otherwise.

Aceh’s Ulema Consultative Assembly (MPU), a local version of an umbrella ulema group independent from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), issued the an edict, which specified criteria for leaders and lawmakers for whom Muslims should cast their votes.
