
Sudan’s ruling party in S. Kordofan backs al-Bashir re-election in 2020

Jun 01 2018
Sudan Tribune

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in South Kordofan state voiced its support to the re-election of President Omer al-Bashir for a new term in the election of 2020.

The decision was taken in the meeting of the NCP leadership in South Kordofan headed by the newly appointed governor Gen Ahmed Ibrahim Mufadal who is also the chairman of the ruling party in the troubled state.

"The meeting announced its support for the nomination of Marshal Omer al-Bashir for a new term in the elections of 2020," according to the official Sudan News Agency.

Process for July 25 polls starts today

Jun 01 2018
Dawn News

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday issued the schedule for the 2018 general elections.

According to the schedule, returning officers through public notices will invite nominations from prospective candidates on June 1, while nomination papers will be filed from June 2 to 6.

The list of nominated candidates will be published on June 7. The last date for scrutiny of nomination papers is June 14, while June 19 will be the last date for filing of appeals against acceptance or rejection of nomination papers.

Nasirul Mulk sworn in as caretaker PM

Jun 01 2018
The Express Tribune

Justice (retd) Nasirul Mulk on Friday took oath as the country’s interim prime minister.

The newly-appointed caretaker chief executive’s oath was administered by President Mamnoon Hussain at the President House. Following the ceremony, Justice Mulk was presented a guard of honour by the armed forces.

Speaking to the media after the oath-taking, the interim premier said free and fair polls were his priority.

“Mark my words, general polls will be held timely,” Mulk said,

Egypt's Future of Homeland party swells as 200 MPs join ranks

Jun 01 2018
Ahram Online

The parliamentary landscape is being redrawn as MPs from For the Sake of Egypt and Free Egyptians Party migrate

Future of Homeland Party head Ashraf Rashad has revealed that 150 independent MPs who are members of the For the Sake of Egypt Association have decided to join the party. The new intake will quadruple the party’s representation in parliament.

Nidaa Tounes au bord de la crise de nerfs

May 31 2018
Jeune Afrique

Engluée dans d’interminables errements, la formation tunisienne au pouvoir, Nidaa Tounes a été durement sanctionnée lors des municipales du 6 mai. Et ne sait plus sur quel pied danser…

«C’est très sensible comme sujet. » Au téléphone, un analyste politique, bien connu des cercles dirigeants, réclame l’anonymat. La crise qui frappe la formation du président, Nidaa Tounes, ne s’évoque que mezza voce. « Désolée, je dois suivre les consignes », nous écrit une candidate pour justifier sa prudence face à notre demande d’interview.

Plusieurs partis mettent en garde contre la crise politique que connait le pays

May 31 2018

Plusieurs partis tunisiens ont mis en garde contre l’aggravation de la crise politique au pays après l’allocution du chef du gouvernement Youssef Chahed mardi soir à l’adresse du peuple tunisien.

Pour le parti Al Joumhouri, le gouvernement Chahed “est l’illustration de l’échec du pouvoir issu des élections de 2014 en raison de l’absence d’une vision, d’une volonté de réforme réelle ou d’un traitement des échéances présentes vers l’atténuation du chômage, le développement, l’équilibre régionale et la lutte contre la corruption”.

Les raisons d’un pacte

May 31 2018

Discours de Biram Dah Abeid à la cérémonie qui scelle l'alliance électorale et politique entre le courant qui soutient BDA aux élections présidentielles et le parti ESSAWAB.

Il y a dix ans, naissait l'initiative pour la Résurgence du mouvement Abolitionniste en Mauritanie (IRA). Tout de suite, le mouvement a été identifié, par le pouvoir en place, comme le vecteur de la subversion sociale et le levier de la déconstruction idéologique. 

Top Turkish court rejects appeal against election law

May 31 2018
Daily Sabah

Turkey's Constitutional Court on Thursday rejected main opposition Republican People's Party's (CHP) application for the annulment of several articles of the electoral alliance law on the grounds of election security.

The electoral alliance law, allowing political parties to form alliances for the first time in Turkish politics, was ratified by the Parliament on March 13. The court's decision was important as there are only 24 days left for the snap parliamentary and presidential elections in June.

