
Dozens injured as clashes erupt in Egypt

Mar 22 2013


Egyptian protesters have clashed with supporters of President Mohamed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, and ransacked three offices nationwide including the group's headquarters in Cairo, leaving at least 90 people injured.

The group's spokesman Ahmed Aref said on Friday that men assaulted women in the office who were holding an event commemorating Mothers' Day, and then forced them into bathrooms before they destroyed the office's contents.

Postponing holding next elections in Anbar, Nineveh provinces

Mar 19 2013
Iraqi News

The Council of Minister decided to postpone holding the next local elections in Anbar and Nineveh provinces for six months.


A statement by the CoM received by cited “During its tenth meeting, the CoM decided to postpone holding the next elections in Anbar and Nineveh province for six months according to the request of Anbar Provincial Council to postpone the elections due to the security situation.”


March 14 youth demand unity

Mar 18 2013
the Daily Star

Activists called on March 14 coalition politicians Sunday to unite and build a civil state, during the annual commemoration of the coalition’s founding at the Beirut International Exhibition and Leisure center.

The event held in Beirut, where activists, rather than political figures, took center stage, revealed sharp differences in opinion between key March 14 leaders on how to reform the country’s electoral law.

Mostafa Kavakebian announces presidential candidacy

Mar 17 2013
Mehr News

Mostafa Kavakebian, the secretary general of the pro-reform Mardomsalari party (Democracy Party), officially announced that he will run in the presidential election due on June 14.

Kavakebian, a former MP, made the announcement in a news conference in Tehran on Saturday, saying that he has set no condition for his participation in the election, except for the strict implementation of the law.

Election body ready with suggestions to improve electoral system

Mar 13 2013
The Jordan Times

The Independent Elections Commission (IEC) on Wednesday said it would soon submit to His Majesty King Abdullah a detailed report on the parliamentary elections of this year, after it has completed a “review” of all stages of the process.

The report will include recommendations to improve the country’s electoral system, including amending the 2012 Elections Law, according to IEC chief Abdul Ilah Khatib.

Isie: Protestations contre des restrictions budgétaires

Mar 12 2013
La Presse

L’Instance supérieure indépendante pour les élections (Isie) a dénoncé, hier, les restrictions budgétaires qui lui sont imposées par le gouvernement.
« La demande du gouvernement de réduire les dépenses  mensuelles de l’Isie, à travers la fermeture de ses sections régionales, et le renoncement à payer les salaires de son personnel pour les prochains mois, est une mesure restrictive qui vient saper son indépendance », regrette l’instance dans une déclaration.

"Sonatrach II fera tomber de grosses têtes": Ali Brahimi

Mar 12 2013

L'histoire retiendra que c'est Ali Brahimi, ex-député, qui a osé, en 2010, faire une proposition de commission d'enquête sur la corruption, rejetée par l'APN de l'époque. Dans cet entretien, il revient sur les scandales de corruption et le rôle manqué de la société civile et du Parlement devant la propagation de ce phénomène qui menace l'existence de l'Etat et ses institutions. Il estime que l'affaire dite Sonatrach 2 aboutira à faire tomber une, deux jusqu'à trois grosses têtes.

