
Afghanistan elections: Youth voters 'vital'

Apr 04 2014

Kabul, Afghanistan - The explosion was powerful enough to boom its way over the small, barren mountains covered in makeshift houses that lie in the centre of Kabul and echo over the heads of the throng crowding in to see Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai speak on the last day of the Afghan presidential campaign season. No one in the crowd blinked or even turned their head.

Talking peace: Religious parties demand release of non-combatants

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune
PESHAWAR: A conference organised by the provincial chapter of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) on Thursday asked the government and the Taliban to release all non-combatants, women and children to make ground for furthering peace talks and to extend the ceasefire agreement.

A declaration read out by JI provincial information secretary Israrullah Khan hailed peace talks and condemned those forces who want to sabotage them. The statement also called upon the government to expedite its efforts to achieve peace in the wake of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

President Atambayev signed a decree appointing members of the new government

Apr 04 2014

Bishkek, April 4 / Kabar/. President Almazbek Atambayev signed a decree appointing members of the new government.

Head of the President’s Office Daniyar Narymbaev read out the corresponding presidential decree at the cabinet meeting. 

“Djoomart Otorbaev has been appointed Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan," said Narymbaev. Also new government members have been introduced at the meeting.
From his part Djoomart Otorbaev congratulated the new members of the government and said that the main task of the Cabinet of Ministers is development and prosperity of Kyrgyzstan.

Threatening protests: Jirga demands referendum on Hazara province by April 12

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune

ABBOTABAD: An Awami Jirga comprising representatives of several political parties threatened widespread protests if the promise of Hazara province was not fulfilled before April 12, or at least a referendum announced in this regard.

Organised by Hazara Hurriyat Conference, the jirga was held on Wednesday night and attended by officials from Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Hazara Awami Ittehad, Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Hazara Qaumi Mahaz, All Pakistan Employees Coordination Council (APECC), and All Traders Association Abbottabad.

CSTO Foreign Ministers in favor of fair elections in Afghanistan

Apr 04 2014

Bishkek, April 4 / Kabar /. A meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is held in Moscow with participation of Acting Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Erlan Abdyldaev on April 3, 2014.

The main item of the agenda was the issue of foreign policy coordination of CSTO members on topical issues of international security, the situation in the zone of responsibility and its neighboring areas, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic reports. 

Out of the loop: FATA MNAs to decide future course today

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune

GHALLANI: After boycotting the National Assembly proceedings on Wednesday over the federal government’s perceived disregard for their input, lawmakers belonging to the tribal areas will meet today (Friday) to discuss their next step.

National Assembly members (MNAs) from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) claim the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government has not taken them into confidence with regard to the ongoing peace talks with the Taliban, especially as they represent the people of Fata.

President dissolves Toloykon Rural Council of Kara-Suu region in Osh province

Apr 04 2014
Source: News Agency

The President dissolved Toloykon Rural Council of Kara-Suu region in Osh province, the Informational Policy of the President's Office reported.

It is noted that the suggestion of the Central Electoral Commission to dissolve Toloykon Rural Council because of unelected head of the executive body.

Early elections will be on May 18. The Central Electoral Commission must organize voting and the government - allocate necessary funds.


Time for change: UNDP to help G-B enhance local government

Apr 04 2014
The Express Tribune
GILGIT: Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Assembly will get technical assistance from United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in forming legislation for local government.

A select committee of G-B, headed by regional Law Minister Ali Madad Sher, has sought UNDP’s support in accordance with constitutional provisions, provincial perspectives and best practices.

Ar-Namys faction changes membership in Majority Coalition Council

Apr 04 2014
Source: News Agency

Ar-Namys parliamentary faction changed the membership in the Majority Coalition Council. The decision was made today at the session.

According to the Leader of the faction Felix Kulov, by statute of faction the rotation of office should be holding every half a year. "This time we suggest 5 deputies - Esengul Isakov, Eristina Kochkarova, Tursunbai Bakir uulu, Anvar Artykov and Zamir Bekboyev," he added.

The faction approved these candidacies.

Recall, the new coalition "For development of statehood" was formed; three factions joined it - Ar-Namys, Ata-Meken and SDPK.

EP resolution interference in Iran affairs: MP

Apr 04 2014
Press TV

An Iranian lawmaker says a resolution recently adopted by the European Parliament (EP) on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic is an act of interference in the country’s internal affairs.

“The move by the European Union is [an instance of] meddling in Iran’s domestic affairs,” said Nozar Shafi’ee, a member of the Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, on Thursday.

Dems refutes Bawaslu allegations against SBY

Apr 04 2014
The Jakarta Post

Democratic Party executive chairman Syarief Hasan flat-out denied that party chairman President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had used state facilities to support the party’s campaign, which would be a violation of election regulations.

Therefore, he said, Yudhoyono did not need to attend the General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) in order to clarify the allegation.

“There was no violation and it has been clarified. Thus, there is no need to answer Bawaslu’s invitation,” Syarief said as quoted by

EU raises concern over Aceh violence ahead of election

Apr 04 2014
The Jakarta Post

European Union ambassadors in Indonesia expressed their concern over recent violent incidents in Aceh, which included the killing of three people on Monday, a press statement from the EU's representative office in Indonesia said on Friday.

The EU is calling on the political parties and local authorities in Aceh to ensure that election campaigning is conducted in a peaceful and non-violent manner.

Jokowi’s declaration decreases swing voters: Survey

Apr 04 2014
The Jakarta Post

The recent nomination of Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as a presidential candidate has resulted in a fall in the number of undecided voters, a survey has revealed.

“Since Jokowi entered the presidential race, the number of undecided voters has kept on falling,” Djayadi Hanan, research director at Saiful Mujani Research & Consulting (SMRC), said as quoted by kompas.comon Thursday, based on the results of an SMRC survey.

Pak-Afghan border security will be increased: FO

Apr 03 2014
The News International

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office spokesperson, Tasmin Aslam said Thursday security at the Pak-Afghan border would be increased on April 5 in light of elections in Afghanistan.


During the weekly Foreign Office news briefing, Aslam said Pakistan supported the electoral process in Afghanistan and was willing to provide all possible support.


Electioneering went peaceful in east

Apr 03 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

JALALABAD (Pajhwok): The two-month election campaign that ended last night had been undisturbed throughout eastern provinces, residents and officials said on Thursday.

They said residents widely participated in the electioneering for Saturday’s presidential and provincial council polls and there had been no major security incident.

Nangarhar police spokesman Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal told Pajhwok Afghan News the campaign had gone successful and without any security incident in the province.

Capital Governorate-SCW cooperation discussed

Apr 03 2014
Bahrain News Agency

Manama, Apr. 3. (BNA) – The Capital Governorate and the Supreme Council for Women (SCW)'s Women's Support Centre held a meeting on ways to enhance joint cooperation regarding the governorate's projects and awareness-raising programmes.

The meeting is part of the SCW's efforts to activate the National Plan for the Advancement of Bahraini Women (2013-2022) in all comprehensive development fields.