Good Party gradually unraveling with series of resignations

May 30 2018
Daily Sabah

With less than a month remaining for the presidential and parliamentary elections, resignations continue to plague the newly established Good Party (İP). Most recently, the founding member and general board member of the İP, Ruhat Mengi, resigned from her duties, blaming the party of being different than it is being portrayed

Resolution seeking delay in elections submitted in Balochistan Assembly

May 30 2018
Pakistan Today

A resolution demanding one-month delay in general elections was submitted in Balochistan Assembly on Wednesday.

The resolution, submitted by Balochistan Home Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, sought that elections be held in August, instead of July this year, because “a majority of the public wants to undertake Hajj for which [many] would be travelling to Saudi Arabia in July” and hence, they would be unable to vote in the elections.

PM Abbasi reiterates call for free, fair elections

May 30 2018
The Express Tribune

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Wednesday reiterated his call for free and fair elections and voiced concerns regarding a government, non-representative of the masses, assuming power.

“You can see what happened in Balochistan and the Senate. It is not in the country’s best interests,” said the premier while addressing a news conference in Islamabad.

« IBK sera réélu grâce à son bilan positif », assure le porte-parole du gouvernement

May 30 2018
Jeune Afrique

Amadou Koïta, ministre de la Jeunesse et porte-parole du gouvernement malien, défend le bilan d'Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, qui s'est porté officiellement candidat à un second mandat, lundi 28 mai. Pour le porte-parole du gouvernement, IBK sera réélu dès le premier tour à la présidentielle du 29 juillet. Interview.

Ending the de facto ruling political institutions and the way forward

May 30 2018
Libya Herald

Yesterday, President Emmanuel Macron managed to break the Libyan iceberg in Paris. He convened all four parties to the Libyan conflict, along with the heavyweight presence of presidents and high delegations from a number of state. The meeting resulted in the parties agreeing to a joint statement. This statement symbolizes a new roadmap for Libya: a shortcut to elect legitimate institutions for a probably new transitional period that would lead to the adoption of a Libyan constitution and stability for the country.

La comisión electoral de Irak anula los resultados de las parlamentarias en más de mil centros de votación

May 30 2018
Europa Press

La comisión electoral de Irak ha anunciado este miércoles la anulación de los resultados de las parlamentarias celebradas el 12 de mayo en más de mil centros de votación debido a las irregularidades registradas en los mismos.

En su comunicado, recogido por el portal local de noticias Iraqi News, el organismo ha señalado que ha analizado 102 colegios electorales en diez provincias donde hubo denuncias por parte de los partidos políticos y ha confirmado que hubo violaciones del proceso.

LF Concerned of Bassil’s Attempt to Break their Relation with Aoun

May 30 2018

The Lebanese Forces emphasized eagerness to maintain good relations with President Michel Aoun, voicing fears that outgoing Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil “seeks to break” their ties with the “presidential term,” al-Joumhouria daily reported on Wednesday.

“Bassil wants to blow the LF relationship with the presidential term,” by allocating the share of the president in the new government to figures belonging to his “political line,” LF sources told the daily on condition of anonymity.

El Parlamento de Irak exige un recuento manual del 10% de los votos

May 29 2018
Europa Press

El Parlamento de Irak ha aceptado este lunes rechazar los votos de los iraquíes que han abandonado el país y de los desplazados internos y ha exigido un recuento manual del 10 por ciento de las papeletas debido a las denuncias de fraude en las elecciones parlamentarias celebradas el pasado 12 de mayo.

Los votos anulados incluyen los de aquellos que se han marchado de Irak y los que se han desplazado de forma interna en todas las provincias excepto en Ninive, según ha informadola cadena de televisión kurda Rudaw.

Sisi will officially be inaugurated president for a second term next Saturday

May 29 2018
Egypt Independent

Egypt’s Parliament is conducting final preparations for the inauguration of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as president of Egypt for a second term, after he won the election held on March by 97%.

Sisi will officially begin his second term as president next Saturday according to Al-Ahram newspaper, following a constitutional oath before the special session of the parliament, which will attended by members of the House of Representatives as well as a number of guests and the media.
