
Iraq Considers State of Emergency As Elections Approach

Apr 05 2014

Iraqi parliamentarians said Friday that the government is seeking to send a draft law to parliament that would allow the announcement of a state of emergency ahead of elections scheduled for April 30.

Iraqi parliamentary rapporteur Mohamed Al-Khalidi told Asharq Al-Awsat that parliament had received the draft National Safety Law on Friday, but warned that it would not be able to ratify the bill due to how late it was submitted.

Blocage du remaniement ministériel : Deux raisons fondamentales

Apr 05 2014

Au sortir des élections législatives, les politiques maliens et beaucoup de nos citoyens, pensaient à un remaniement ministériel, comme l’ont fait les régimes précédemment. Mais très vite, IBK a déjoué tous les pronostics médiatiques et politiques, dont certains politiques prédateurs, prétendaient déjà s’accaparer des postes les plus juteux. Ce qui traduit d’ailleurs, leur ruée vers la majorité présidentielle.



Ahmadzai, Abdullah in lead; run-off likely

Apr 05 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Unofficial results obtained by Pajhwok Afghan News suggest none of the eight presidential runners will be able to reach the magic figure of 50+1 percent of votes.

Countrywide voting in the landmark presidential and provincial council polls began at 7.00am and came to a close at 5.00pm after a one-hour extension in the stipulated time. 

Afghans flock to vote for new president despite threat of Taliban violence

Apr 05 2014

Kabul (CNN) -- Afghan voters turned out in large numbers Saturday for historic presidential and provincial elections, undeterred by the threat of violence by the Taliban and poor weather.

A heavy security presence in the capital, Kabul, and across the country ensured that the vote went largely smoothly, although some attacks were reported.

Afghan elections: polls close as ballots begin to get counted

Apr 05 2014
The Express Tribune

The voting phase of Afghan presidential elections has drawn to a close.

The polls come at a time of increased uncertainty for the central Asian nation as American troops look to withdraw from a 13-year occupation that began after the 9/11 attacks. President Hamid Karzai, who has led Afghanistan since the American occupation, is bound by term limits, and will step down after this term is completed. The build up to the election has been marred by violence as the Taliban stepped up its campaign to dissuade Afghans from voting in an election that, it thinks, is a sham.


Polling concludes; vote count begins

Apr 05 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Voting in the landmark presidential and provincial council elections came to a close after an hour of extension on Saturday evening.

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) said at least 12 million people had been issued with voter cards. Long queues of voters could be seen outside polling stations.

A total of 6,845 polling stations were established throughout the country but 323 were added later on. Among them, security for 420 polling sites could not be ensured.

Afganistán celebra una jornada electoral con alta participación e incidentes aislados

Apr 05 2014
Agencia EFE

Afganistán ha celebrado este domingo sus terceras elecciones presidenciales desde la caída en 2001 del régimen talibán, y los primeros indicios apuntan a un elevado índice de participación entre los cerca de 13 millones de posibles votantes.

Los más de 6.000 colegios electorales abiertos en Afganistán han cerrado las puertas a las 17:00 hora local (12:30 GMT), aunque muchos de ellos han mantenido la actividad hasta que todas las personas que llegaron antes del cierre pudieron depositar el voto.

M’chedallah : Meeting contre la tenue des élections présidentielles

Apr 05 2014
El Watan

Plusieurs centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées ce matin du 05 avril, devant les deux sièges de la daïra et APC de M’chedallah sise à 40 km à l’est de Bouira,  pour assister à un meeting du mouvement de l’Action nouvelle pour les valeurs de démocratie et de liberté (ANVDEL), qui prône le rejet des élections, sous le slogan « Pour une transition démocratique ».

SBY denies ignoring Bawaslu’s summons

Apr 05 2014
The Jakarta Post

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono denied that he did not intentionally meet a recent summons from the Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) as he had never received  an official summons from the agency, says presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha. 

“As of today, April 5, the President has not received a summons from the Bawaslu in connection to the allegation of the use of state money to finance campaigns,” Julian said in a statement made available to The Jakarta Post on Saturday. 

PDI-P Record in Govt a Mixed Bag

Apr 05 2014
Jakarta Globe

With the country’s main opposition party seemingly headed for victory in both the legislative election on Wednesday and the presidential election on July 9, observers say the euphoria needs to be tempered by a rational look back at its track record in government.

Ade Irawan, the coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch, said on Friday that voters were quickly forgetting the “colorful past and track record” of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) when its chairwoman, Megawati Soekarnoputri, was president from 2001 to 2004.

Les étudiants se mobilisent contre «la mascarade électorale» à Tizi Ouzou

Apr 05 2014
El Watan

Le Mouvement de protestation des étudiants démocrates (MPED) issus de l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou a appelé à un rassemblent dimanche 6 avril devant le portail de la maison de la culture Mouloud Mammeri (à 9h), où se tiendra le meeting de Abdelmalek Sellal, directeur de campagne du Président-candidat, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.


Golkar’s Trip Down Memory Lane Incites Widespread Disapproval

Apr 05 2014
Jakarta Globe

As the Golkar Party readies itself to seize on the upcoming legislative election, political analysts remind voters to keep in mind its contentious past.

“Wasn’t it nice in Suharto’s time?” asked Aburizal Bakrie, Golkar Party’s chairman and presidential candidate during his campaigning in Banjarmasin.

In a bid to win more votes, the Golkar Party draws the masses to reminisce on the “good old time” when Suharto was in power, a move met with harsh criticism by an array of political analysts.

Erdogan’s fractured ties to the West

Apr 05 2014

Prior to the March 30 municipal elections, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had adopted strong anti-Western rhetoric, further tarnishing his already damaged image in the United States and Europe, as well as straining Ankara’s relations with the West. The question being asked by Western diplomats and Turkey observers is whether Erdogan, to normalize ties, will tone it down after the strong electoral results secured by his Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Talks with Taliban: Bilawal blames govt for ‘creating a mess’

Apr 05 2014
The Express Tribune
SUKKUR: The patron-in-chief of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, on Friday came down hard on the government for its peace initiative saying that “Bhutto’s grandson is alive and ready to take the challenge”.

He blamed the government for ‘creating a mess’ by pursuing direct talks with militants. “This mess will be washed by the blood of martyrs,” he said while referring to the sacrifices rendered by his grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and mother Benazir Bhutto.
