
I. Daïmi : Marzouki reste notre candidat aux présidentielles

Mar 26 2014
Radio Mosaique

Lors d'un meeting populaire de son parti à Gabès, le Président du Congrès Pour la République, Imed Daïmi, a assuré que le candidat de son parti aux élections présidentielles n'est autre que Moncef Marzouki.

Imed Daïmi a aussi déclaré que son parti s'alliera avec des partis qui partagent ses mêmes programmes pour éviter de commettre les mêmes erreurs que pendant ces trois dernières années.


Ata-Zhurt parliamentary faction decides to join coalition of majority

Mar 26 2014
Source: News Agency

Ata-Zhurt parliamentary faction decides to join coalition of majority, the member of the faction Kurmantai Abdiev said to news agency.

According to him, the day before they received official invitation from SDPK on joining the alliance, and today after consulting with its leader Myktybek Abdyldaev, they intend to answer in the affirmative.

Ata Meken and Ar-Namys also announced about joining the alliance.

Bahrain forces attack anti-regime protesters

Mar 26 2014
Press TV

Bahraini forces have once again attacked anti-regime protesters as demonstrations continue in various parts of the country.

On Wednesday, demonstrations against the unrelenting crackdown on pro-democracy uprising continued in several villages across the tiny Persian Gulf country.

Anti-regime demonstrations were also held in the villages of A’ali, Samahich, and Diraz, as well as on the island of Sitra, east of the capital Manama.

Al Sisi anuncia por fin su candidatura a la presidencia de Egipto

Mar 26 2014
El País

Después de más de tres meses de todo tipo de rumores y filtraciones, ya es oficial:  Abdelfattá al Sisi, el ministro de Defensa de Egipto, concurrirá a las próximas elecciones presidenciales. El flamante aspirante realizó el anuncio a través de un mensaje dirigido a la nación emitido por la televisión pública. Todavía no existe una fecha para los comicios, que estaban previstos para mediados de abril, pero tuvieron que ser atrasados. De momento, el único otro aspirante es el político nasserista Hamdin Sabbahi.

Damaged ballots on the up ahead of election, says KPU

Mar 26 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has announced an increasing number of damaged ballots, from the earlier amount of 1.5 million to the current 2.7 million.

“We have received reports of 2.7 million damaged ballots, approximately 0.37 percent out of the total number. It is widespread in 301 regencies and municipalities,” KPU commissioner Arief Budiman said on Tuesday as quoted by

He said the KPU would verify the number of reported damaged ballots before reprinting the ballots.

Greater media role for youth needed, minister says

Mar 26 2014
Gulf News

Manama: Youth have been urged to play a more prominent role in the media, Bahrain’s state minister for information has said.

Opening the Gulf Radio and Television Festival in the capital Manama, Sameera Ebrahim Bin Rajab said that the motto “Our Youth is the Future of our Media” was a highly significant indicator of what needed to be done in Arab countries.

Chance for candidates to show stance on rights

Mar 25 2014
The Jakarta Post

Candidates competing in the July 2014 presidential election will have an opportunity to explain to voters their positions on major human rights issues thanks to a new survey, an international non-governmental organization (INGO) has said.

Human Rights Watch (HRW), an INGO that conducts research and advocacy on human rights, said that it had distributed a questionnaire to likely presidential candidates on March 21, giving them nine questions on the country’s most pressing human rights concerns.

Gov’t, opposition fearing voting fraud in Turkish elections

Mar 25 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

With just days to go before crucial local elections in Turkey, concerns about the credibility of ballots are being raised from varying parts of the political spectrum. 

The ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) Ayşenur İslam and opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli have been the latest figures to raise questions on the issue. 
İslam, Turkey’s Family and Social Policy Minister, claimed that the way her party could be beaten on March 30 was “through cheating.” 

Iraq's election commissioners resign weeks before polls

Mar 25 2014
BBC News

The board of Iraq's election commission has resigned in protest at what it says is political and judicial interference ahead of April legislative elections.

The joint decision was made to preserve the independence and impartiality of the commission, a statement said.

It had faced huge pressure as a result of a dispute over the interpretation of the electoral law, it added.

A clause approved last year allows for the exclusion of candidates considered not "of good reputation".

M. Marzouki : l’opposition partage mes repas et puis m’insulte

Mar 25 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de la république, Moncef Marzouki a indiqué lors d’une interview accordée au journal koweitien, Al Kabs que les partis de l’opposition se réunissent au palais de Carthage au début de chaque mois pour manger puis ils l’insultent via les médias. Par ailleurs, Moncef Marzouki a indiqué que le régime du président déchu a unifié les tunisiens voulant bâtir une démocratie en Tunisie.


Présidence du gouvernement: Jomaâ n’a rencontré aucune figure de la mouvance jihadiste

Mar 25 2014
Radio Mosaique

La présidence du gouvernement a démenti dans un communiqué publié sur sa page officielle sur Facebook, l’information parue dans le dernier numéro du journal "Akher Khabar" selon laquelle, le chef du gouvernement, Mehdi Jomaâ a rencontré l’une des figures de la mouvance salafiste jihadiste, dit Al Idrissi, et l’a exhorté à appeler les jeunes salafistes au calme et à ne pas avoir recours à la violence. 

UN calls on Turkey to stop blocking Twitter

Mar 25 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The United Nations on March 25 called on Turkey to stop blocking Twitter, saying Ankara could be breaching its international rights obligations by banning the social networking site.

"We are concerned that the blocking of access to Twitter on the 20th of March by the telecommunications agency may be incompatible with Turkey's international human rights obligations," said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the U.N. high commissioner for human rights.

Duel et dilemme au sommet de l’Etat : L’heure du choix pour IBK

Mar 25 2014

Le cœur du président de la République balance entre le Premier ministre, Oumar Tatam Ly nommé à ce poste en raison de ses capacités intellectuelles et son fils, Karim Keïta, député, à l’AN et de surcroit président de la commission défense et sécurité de la même institution dont les ambitions deviennent de plus en plus démesurées. Les partisans de deux protagonistes ne cessent de se faire entendre. Chaque camp y va avec sa stratégie : dénonciation calomnieuse par-ci par-là, cabale par-ci par-là, critiques acerbes de part et d’autres.

Prabowo Reads Poem Attacking ‘Liars,’ Gerindra Still Open to PDI-P Coalition

Mar 25 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) has said a coalition with its one-time ally and now biggest rival, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is still possible, despite escalating political tension and obvious competition.

Gerindra chairman Suhardi said on Monday that the party was still open to a coalition with any political party, including with the PDI-P.
