
Yalova mayoralty changes hands after CHP’s demand for vote recount

Apr 02 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has announced that Yalova mayoralty on the southern coast of the Marmara Sea has changed hands after a recount following a tight electoral race on March 30.

The first official results gave the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) Yakup Koçal victory over the CHP’s Vefa Salman by a single vote. However, the mayoralty changed hands after the recount, which found that Salman had obtained six more votes than his main rival, according to the CHP.

Coalition of parliamentary majority approved the draft program, structure and composition of the Kyrgyz Government

Apr 02 2014

Bishkek, April 2 / Kabar /. Today a coalition of parliamentary majority approved the draft program, the structure and composition of the government, represented by the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Joomart Otorbaev.

Leader of the SDPK faction Chynybay Tursunbekov explained that the document will be submitted for consideration to committees of the parliament and then forwarded for discussion at a plenary session of Parliament.

The new Government members are:

- Tayirbek Sarpashev – the First Deputy Prime Minister;

Le président du parti MODEC, l’ex-député Konimba Sidibé « IBK gagnerait en mettant rapidement en place un gouvernement de combat »

Apr 02 2014

Les élections générales de 2013, l’état de la nation sous la conduite du président Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita, la situation à Kidal, la lutte contre la corruption, la procédure judiciaire contre les chefs de l’ex-junte, la santé du parti Mouvement pour un destin commun (MODEC) dont il préside aux destinées… Dans une interview exclusive, l’ancien député et vice-président de l’Assemblée nationale, non moins ancien ministre chargé du Contrôle général d’Etat aborde toutes ces questions avec la lucidité qui le caractérise.

Les Maliens regrettent –ils, déjà, Soumi –champion ?

Apr 02 2014

«Si nous devrions revoter entre Soumaïla Cissé et IBK, nous choisirons le premier, sans hésiter ». Voilà ce que l’on entend dans les rues, les grins, les marchés, les supermarchés… et même dans les salons huppés de notre belle et sale capitale.

L’espoir suscité par le plébiscite d’IBK a fait place au désespoir, voire à la désespérance. Arrivé au second tour de l’élection présidentielle avec Soumaïla Cissé, IBK l’a remporté avec un score à la soviétique : 77, 3% des voix.

Salma Baccar prend la tête du bloc démocratique

Apr 02 2014
Radio Mosaique

Les députés du Bloc Démocratique à l'Assemblée Constituante ont décidé de nommer Salma Baccar au poste de Président du bloc à la place de Mohamed Hamdi qui l'avait quitté. Salma Baccar restera à la tête du bloc pour les trois prochains mois avant de laisser sa place au député Rabeh Kheraïfi du Parti Républicain.



IEC Reaffirms Commitment To Interference-Free Elections

Apr 02 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Wednesday reaffirmed its commitment to preventing any interference that could compromise the integrity of Saturday's presidential and provincial council elections.

“No institution, individual, group or government will be allowed to interfere in the elections,” IEC Chairman Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani said. "The Election Commission will honor its promise to the nation and ensure impartiality in the elections."

Bahrain sentences protesters to long jail terms

Apr 02 2014
Press TV

Bahraini authorities continue to mount pressure on dissent as a court in Manama hands heavy prison sentences to nine people including teenagers.

The Bahraini protesters were sentenced Wednesday on charges of attacking police during anti-regime rallies, with sentences ranging from five to ten years each.

The court said the protesters were among around 30 masked men who allegedly pelted a police patrol vehicle with Molotov cocktails in the village of Nuwaidrat in March last year.

UNAMA Optimistic About Saturday’s Election

Apr 02 2014
Tolo News

On Wednesday UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Jan Kubiš, expressed satisfaction  over the preparations undertaken by the independent election commission of Afghanistan (IEC) with regard to the presidential elections.

Kubiš urged the neighboring countries that attended the UNSC meeting that have made commitments to continue backing Afghanistan in restoring stability and security.

He expressed that a transparent and credible election will pave the way for a peaceful transition of political power in the country.

UN envoy warns of "divisive" Iraq election campaign

Apr 02 2014
Your Middle East (AFP)

Campaigning for Iraq's April 30 elections will be "highly divisive" as parties appeal to their sectarian bases at a time of worsening violence, the UN's envoy to Baghdad has warned.

Nickolay Mladenov also pushed for Iraqi leaders to urgently pass a much-delayed annual budget within two weeks, noting that further postponing the spending bill would badly impact on drawing much-needed business and investment to the country.

Rassoul’s Last Campaign in Kabul

Apr 02 2014
Tolo News

Wednesday marks the end of the 2014 Afghan presidential and provincial council campaigns. Presidential candidate Zalmai Rassoul presented his last campaign to the residents of Kabul.

Rassoul promised to fight corruption and compulsion elaborating that winning will not be possible through either.

 “I would like to declare to those who use power and wealth to coerce their way thru things, that Afghanistan has changed," Rassoul said. "Today’s Afghanistan is not the extreme conservative Afghanistan, but rather a moderate Afghanistan.”

Abdullah Promises Equality Under Law

Apr 02 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah spoke at his last campaign before the election in Kohdaman district of Kabul on Wednesday, promising to implement equality under law if elected.

He said the fair and consistent implementation of rule of law in Afghanistan would resolve many of its current challenges.  

“If elected as president, we hope to fulfill the aspirations of the citizens by implementing the law equally so Afghanistan can get away of its ongoing problems,” Abdullah said.

195,000 ANSF Deployed To Polling Centers: MoD

Apr 02 2014
Tolo News

With only three days left until Afghans head to the polls, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced on Wednesday that 195,000 Afghan National Police (ANP), National Directorate of Security (NDS) and Afghan National Army (ANA) forces  have been deployed to polling centers around the country. 
MoD spokesman Zahir Azimi also claimed foreign interests are behind attempts to derail the election process, echoing previous remarks made by other Afghan security officials and politicians in response to the recent surge in violence across the country. 

Overseas-vote counting will take place on April 9: PPLN

Apr 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) head Wahid Supriyadi has confirmed that ballots cast by registered Indonesian voters living overseas will be counted on April 9 concurrently with the legislative election in Indonesia.

"The counting of votes cast for the legislative election at overseas polling stations will be carried out at PPLN offices in those countries at the same time as the votes are being counted in polling stations in Indonesia," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Govt to look at 'one person, one vote' proposal

Apr 01 2014
The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: The government will have a closer look at a proposal to adopt a “one-person, one vote” model based on racial composition for future polls, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim.

Shahidan, who is in charge of parliamentary affairs, said he would recommend this as part of the pending redelineation exercise by the Elec­tion Commission (EC).

While agreeing with Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) on the one per­son, one vote concept, Shahidan said it would be better if done based on race.

Plus de 70% des adhérents d'Ennahdha votent pour le report du congrès

Apr 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le Mouvement Ennahdha a dévoilé aujourd'hui, mardi 1er avril 2014, les résultats primaires du referendum organisé parmi ses adhérents pour le report du congrès national du mouvement à une date ultérieure aux élections législatives et présidentielles. Les adhérents du parti ont voté à 70.31% pour le report de ce congrès, 28.91% ont voté contre ce report et 0.78% des votes ont été annulés.

