
Gauche. Oubliez le rassemblement !

Mar 31 2014

Le Rassemblement de la gauche démocratique (RGD), constitué en 2007 par le PSU (Parti socialiste unifié), le PADS (Parti de l’avant-garde démocratique et socialiste) et le CNI (Congrès national ittihadi), cède la place à une fédération, la FGD. Elle a été officiellement annoncée le 23 mars à Rabat. Ses revendications :  une monarchie parlementaire et une constitution démocratique.

Sudan’s DUP calls for establishment of national transitional government

Mar 31 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) led by Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani has laid out its view on the national dialogue initiative announced by the Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir earlier this year

In a televised address to the nation late last January, Bashir announced a four-point plan for reform “to stop the war and bring peace, free political society, fight against poverty and revitalise national identity”.

Main opposition's Istanbul mayoral candidate concedes defeat

Mar 31 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) mayoral candidate for Istanbul, Mustafa Sarıgül, has made the first statement after the ruling party’s Kadir Topbaş led the elections in the city March 30, promising to keep fighting for the future of the country. 

Sarıgül said he knew installing and consolidating real democracy was a tough journey, as the elections had shown him once again. 

Sudan’s vice president mobilising Darfur tribal militias: JEM

Mar 31 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) has accused second vice-president Hassabo Mohamed Abdel-Rahman of leading a campaign to arm Darfur tribes and described him as “warlord”.

JEM’s secretary of social affairs, Babiker Abakr Hassan Hamadain, said in a press release on Monday that Khartoum continues to mobilise Darfur tribes on a social basis besides targeting certain ethnicities on the same basis.

Gouvernement : Réunion extraordinaire avant l’envol du président pour Bruxelles

Mar 31 2014

Le gouvernement a anticipé lundi sa réunion hebdomadaire du jeudi en prévision du départ le même jour du président Aziz pour Bruxelles a appris « ».

Le président Aziz quitte Nouakchott en début d’après midi à destination de la capitale belge où il devrait prendre part au sommet Union Européenne-Afrique, prévu les 2 et 3 avril prochain.

Le président Aziz, rappelle-t-on, assure la présidente tournante de l’Union Africaine.



President & Speaker meet with politicians in Baidoa

Mar 31 2014
Shabelle News
The president of the Federal Republic of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the Speaker of the Somali Parliament Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari took special meetings with political parties in Baidoa.
According to the president’s advisor Abdirahman Osman Yarisow, he mentioned that the aims of the meeting are to resolve political issues that are going on in the city.
Engineer Yarisow mentioned that the Somali Government are planning on  implementing federalized states in all of the country’s regions.

Local polls have not whitewashed corruption, MHP leader says

Mar 31 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Whatever the results of the local elections, they should not be interpreted as an acquittal of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on accusations of immorality, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli said early March 31.

Citing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s balcony speech where he stood with his family members who are subject to a graft probe after the initial results of the elections, Bahçeli said those who were saluted at the balcony had not been exonerated.

Réunion extraordinaire du gouvernement: Communiqué final

Mar 31 2014

Le Conseil des Ministres s’est réuni lundi 31 Mars 2014 sous la Présidence de son Excellence Monsieur Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, Président de la République.

Le Conseil a entendu une communication du Premier Ministre sur le rapport des travaux de la rencontre des jeunes de la nation avec le Président de la République, rencontre qui a eu lieu les 20 et 21 Mars 2014 à Nouakchott.

Observation internationale de la presidentielle : après l’UE, le NDI décline l’invitation

Mar 31 2014
Algerie Express

L’ONG américaine NDI (National Democratic Institute), proche du parti démocrate du président Obama, a décliné l’invitation du gouvernement algérien qui l’a sollicitée pour participer à l’observation de l’élection présidentielle prévue pour le 17 avril.

Les raisons invoquées par le NDI pour justifier son refus sont les mêmes que celles avancées par l’UE : délais insuffisants pour mettre en place une commission de surveillance, standards internationaux non respectés…

Hatay a rare upset for ruling AKP in tight race

Mar 31 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Lütfü Savaş retained his mayoral seat in the southern Turkish province of Hatay, but this time with a different party, following a close battle in the local elections on March 30. 

Savaş entered the race as the Republican People’s Party (CHP) candidate, after his former side, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), did not field him for a second run in Hatay. 

Savaş won 42.27 percent of the votes over AKP’s Sadullah Ergin, the former Justice Minister, who ended up with 39 percent. 

Samir Dilou : Les avis multiples ont toujours existé au sein d'Ennahdha mais ne l'ont jamais divisé

Mar 31 2014
Radio Mosaique

Samir Dilou, leader au sein du Mouvement Ennahdha, est intervenu sur nos ondes pour parler du referendum organisé par son mouvement pour décider du report du congrès exceptionnel prévu pour le mois de juillet 2014. Le referendum qui s'est déroulé dans plus de 300 bureaux locaux du Mouvement Ennahdha, permettra de mettre un terme aux différends au sein même du mouvement.

Samir Dilou a aussi déclaré que les avis multiples au sein du mouvement font simplement partie de la démocratie du mouvement et ont toujours existé depuis la création du mouvement mais ne l'ont jamais divisé.

‘This is only the beginning,’ CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu says, warns of ‘witch-hunt’

Mar 31 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has evaluated his Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) results in the March 30 local elections as a “start,” while warning of a possible “witch-hunt” after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s aggressive victory speech.

Afghans Brave Long Lines To Register To Vote

Mar 30 2014
Tolo News

A number of Kabul residents waited hours to register to vote in Saturday’s election, but the wait did not hinder the spirits of those in line because they say voting in this year’s election is a way of fighting against fundamentalists.

For the past few days people have been waiting in line long before registration centers open at 8 a.m. and stay till the centers close for the day.

Erdogan slams Gulen, supporters

Mar 30 2014
Press TV

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen and his supporters amid recent online leaks that have exposed major corruption.

“They are shameless,” said Erdogan during an election rally in Istanbul on Saturday, referring to Gulen and his supporters.

The Turkish premier has repeatedly accused Gulen and his followers of being behind the recent social media leaks and wiretaps that have led to a major corruption scandal.

Ghani Promises Economic Growth in Herat

Mar 30 2014
Tolo News

Speaking to supporters in Herat on Sunday, presidential candidate Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai promised to turn the western province into the industrial and commercial trade capital of Afghanistan if elected.

The development plans Ashraf Ghani shared with his supporters on Sunday included the construction of a trade port along the border with Turkmenistan, the completion of the Kamal Khan Dam project in Nimroz, the Salma and Pashdan Dam in Herat and the Badghis Highway. He also promised to turn the Herat International Airport into a hub for international trade and transit.

Assad ‘prepares for election’ despite ongoing Syria crisis

Mar 30 2014
Associated Press

Syrian president Bashar Assad is quietly preparing the ground to hold elections early this summer, even as the Syrian conflict rampages into its fourth year with large parts of the country either in ruins or under opposition control.

Amid the destruction, which has left more than 140,000 dead, presidential elections may seem impossible. But Syrian officials insist they will be held on time.
