
Sudan opposition to boycott 2020 elections

Jun 13 2018
Middle East Monitor

The Sudanese opposition alliance announced on Monday that it will boycott the general elections scheduled in 2020 after the ruling party approved a new electoral law rejected by the alliance.

The alliance’s media secretary, Mohamed Diyauddin said: “Boycotting the elections is a political process par excellence, and the positive boycott programme aims, through political mobility, to clarify the flaws in the new electoral law and the futility of the electoral process.”

PM Abadi says opposed to repeat of Iraq election

Jun 12 2018
Middle East Monitor

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday he opposed any repeat of the 12 May parliamentary election and warned that anyone who tried to sabotage the political process would be punished, after allegations of electoral fraud raised tensions.

Parliament has demanded a nationwide recount of votes, drawing calls for the election to be re-run. Abadi said only the Supreme Court could decide whether to re-run the vote, which was won by a bloc headed by Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

New social contract key item on gov’t agenda — Razzaz

Jun 12 2018
The Jordan Times

AMMAN (JT) — Prime Minister-designate Omar Razzaz said on Monday that the King’s directive in the Letter of Designation to forge a new social contract could be the most important item on the political agenda that his in-the-making government is entrusted to implement.

Razzaz made his remarks during a meeting at Al Hussein Youth City with the secretaries general of political parties, as part of a series of meetings and consultations he is holding to form a government and its action plan for the next stage, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

Sept candidats lancent “la Convention des Bâtisseurs“

Jun 11 2018
Mali Web

A un mois de la présidentielle au Mali, les alliances se multiplient. Trois anciens ministres du président sortant (Moussa Mara,Housseini Amion Guindo et Mountaga Tall) et quatre autres hommes politiques (Dr Hamadoun Touré, Moussa Sinko Coulibaly, Modibo Sidibé et Clément Dembélé) ont signé cette semaine une “Convention des bâtisseurs.”

Sadr rejects election rerun, warns of civil war after ballots burned

Jun 11 2018
Middle East Monitor

Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, whose coalition won the largest number of seats in the country’s recent parliamentary elections, has rejected calls for an election rerun, warning Iraqis about breaking out of a possible “civil war” just a day after a storage site in Baghdad, which housed ballot boxes, was purportedly torched ahead of a recount.

Egypt's Parliament approves in principal two new laws to regulate press and media

Jun 11 2018
Ahram Online

After approving a draft law on press and media regulation in principle on Sunday, Egypt’s parliament endorsed two complementary laws aiming to establish the activity of the National Press Authority and the National Media Authority.


Parliamentary Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal said "as the two laws are subject to revision by the State Council in legal and constitutional terms, a final vote will be postponed to a later date."

Hariri to Hand Aoun First Govt. Format Following Consultations

Jun 09 2018

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is expected to meet with President Michel Aoun over the weekend to assess the developments as per the formation of the new government after completing consultations, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Saturday.

Two weeks after his designation, “Hariri is set to present the first government format, a Cabinet comprised of 30 ministers distributed on various political parties very much similar to the current caretaker Cabinet,” unnamed sources told the daily.

L’opposition partante pour 2019

Jun 09 2018

Les révélations sur des négociations secrètes entre le pouvoir et le Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDU), une forte coalition formée de partis politiques (8), de syndicats et de personnalités indépendantes, ont, à nouveau, perturbé les manœuvres de rapprochement avec le Rassemblement des forces démocratiques (RFD), l’autre aile dure de l’opposition mauritanienne.

Le PAM compte ses soutiens pour une motion de censure contre le gouvernement

Jun 08 2018

La possibilité de recourir à une motion de censure pour faire tomber le gouvernement n’est pas exclue par les députés du PAM. Mais, pour que celle-ci aboutisse à la démission collective du gouvernement El Othmani, le parti devra convaincre d’autres formations de se joindre à lui s’il souhaite réellement entraîner .

Erdoğan says state of emergency may be lifted after elections

Jun 08 2018
Daily Sabah

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday said the state of emergency may be lifted after the presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24.

Speaking at a live interview on CNN Turk news channel, Erdoğan said his government will discuss in details and make necessary assessments to lift the state of emergency imposed following the deadly coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

"Our fight against the Gülenist Terror Group continues with the same tempo as day one," Erdoğan said.

ECP announces changes in election schedule, polling date remains same

Jun 08 2018
Geo tv

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Friday announced changes in the schedule for General Elections 2018, however, polling date will remain the same.

The ECP said that the date for submission of nomination papers was extended for facilitating political parties.

The nomination papers can now be submitted until June 11, the ECP said, adding that candidatures for reserved seats for women and minorities could also be submitted until the same date.

Turkey’s elections to be monitored by 8 international bodies, election watchdog YSK says

Jun 08 2018
Daily Sabah

Eight international organizations will observe Turkey's early presidential and general elections on June 24, Turkish election watchdog announced on Friday.

The Turkish Supreme Board of Election (YSK) has provided accreditation to observers from eight international institutions for the upcoming elections, an official from the top election body told Anadolu Agency.

Egypt's new PM Madbouly starts consultations to form new cabinet

Jun 08 2018
Ahram Online

Egypt's newly appointed Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly has started consultations to form a new cabinet and is expected to be sworn in next week, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

Cabinet sources said that Madbouly is expected to finish forming the new government next week and will be sworn in before Eid El-Fetr, which is expected on Friday 15 June. The sources said that the new cabinet will include between 17 to 20 new ministers, mostly from service ministries.

Communist Party denies dialogue with Sudan’s ruling party

Jun 07 2018
Sudan Tribune

The opposition Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) dismissed reports about a political dialogue with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), stressing they are committed to regime change strategy.

The head of the NCP political sector Abdel Rahman al-Khidir stated on Wednesday that his party has engaged a dialogue to bridge the gaps over the national dialogue process with the Sudanese Communist Party and left parties, as well as figures in the National Umma Party

Constitutional Council Says 17 Election Appeals Filed

Jun 07 2018

Head of the Constitutional Council Issam Suleiman announced on Thursday that 17 appeals have be filed to the Council contesting the results of the parliamentary elections.

Suleiman said the appeal “does not stop the results of the elections. Elected candidates are considered lawmakers as soon as the results are announced,” he said during a press conference one day after the deadline for submitting appeals expired.

Debate Lingers over Number of Govt.

Jun 07 2018

In spite of “optimistic atmospheres” of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri that he is putting “maximum effort” to line-up the government, the formation path “has not witnessed any announced contacts” since his return from Riyadh, amid indecisiveness on whether it should include 32, 30 or 26 portfolios, al-Joumjouria daily reported on Thursday.

Sources of al-Mustaqbal Movement told the daily “although consultations are still young, but they are in progress.” They said Hariri wants to balance between the aspirations of political parties and the need to form a government."

Que l’emportent les vrais débats sur l’Etat de la Nation

Jun 07 2018
Mali Web

La présidentielle du 29 juillet 2018 est une étape cruciale dans l’histoire de la nation malienne. Ce scrutin doit permettre au pays de voir, enfin, le bout du tunnel ou de rester dans l’impasse. Les bulletins de vote auront donc toute leur importance citoyenne et patriotique pour que nous acceptions de voter pour le plus offrant aux dépens du plus crédible et du plus réaliste. D’où la nécessité d’instaurer de vrais débats républicains passant au crible les projets de société. Si alternance il doit y avoir, elle ne doit pas rester uniquement formelle.
