
Communists poised to win in eastern Turkish district

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey appears set for its first-ever mayor to win under the banner of the Turkish Communist Party (TKP).

Fatih Mehmet Maçoğlu is poised to win the district of Ovacık in the eastern province of Tunceli (Dersim) for the TKP, which entered the election in the area as part of an alliance with the left-wing civil organizations, Dersim Democratic People's Solidarity (DDHD) and the Democratic Peoples' Federation (DHF).

58 parties agree to take part in Sudan’s national dialogue: NCP

Mar 30 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has announced that 58 parties agreed to take part in the national dialogue in order to reach a consensual vision among all political forces to resolve the country’s crises.

The NCP reiterated its call for the opposition forces and rebel groups to join the national process, saying any party which refuses to engage in the dialogue would only isolate itself.

Ghani leading presidential race: ATR survey

Mar 30 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai is leading the race for the presidency, followed by Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, a new pre-election survey revealed on Sunday.

Conducted by Assess Transform and Reach (ATR), the survey said about 26.9 percent of respondents voted for Ahmadzai, while 24.7 percent supported Abdullah.

Ex-foreign minister Dr. Zalmai Rassoul received 7.5 percent of votes those polled. More than 3220 people were asked about their perceptions.

First mayor with a headscarf: Ruling AKP

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Fatma Toru, the mayoral candidate for the Meram district of Konya from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), has been elected, according to a local official of the AKP.

Mustafa Ulvi Bezirci, who chairs the AKP's district office in Meram, has announced Toru's victory. If Bezirci's claim will be confirmed, Toru will become the first mayor in Turkey wearing a headscarf.

Bashir meets tribal leader over dispute with North Darfur governor

Mar 30 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir held a meeting with the notorious tribal leader Musa Hilal to discuss his dispute with the North Darfur governor, Osman Kibir, in the Chadian border town of Um Jaras on Sunday.

Hilal who was one of the main militia leaders that participated in the counterinsurgency campaign during the first years of Darfur crisis, turned recently his militiamen against le governor Kibir and accused him of feeding tribal conflicts in the state.

Rassoul Promises To Fight Violence Against Women

Mar 30 2014
Tolo News

Violence against women in Herat is a major issue that was addressed by presidential candidate Zalmai Rassoul during his campaign rally in Herat on Sunday.

Rassoul said in his speech that if elected president he will focus on fighting the issue.

“I am aware of the kidnappings, bullying and security issues of Herat,” Rassoul said. “If elected, I assure you, I will fight these phenomenons.” 

That majority that gathered at Rassoul’s campaigning in Herat were females.

Bahrain court gives life sentence to 13 protesters

Mar 30 2014
Press TV

A court in Bahrain has sentenced 13 pro-democracy protesters including several teenagers to life in prison, as the Al Khalifa regime steps up its crackdown on dissent.

The court issued the verdicts on Sunday after convicting the defendants of allegedly attempting to kill a policeman and participating in an anti-regime protest outside the capital city of Manama in March 2012.

Mohammad Al-Tajir, a lawyer for the convicted Bahrainis, said another person was sentenced to 10 years in prison in the same case. He added that the defense plans to appeal.

Police launch investigation into 5 campaign violations

Mar 29 2014
The Jakarta Post

The National Police have launched investigations into five alleged campign violations that had been reported by the Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu), a police official said on Friday.

The allegations include the deliberate destruction of campaign paraphernalia in Bali, the use of state facilities and the involvement of subdistrict heads in campaigns in Central Java, organizing political events outside the official campaign period in Papua, and vote-buying in West Sumatra.

Int’l community to observe Indonesia elections

Mar 29 2014
The Jakarta Post

An official with the General Elections Commission (KPU) said 19 international organizations, 42 individuals from Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam, 30 foreign diplomats and representatives from neighboring countries had requested to observe the general election.

“I have asked all related parties to safeguard the upcoming elections and prevent them from all possible interventions,” KPU commissioner Hadar Navis Gumay said as quoted by on Saturday.

N. Bhiri: Le nombre de participants au référendum sera connu après la fin du vote

Mar 29 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader au Mouvement Ennahdha, Noureddine Bhiri, a assuré aujourd’hui 29 mars 2014 dans une déclaration à Mosaïque FM, que le nombre total des participants au référendum sera annoncé après la fin du vote destiné pour décider le report du congrès du parti.

L’annonce sera effectuée avec précision sur le nombre des inscrits sur les listes et sur les participants au vote, ainsi que les résultats en détails, a ajouté Bhiri.

Row Over President’s Flight to Lampung

Mar 29 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Activists on Friday slammed the Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) for dismissing reports about alleged campaign violations by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Democratic Party chairman.

“There is an impression that the Bawaslu chairman is siding with Yudhoyono as if he wants to protect the president,” Said Salahuddin, from the group People’s Synergy for Democracy, said on Friday.

Critics lambasted Yudhoyono for allegedly using state facilities for political campaigning purposes — a clear violation of electoral law.

Différends autour de l'instance provisoire du contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois

Mar 29 2014
Radio Mosaique

Un différend a éclaté dans la journée du samedi 29 mars 2014 entre les membres de la commission  de législation générale  au sein de l’assemblée  nationale constituante  lors de l’examen du projet de création de l’instance provisoire du contrôle  de la constitutionnalité des lois  et notamment autour de la révocation des membres de ladite instance. Ce différend a éclaté à la suite de l’acceptation de la proposition selon laquelle les trois présidents pourraient être à l'origine de  cette révocation. 

PDIP says already met with Hatta Rajasa`s team

Mar 29 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The secretary general of the Indonesia Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP), Tjahjo Kumolo, said he has met with Hatta Rajasas team to discuss coalitions and presidential, as well as vice presidential, candidates.

"I have met with the teams of Hatta Rajasa, as well as other figures," he said here on Saturday, when asked about PDIPs candidate who will serve as Joko Widodos running mate.

Assad ‘prepares for election’ despite ongoing Syria crisis

Mar 29 2014
Associated Press

Syrian president Bashar Assad is quietly preparing the ground to hold elections early this summer, even as the Syrian conflict rampages into its fourth year with large parts of the country either in ruins or under opposition control.

Amid the destruction, which has left more than 140,000 dead, presidential elections may seem impossible. But Syrian officials insist they will be held on time.

Le CPR lance une pétition en faveur de l'exclusion politique

Mar 29 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général Imed Daymi  du parti Congrès pour la république  a annoncé dans la journée du samedi 29 mars 2014 qu’une pétition nationale a été lancée en soutien à l’article 15 portant sur  l’exclusion politique dans le projet de la  loi électorale pour empêcher  les anciens Rcdistes  et symboles de l’ancien régime de participer aux prochaines élections. 

Golkar claims Soeharto`s government better than present administration

Mar 29 2014
Antara News

Sleman, Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - The general chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie (ARB), again praised former president Soehartos government during a campaign rally here on Saturday, saying that it was better than the present government.

"I am ready to run for president to revive Soehartos glory," he said.

Straight fight for PKR president’s post between husband and wife

Mar 29 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will challenge incumbent party president, his wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail for the president post in the party election.

Their move is seen as a way to consolidate the family's control over the party if Anwar goes to prison pending his appeal on his sodomy 2 conviction.

Anwar filed his nomination papers at 11am on Saturday via his representative former PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali, who acted as his proposer.

The nomination was seconded by PKR vice treasurer-general Low Chee Chong.
