
Louisa Hanoune à Djelfa : «Le système unique est à l’origine de tous nos maux»

Apr 01 2014
El Watan

L’Algérie traverse une crise profonde. Je suis venue vers vous pour vous proposer une solution à cette crise. L’unique issue est l’édification d’une deuxième République», croit dur comme fer la seule candidate à la prochaine joute électorale.

De notre envoyée spéciale

Women caucus: ‘Amendments to Child Marriage Act on the cards’

Apr 01 2014
The Express Tribune
LAHORE: “The law of inheritance for women was always there and it is unfortunate that we need a new law for its implementation,” women caucus convener Uzma Bukhari said on Monday.

She was addressing an interface with civil society organisations organised by Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).

“Women can now register inherited properties under their name by paying Rs500 stamp duty. Heavy stamp duty had prevented them from doing so in the past,” she said.

Puntland government supports 3-region South-western State

Apr 01 2014

Somalia's federal state of Puntland on Monday (March 31st) announced its support for the formation of the new South-western State led by Mohamed Haji Abdinur, Somalia's Garowe Online reported.

"Puntland government conveys warm congratulations to southwest state of Somalia's people on their role in crowning an autonomous state," Puntland said in a statement. "[The Puntland government] fully supports the formation and the development of southwest state of Somalia."

Iraq general election campaign begins

Apr 01 2014
BBC News

Campaigning has begun for next month's general election in Iraq, with Prime Minister Nouri Maliki seeking a third consecutive term in office.

No single bloc is expected to win a majority of the 328 seats in the Council of Representatives on 30 April.

However, Mr Maliki's Shia-dominated State of Law alliance is widely seen as the front-runner.

The poll comes with violence in Iraq at its highest level since the peak of the sectarian insurgency from 2006 to 2008.

Boudiaf s’en lave les mains

Apr 01 2014
El Watan

Le ministre de la Santé de la Population et de la Réforme hospitalière, Abdelmalek Boudiaf, a tenu à se démarquer de l’initiative prise par l’administration hospitalière de délivrer des invitations et des ordres de mission à des médecins et des paramédicaux pour assister à une prétendue rencontre avec le ministre, prévue à l’hôtel Riadh, à Sidi Fredj, alors qu’en réalité il s’agissait d’un meeting animé par le directeur de campagne du candidat sortant, Abdelmalek Sellal.

@SirajOfficial: Meet the man leading the Jamaat

Apr 01 2014
The Express Tribune

q is the second JI chief to be elected from K-P after Qazi Hussain Ahmed who led the party for about 22 years after taking over from Mian Tufail Muhammad in 1987. Like Qazi, Haq has taken charge of the party at a comparatively younger age. Qazi was just 49, while Hasan was 65 when he took over in 2009.

Qazi was one of the party’s longest serving chiefs of the party and Siraj is likely to follow his trajectory, as he has yet to encounter any headstrong contenders for leadership in the near future.

What we know about Haq

Sudanese opposition party rejects ex-vice president call for dialogue

Apr 01 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s opposition Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) has rejected a request to meet with the former First Vice President, Ali Osman Taha, saying it will not engage in the national dialogue without creating the appropriate environment for it.

SCoP described the government’s call for dialogue as an attempt to divide the opposition front and weaken Sudanese people struggle for change.

New coalition nominated Djoomart Otorbaev to the post of prime minister

Apr 01 2014

Bishkek, April 1 / Kabar /. The new coalition of parliamentary majority nominated Djoomart Otorbaev to the post of prime minister. Leader of the SDPK faction Chynybay Tursunbekov told at an extraordinary meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh. 

According to him, three fractions (SDPK, Ata Meken, Ar-Namys) of the coalition of the parliamentary majority approve this candidate.



PPP, MQM forming alliance to thwart peace talks: Taliban sources

Apr 01 2014
The News International

KARACHI: Taliban sources have claimed that the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in Sindh are engaged in making alliance in a bid to thwart peace talks.

