
Palestine submits ICC referral to open probe into 'Israel crimes'

May 22 2018
Al Jazeera

In a first, Palestinian leadership submits referral to International Criminal Court to investigate 'Israeli crimes'.

For the first time, the Palestinian government has submitted a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) calling on prosecutors to open an immediate investigation into what it called Israeli crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories. 

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki arrived on Tuesday at the independent court, based in The Hague, Netherlands, to meet with Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda. 

Sudanese opposition meets in Paris

May 22 2018
Sudan Tribune

The Sudan Call forces will hold a four-day meeting in Paris to discuss the ongoing efforts for in the country and internal organizational issues, said Minni Minnawi the Secretary-General of opposition alliance on Tuesday.

In statements to Sudan Tribune, Minnawi said the opposition umbrella will start its meetings on 23 May and will conclude it on 27 May.

He explained that the meetings will discuss the statute of the Sudan Call and other regulations to organize the activities of its institutions.

Al Sadr se reúne con Al Ameri para hablar sobre la formación gobierno

May 21 2018
Europa Press

El clérigo chií Muqtada al Sadr se ha reunido este domingo con Hadi al Ameri para abordar la formación de un nuevo Gobierno en Irak,después de que la alianza del primero se hiciera con la victoria en las elecciones.

Durante el encuentro los rivales políticos han discutido los resultados de las elecciones parlamentarias, tal y como recoge un comunicado de la oficina de Al Sadr. "El proceso de formar un gobierno debe ser una decisión nacionalimportante y debe contar con la participación de todas las partes que salieron victoriosas", señala el documento.

Les leçons du scrutin

May 21 2018
Jeune Afrique

Les premières élections municipales libres ont été boudées par les citoyens. Si les grands partis subissent une forme de désaffection, les listes indépendantes réalisent une percée inédite.

« Ce n’est pas comme pour la Constituante de 2011. Le cœur n’y est plus », se désole Souad, retraitée de l’enseignement. Elle se souvient encore avec émotion des longues files de citoyens enthousiastes de participer au premier scrutin postrévolution. Sept ans se sont écoulés depuis : une éternité.

Decisive Week: New Govt. Forms

May 21 2018

The mandate of Lebanon’s parliament --which extended its own mandate for three consecutive times since its election in 2009-- ends at midnight Monday, meanwhile the government gears for its final meeting at Baabda Palace to tackle 59 items before it turns into a caretaker government on Tuesday.

The cabinet will convene at the Presidential Palace and will be chaired by President Michel Aoun to discuss several issues including the problematic electricity file, said al-Joumhouria daily.

Al Tagammu excludes approach to Al Nour ahead of municipal elections

May 21 2018
Egypt Today

Al Tagammu Party praised Sunday the suggested idea of launching alliances between political parties ahead of the coming municipal elections. However, the leftist party asserted that it will not join any alliance that includes Al Nour Salafi Party. 

Al Tagammu Spokesperson, Nabil Zaki, told Egypt Today that the party’s policy rejects any alliances or cooperation with a party based on religious concepts. Zaki added that upcoming municipal elections will not witness any cooperation between Al Tagammu and Al Nour Party. 

Who will be the caretaker prime minister?

May 21 2018
Geo tv

A day before Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah and Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi are expected to announce the name of caretaker premier, a few names have started doing the rounds for the post.

According to sources, a few names are under consideration for the post and Shah and PM Abbasi have agreed on who should be the caretaker prime minister. "Now, discussions are underway on the caretaker cabinet," the sources said.

After meeting Abadi, Sadr says new government will be 'inclusive'

May 20 2018
Al Jazeera

Shia leader meets political rivals in Baghdad as Iraq enters period of negotiations for formation of next cabinet.

Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shia leader whose bloc beat expectations to come out on top in Iraq's parliamentary vote, has held separate meetings with rival political leaders, ushering in what could be an extended period of negotiations over the formation of a new government.

Al-Sadr first met incumbent Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi late on Saturday, before holding talks with Hadi Al-Amiri, the leader of the pro-Iranian Fatah bloc, a day later.

The Change Movement Is Considering To Withdraw From The Political Process

May 20 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

The National Council for Change Movement (Gorran) is scheduled to hold a meeting to discuss the issue of withdrawal and boycott the political process in Iraq.

Nazar Mahmoud, a member of the National Council of Change Movement, said in a press statement that the National Council for Change Movement is scheduled to hold a meeting in the next few days to discuss a number of files, including the withdrawal from the political process in Iraq, adding that the meeting will address the results of Iraqi Council of Representatives , and violations took place in those elections.

