
K-P political crisis: Imran warns ‘blackmailing’ MPAs he’ll dissolve assembly

Apr 05 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: The simmering political crisis in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa reached a tipping point on Friday when Imran Khan, chief of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), gave a loud and clear warning to a group of disgruntled legislators of his party. He said that he would rather dissolve the provincial legislature and call fresh elections than caving in to the ‘forward bloc’s blackmailing’.

The warning came hours after 14 PTI legislators handed their resignations from the assembly membership to the deputy speaker, Imtiaz Shahid.

SRF rebels say new Chadian troops arrive in Darfur

Apr 05 2014
Sudan Tribune

The rebel alliance the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) claimed that Chadian troops have been recently deployed in the troubled state of North Darfur and urged to withdraw it.

Since last year, rebels groups in Darfur accuse the neighbouring country of militarily backing the regime of president Omer Al-Bashir. But officials in the two countries speak about a joint force to protect the border.

TNI looks to rotation ahead of elections

Apr 04 2014
The Jakarta Post

With the general election nearing, the Indonesian Military (TNI) has decided to rotate its high-ranking officers, including the installation of Maj. Gen. Mulyono as Jakarta Military Commander, replacing Maj. Gen. Hudawi Lubis.

TNI spokesman Col. Bernadus Robert revealed the TNI had rotated 60 high-ranking officers, including Mulyono, former operation assistant to the Army chief of staff, and Hudawi, who would be posted in the role of Army expert staff coordinator.

Moussa Touati : « Il n’y a jamais eu de président de la République en Algérie »

Apr 04 2014
El Watan

'' Le bulletin de vote demeure l’unique et ultime arme du  peuple algérien pour recouvrer sa souveraineté et en finir avec l’actuel pouvoir'', selon Touati.         

Le président du Front national algérien (FNA) Moussa  Touati, candidat à l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril prochain, a appelé  vendredi à Oran les Algériens à utiliser le bulletin de vote comme ''unique  et ultime arme afin de recouvrer leur souveraineté''.         

Deputy PM: local poll showed presidential road open for Erdoğan

Apr 04 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has maintained that the strong support for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the March 30 local elections is a crystal clear sign showing that Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would comfortably be elected if he decides to run for presidency in the upcoming August election.

SPLM-N rebels reiterate demand for comprehensive solution in Sudan

Apr 04 2014
Sudan Tribune

The rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) has reiterated its demand for a comprehensive process to resolve Sudan’s conflicts, demanding the mediation team facilitate meetings with political forces inside the country.

The resolution was endorsed by an extraordinary meeting of the SPLM-N Leadership Council held in rebel-controlled areas in South Kordofan state from 31 March to 3 April. The gathering was chaired by group leader Malik Agar, and also attended by deputy Abdelaziz Hilu and secretary-general Yasir Arman.

Massive demo held ahead of Formula 1 race in Bahrain

Apr 04 2014
Press TV

Tens of thousands of Bahraini protesters have staged an anti-regime demonstration ahead of a Formula One Grand Prix to be held in the Persian Gulf country.

On Friday, around 200,000 men and women marched along 3.5 kilometers (2 miles) on a highway west of the capital Manama.

The demonstration had been organized by al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, the country’s main opposition party.

A ‘civilian’ president should be elected, Turkey’s main opposition leader says

Apr 04 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Ruling out the rumors that his party could support a potential presidential bid by former Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has said “a civilian should be elected as Turkey’s new president.”

Sellal à Sétif : « L’Algérie se porte bien, Bouteflika aussi »

Apr 04 2014
El Watan

« L’Algérie est devenue, aujourd’hui, et tout le monde l’aura constaté,  une force régionale reconnue même par les grandes puissances mondiales », a  indiqué Sellal.

« L’Algérie se porte bien, Bouteflika aussi », a affirmé  vendredi depuis Sétif Abdelmalek Sellal, directeur de campagne du candidat  indépendant Abdelaziz Bouteflika, soulignant que l'Algérie est devenue une  force régionale grâce à la politique prônée par Bouteflika depuis 1999.         

Al Jabha appelle à l'imposition de la Feuille de Route au Gouvernement

Apr 04 2014
Radio Mosaique

Un communiqué publié aujourd'hui, vendredi 4 avril 2014, a annoncé que le Front Populaire était insatisfait du rendement du Gouvernement actuel qui ne respecte pas assez la Feuille de Route du Quartet national et qui prend des décisions allant à l'encontre des intérêts des citoyens.

Le même communiqué appelle à l'imposition de la Feuille de Route au gouvernement actuel pour permettre l'organisation des élections législatives et présidentielles dans les délais décidés lors du Dialogue National.

Pakistan keeps close eye on vote in its Afghan backyard

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: Posters of turbaned Afghan presidential candidates are rolling off the presses in Pakistan, which will be keeping close watch on the election in its strategic backyard.

Helped by cheaper labour and a favourable exchange rate, printers in Peshawar, less than 60 kilometres from the border, have been busy making Afghan election banners.

“We have been swamped with work for the past two weeks because of the Afghan elections. One candidate has asked me to print 200,000 posters,” said printer Mohammad Sajid.

Despite Taliban threats Afghans prepare to vote in presidential elections

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune

KABUL: Despite Taliban threats, Afghans will line up to vote across the war-shattered country in the crucial elections on April 5.

The crucial elections will pave the way for the country’s first-ever peaceful democratic transfer of power, because the constitution bars the incumbent President, Hamid Karzai, from standing again.

The elections are also considered important for the future of Afghanistan as foreign troops will be leaving the country this year.

Elecciones tuteladas en Afganistán

Apr 04 2014
Diario Hoy

Los afganos acuden mañana a las urnas para elegir al sucesor de Hamid Karzai, el único presidente que han conocido desde la caída del régimen talibán en 2001. El dirigente pastún se va de la mano de los últimos 53.000 soldados de la OTAN que, después de trece años de guerra en los que la Alianza Atlántica ha sufrido casi 3.500 bajas, finaliza este 2014 una misión durante la que no ha logrado derrotar a los talibanes. Karzai ya ha adelantado que se quedará a vivir en Kabul y no muy lejos del palacio presidencial.

A thorn in the side: PTI pressure group refuses to meet CM

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: The provincial leadership of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf which is struggling to cope with increasing divides within its ranks in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa suffered another setback on Thursday when its disgruntled members refused to meet Chief Minister Pervez Khattak.

According to insiders, some PTI MPAs tried to set up a meeting between the disgruntled members and CM Pervez Khattak, however, the group members declined, saying they only wanted to talk to party chief Imran Khan.