The Taliban sources said that during their one-month ceasefire Sindh government continued to arrest Taliban activists and tortured them in prison.



Israel offers Al-Sisi $80 million support for his presidential campaign

Apr 01 2014
Middle East Monitor

Egyptian security sources revealed details of a meeting between Egyptian and Israeli military officials which took place two weeks ago.

The same sources uncovered two secret visits by the Egyptian coup leader and presidential hopeful Al-Sisi to Israel in the past two months, in which he met with Israeli PM Netanyahu to coordinate joint security and political issues.

Ministère de Nabil Benabdellah: La direction de la politique de la ville voit le jour

Apr 01 2014
Aujourd'hui le Maroc

La politique de la ville a sa direction. Le ministère de l’habitat et de la politique de la ville vient, en effet, d’annoncer la création de ce nouveau département.

Le nouvel organigramme qui a été adopté, jeudi 27 mars, en Conseil de gouvernement, compte désormais 7 directions si l’on comptabilise la direction de la politique de la ville.

Pour Mohamed Nabil Benabdellah, ministre de l’habitat et de la politique de la ville, le portage de la politique de la ville sera «nettement plus conséquent, résolu et efficace» grâce au nouvel organigramme et à la nouvelle direction.

Afek Tounes : Les militaires et policiers devraient voter

Apr 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Lors d'une conférence tenue par le parti Afek Tounes dans la journée du mardi 1er avril 2014, les dirigeants du parti ont appelé à fixer un toit pour les dépenses des partis politiques lors des campagnes électorales et diminuer ainsi la circulation de l'argent politique.

Les dirigeants du parti ont aussi appelé à permettre aux militaires et agents de l'ordre de voter lors des prochaines élections.


PML-N deliberates on removing Musharraf from ECL

Apr 01 2014
The News International

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chaired a meeting of the top leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) which deliberated on whether former military ruler General (retd) Pervez Muharraf should be allowed to travel abroad.

The meeting failed to reach a decision on the issue and Prime Minister Sharif has summoned the leaders to deliberate again on Tuesday.

Chaudhry Nisar, Khawaja Asif, Parvez Rashid, Sardar Mehtab Abbasi and Ahsan Iqbal were among the PML-N leaders who attended the meeting.

Electoral watchdog fines Sherzai, Rassoul

Apr 01 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The electoral watchdog on Tuesday fined presidential runners Gul Agha Sherzai and Zalmai Rassoul for violating the Election Law during their campaigns.

At an emergency meeting, the Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) decided 10 complaints, including three against Zalmai Rassoul.

IECC Chairman Abdul Sattar Sadat said the objections against Rassoul pertained to the use of official resources in his electioneering.

Deputies suggest holding public hearings on Kyrgyzstan’s accession to Customs Union

Apr 01 2014
Source: News Agency

Deputies suggest holding public hearings on Kyrgyzstan's accession to Customs Union, the initiative was proposed by Ulukbek Kochkorov at session of the committee on economic and fiscal policy.

It was decided to invite specialists from all steering departments. "We don't understand what will be in Kyrgyzstan if we enter, and it is the main question among the population, we even don't know what to answer," he noted and added that developers of the road map themselves can't explain all advantages and disadvantages of entering the CU.

Bahrainis resolute in fight for freedom: Analyst

Apr 01 2014
Press TV

A political analyst says the people of Bahrain will remain “resolute” in their calls for freedom, stressing that the Manama regime’s heavy-handed crackdown cannot “quiet” the ongoing protests, Press TV reports.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, Colin Cavell, a former professor at the University of Bahrain, criticized the ruling al-Khalifa regime in the Arab country for stepping up the clampdown on dissent, saying such a move will not “scare” and “quiet” the anti-regime protesters in the Persian Gulf country.

IBK contre-attaque

Apr 01 2014

Dans un communiqué diffusé ce vendredi 28 mars 2014 sur les ondes de l’Office de la Radiotélévision du Mali (ORTM), la présidence malienne a réagi et s’est montrée très agacée par les graves accusations de deux journalistes français.