Adéma divisé sur le soutien à IBK

May 20 2018
Jeune Afrique

L'Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali (Adéma), une des principales formations de la majorité, est divisée sur le soutien à apporter à la candidature du président malien sortant Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta lors de la présidentielle de juillet.

Ces divergences au sein de l’Adéma, deuxième parti de la majorité après le Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM) du président Ibrahim Boubacar KeÏta (IBK), sont publiquement apparues samedi soir lors d’une réunion à Bamako.

I will lift state of emergency day after elections if elected: Meral Akşener said

May 20 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

If elected, İYİ (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener promised on May 18 “to lift Turkey’s state of emergency the day after the snap elections.” 

“The state of emergency will be lifted the day after I’m elected,” Akşener said, addressing thousands who had gathered for a weekly airing of broadcaster Halk TV’s interview program.

“I will find a trustworthy logistics firm,” she said, declaring her objectives set to be accomplished on June 24 if she gets elected in the snap polls.

CHP presidential candidate İnce vows new constitution, new democracy

May 20 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

Muharrem İnce, the presidential nominee of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), has vowed a new constitution reinstalling a strong parliamentary system guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law if elected in the June 24 snap election. 

İnce unveiled his election manifesto on May 19, the 99th anniversary of the launch of the War of Independence by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey in Samsun, a Black Sea costal city from where Atatürk started a three-year war against occupying forces in 1919.

Al Sadr celebra su victoria electoral

May 19 2018
Europa Press

El clérigo iraquí Muqtada al Sadr, una de las figuras más destacadas de la historia política reciente de Irak, ha celebrado el triunfo de su bloque en las elecciones parlamentarias asumiendo la responsabilidad de la victoria y culpando de la situación actual "a quienes han fallado a este país".

"Vuestro voto ha sido un honor para nosotros y una responsabilidad que vamos a asumir. No os decepcionaremos, la culpa la tienen quienes han fallado a este país", ha hecho saber a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

La victoria del bloque de al Sadr abre las negociaciones para formar Gobierno

May 19 2018
El Mundo

Como ya anticiparon los resultados parciales, el heterogéneo bloque del clérigo chií Muqtada al Sadr se ha alzado con el triunfo en las elecciones parlamentarias iraquíes, con 54 de los 329 diputados del Hemiciclo. La semana que ha tardado la comisión electoral en anunciar el recuento, entre llamadas de algunos partidos kurdos a repetir las votaciones o el asedio de centros en la disputada Kirkuk, desvela las complicadas y largas negociaciones que se abren ahora para formar Gobierno.

Sudan rebel groups have to consider transformation into political parties

May 19 2018
Sudan Tribune

Yasir Arman, the deputy leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North led by Malik Agar said political changes in the country and at the international level require to reconsider the armed struggle and to espouse peaceful political tools.

The historical SPLM since its inception in 1983 opted for the armed action against the central government in Khartoum until the signing of a political agreement in 2005. However, the Sudanese faction resorted to the military action just before the independence of South Sudan in July 2011.

Sécurisation du processus électoral

May 19 2018
Mali Web

A moins de trois mois de l’élection présidentielle du 29 juillet, la fièvre électorale monte à Bamako et à l’intérieur du pays. Les candidats se déclarent progressivement, et le fichier électoral audité vient d’être rendu public. Mais la montée de l’insécurité au Nord et au Centre du pays inquiète l’opposition qui se pose des questions. Du côté du gouvernement, on rassure que les élections se tiendront à la date indiquée. Et le ministre de la sécurité d’annoncer des garanties pour la sécurisation du processus électoral.

Hizbullah Eyeing ‘Key’ Share in Cabinet

May 19 2018

Hizbullah party is reportedly eyeing an increased share in Lebanon’s new government amid reports it could “foil its formation” shall Prime Minister Saad Hariri respond to the U.S. “veto” against the party, Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat daily reported on Saturday.

Hizbullah, “will not accept to get the so called non-service-related ministerial portfolios like it did in previous governments,” said the daily.

BiH Prime Minister resigns of the candidacy for member of BiH Presidency

May 19 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo Times

The incumbent Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Denis Zvizdic has resigned of the candidacy for member of tripartite BiH Presidency on Friday afternoon in BiH’s capital Sarajevo.

Zvizdic has decided to resign of the candidacy after the Presidency of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), of which Zvizdic is member for 27 years, has decided that the candidate for Presidency will be elected by individual and secret ballots.
