
T. Abdouli: Des huissiers notaires pour accompagner les électeurs analphabètes

Mar 24 2014
Radio Mosaique

Touhami Abdouli, président du parti du Mouvement national, a assuré, aujourd’hui, 24 mars 2014 dans une déclaration à Mosaïque FM, que son parti a rallié l’Union pour la Tunisie.

Abdouli a critiqué dans cette déclaration l’accompagnement des analphabètes lors des élections et il a proposé de mettre un mécanisme légal qui consiste à charger un huissier notaire lors du vote de ces derniers.

K. Badreddine: l’examen du projet de loi pour la création de l’instance pour le contrôle de la constitutionnalisation

Mar 24 2014
Radio Mosaique

D’après la présidente de la commission de législation générale auprès de l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante, Kalthoum Badreddine les membres de la commission devront commencer, à partir de ce mercredi 26 mars 2014, l’examen du projet de loi pour la création de l’instance provisoire chargée du contrôle de la constitutionnalisation des lois. 

Kalthoum Badreddine a ajouté qu’elle estime que le projet de loi électorale sera soumis par le bureau de l’ANC à une session plénière dans un délai ne dépassant pas le 3 ou le 4 avril prochain.

K-P Governor respects replacement decision by federal govt

Mar 23 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Governor Engineer Shaukatullah Khan said that the federal government has decided to replace him and that he will leave the office in honour of that decision.

He said this while talking to journalists at the Governor House during a civil awards ceremony on Sunday.

Khan further said that every governor has to leave the office according to an established system, adding that he was glad that he spent all his time in public service as the Governor. He also appreciated the honesty and devotion of his team during his tenure.

Hamadi Jebali démissionne du poste de S.G. d'Ennahdha

Mar 23 2014
Radio Mosaique

Zied Laadhari, porte parole du Mouvement Ennahdha, a déclaré dans la soirée du dimanche 23 mars 2014 que Hamadi Jebali a bel et bien présenté sa démission de son poste de secrétaire général du Mouvement. Zied Laadhari n'a cependant pas donné les raisons qui ont poussé Jebali à démissionner de son poste.



Passing of the baton: G-B gears up for elections next year

Mar 23 2014
The Express Tribune
GILGIT: Following the green light from Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Birjis Tahir, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) led G-B government is set to complete its five-year term, with plans to hold elections next year.

The decision was taken during a meeting chaired by the chief minister, PPP’s Secretary Information Rana Nazeem told The Express Tribune on Saturday, adding that elections would be held after the G-B Assembly’s five-year term ends on December 11.

Security Threats May Undermine Some Polling Stations

Mar 23 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Sunday said that recent assessments carried out by site monitors indicate security issues have increased in some parts of the country, and will likely keep the IEC from distributing election materials to those areas.

Although the IEC has previously "finalized" a list of functional polling facilities - 6,775 polling centers and 21,663 polling sites - the new revelations about deteriorating security in some parts of the country is likely force election officials to adjust their expectations.

Samad speculation risks KPK integrity

Mar 23 2014
The Jakarta Post

Anticorruption activists have expressed their concerns over speculation that Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Abraham Samad will be a vice presidential candidacy in the July 9 presidential race, saying the development could disturb the antigraft body’s impartiality.

Speculation intensified after Abraham made a statement suggesting he did not reject being paired with one of the presidential candidates.

Bouteflika absent de la campagne

Mar 23 2014
El Watan

C’est inédit dans les annales électorales de par le monde et même à travers les siècles. Jamais un candidat qui veut présider (encore) aux destinées d’un pays n’aura fait acte de candidature dans un état de santé qui est celui du chef de l’Etat sortant, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, et n’aura fait campagne par procuration, la déléguant à une flopée de soutiens, dont certains viennent d’être recrutés à la présidence de la République : Ahmed Ouyahia (chef de cabinet) et Abdelaziz Belkhadem (conseiller spécial).

Indonesia must become self-sufficient: Prabowo

Mar 23 2014
The Jakarta Post

Gerindra Party presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto said in a campaign rally at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Central Jakarta on Sunday that Indonesia must become a nation that was able to meet the needs of its people without depending on imports.

“The Indonesian people have vast agricultural areas, but we still have to import cassava, corn, garlic and papaya from other countries. Under the leadership of Gerindra, Indonesia must become a producer, instead of consumer,” said Prabowo, who is also the party’s chief patron, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Govt urged to pass bill on indigenous people’s rights

Mar 23 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) has called for the immediate ratification of the indigenous people’s rights acknowledgment and protection bill, so the well-being and sustainable livelihoods of indigenous people can be protected.

“We urge the Indonesian government to immediately implement the Constitutional Court and House of Representatives’ decisions to pass a bill on the acknowledgment and protection of indigenous people’s rights,” AMAN secretary-general Abdon Nababan said in a statement in Jakarta on Sunday, as quoted by Antara news agency.
