
Noureddine Bhiri : notre référendum s’est déroulé dans l’impartialité

Apr 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le dirigeant du mouvement Ennahdha et ex-ministre de la justice, Noureddine Bhiri a indiqué lors de l’émission « A La Page » que le référendum organisé par son parti s’est déroulé dans une atmosphère de transparence d’impartialité. 

Noureddine Bhiri a déclaré que plus de 70% des 38682 participants au référendum ont voté pour l’organisation du 10e congrès national d’Ennahdha après les prochaines élections. 

Fewer people than expected cast votes in Hong Kong

Apr 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

An official with the Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) said he regretted the low number of Indonesians in Hong Kong who had cast their votes for the legislative election. According to Bawaslu, only 10 percent of 102,000 Indonesians living in Hong Kong had cast their votes.

“This is a very low figure,” Bawaslu commissioner Nelson Simanjuntak said in Jakarta on Tuesday as quoted by

Tian Chua mulls pulling out of PKR No. 2 race

Apr 01 2014
The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: Incumbent PKR vice-president Tian Chua (pic) said he might pull out from the six-cornered deputy presidency race pending talks with the party’s top leadership.

Speaking to reporters at his office here on Tuesday, the Batu parliamentarian said the discussion was necessary in the move to reduce competition, and to build a solid leadership within the organisation.

The talks, he said, would include consultation with outgoing secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, who is also vying for the post, because of their "close friendship".

Al Jabha signe son règlement de base

Apr 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Les secrétaires généraux des partis formant le Front Populaire (Al Jabha Chaabia) ont signé le règlement de base du front et le présenteront à la Présidence du gouvernement pour sa validation puisque la loi des partis politiques ne contient aucune mention aux alliances.

Le coordinateur général du Front Populaire, Zouheir Hamdi, en dit plus.



Election posters fill Baghdad as campaign starts

Apr 01 2014
Your Middle East (AFP)

Campaigning for Iraq's April 30 general election opened Tuesday, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki bidding for a third term as his government grapples with the country's worst bloodshed in years.

Iraqis face a long list of daily struggles, ranging from lengthy power cuts and poor running water and sewerage to rampant corruption and high levels of unemployment, to say nothing of a seemingly endless stream of attacks which have killed more than 2,200 people this year.

Turkey's ruling AKP mulls its road map for the post-election era

Apr 01 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Having achieved a clear success in the key local polls, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has already started to ponder its road map in the new term, prioritizing an amendment to the law on the national spy agency and the establishment of a parliamentary commission to investigate corruption claims over four former ministers. 

Parliament is set to begin work on April 8 and the first thing it is expected to do is establish the investigation committee. According to Parliament’s internal regulations, the commission should be set up before May 3.

President back in Mogadishu after Baidoa trip

Apr 01 2014
Shabelle News
The president of the Federal Republic of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud concluded his brief trip to Baidoa to meet with rival politicians in the Bay region.
The president returned to Mogadishu at dawn today today and reported to the media that very soon there will be a solution to the political tensions in Baidoa.
Furthermore, the Speaker of Parliament and his delegation are still in Baidoa and are expecting to take meetings with clan elders in Bay.
Autor: Maalik Eng

Azmin: Anwar didn't stop me from contesting president's post

Apr 01 2014
The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR deputy president Azmin Ali (pic) has denied reports that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim stopped him from contesting the president's post in the upcoming party polls. 

Azmin will be defending his deputy president position in a six-way tussle.

"I opted to remain as deputy president after discussing with my colleagues in the party," he told reporters at the parliament lobby on Tuesday.

"This wasn't my decision. I had to discuss with various parties. More importantly is that the party is strengthened in facing the 14th general election," he added.

Turkey's Opposition to Appeal Local Election Results in Ankara

Apr 01 2014

Turkey's main opposition, the People's Republican Party (CHP), will appeal against election results in Ankara.

The decision comes after the capital remained in hands of the ruling Party of Justice and Development (AKP), amid predictions the opposition could score a victory.

The AKP gained 44.8% of the results, compared to the CHP's 43.9%, The Journal of Turkish Weekly has reported. During the counting of ballots, the vote was described as a close call.

Bhiri dénonce l'attaque sur un bureau d'Ennahdha à Sfax

Apr 01 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader au sein du Mouvement Ennahdha, Noureddine Bhiri, a dénoncé aujourd'hui, mardi 1er avril 2014, l'attaque de certains adhérents à des partis politiques sur le bureau local d'Ennahdha à El Hancha à Sfax et a demandé aux partis en question de présenter leurs excuses officielles.



Aburizal takes campaign to eastern Indonesia

Apr 01 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chairman and presidential candidate Aburizal Bakrie left Jakarta on Tuesday to campaign in cities in Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara ahead the legislative election on April 9.

Aburizal and his 50-strong entourage, which includes 20 journalists, departed from Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport in East Jakarta aboard a Fokker 100 aircraft.

The chartered executive jet was bound for Makassar, South Sulawesi, where Aburizal is expected to lead Golkar's national campaign together with the province's governor, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, who is also a Golkar member.

Résolutions de la crise du nord : Le gouvernement divisé sur les négociations avec les rebelles

Apr 01 2014

Les choses n’avancent pas dans les négociations entre le gouvernement et les bandits armés dont une partie participe aux négociations pour le retour de l’administration au nord et le cantonnement des combattants rebelles. Selon de sources concordantes, on évoque une division au sein du gouvernement concernant les concessions à faire

M. Baroudi: Les députés de l'Alliance démocratique voteront pour l'article 15

Mar 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader à l’alliance démocratique, Mahmoud Baroudi, a assuré que les députés du parti à l’ANC, vont voter pour le passage de l’article 15 du projet de la loi électorale.

Baroudi a expliqué que cette décision a été prise après le vote de la majorité des députés pour son passage lors du conseil national du parti à Sfax.



French FEMEN activists deported after protest in Turkish PM’s constituency

Mar 31 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Two FEMEN activists, who had staged a protest at an Istanbul polling station in Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s constituency on March 30, have been deported.

The two women, who are reportedlyFrench citizens, were detained after they showed up in Üsküdar’s Burhaniye Elementary School, where Erdoğan went to vote in a previous election. The activists, who had written “Ban Erdogan” on their topless chests and backs, grabbed and threw away several ballot papers. 

Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan declares victory after local elections

Mar 31 2014

(CNN) -- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan dominated debates leading up to Sunday's local elections, even though he wasn't on the ballot.

Even before results were announced, a triumphant Erdogan spoke to cheering supporters from the balcony of the headquarters of his ruling Justice and Development Party, calling the vote a victory for democracy in Turkey.

Erdogan said he delivered an "Ottoman slap" to opponents at the polls. He compared his opponents to medieval assassins, and he vowed to pursue them.

Coalition Awfia: Proposition de modification du projet de la loi électorale

Mar 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Mohamed Kamel Gharbi, président de la coalition Awfia pour le contrôle de l’intégrité des élections a déposé, aujourd’hui 31 mars 2014, une proposition pour la modification du projet de la loi électorale au bureau d’ordre du président de l’ANC.

Notons qu’aujourd’hui est le dernier délai pour la présentation de modifications du projet de la loi électorale qui passera au vote le 7 avril prochain lors d’une séance plénière.

