
En Irak, des élections législatives cruciales pour la reconstruction.

May 14 2018

Près de 24,5 millions d’Irakiens ont commencé à voter samedi pour élire un nouveau Parlement, dont la tâche principale sera de superviser la reconstruction d’un pays en lambeaux après trois ans de guerre contre le groupe Etat islamique (EI).

A Mossoul, l’ancienne “capitale” irakienne des jihadistes dans le Nord, Ali Fahmi, journalier de 26 ans, a dit avoir voté “pour que la sécurité et l’économie se stabilisent”.

Albania Minister's Brother Has Crime Ties, Opposition Claims

May 14 2018
Balkan Insight

After the opposition Democratic Party on Monday published an intercepted phone call, which it claimed shows the Interior Minister's brother is engaged in drug dealing, the government accused it of sabotaging the country's image at a crucial moment.

The opposition Democratic Party on Monday published an intercepted phone call which it claims shows the brother of Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj is engaged in drug dealing. The governing Socialist Party claims the attack on Xhafa aims to forestall the country's EU integration.

Tunisie-municipales : les indépendants, une troisième alternative pour les citoyens.

May 14 2018

Certains analystes tunisiens estiment que ces élections locales ont constitué une véritable vitrine qui reflète l'état d'âme général du Tunisien.

Première échéance électorale locale depuis janvier 2011, les élections municipales du 6 mai ont abouti, suivant les résultats préliminaires annoncés dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, à une surprenante victoire des indépendants ayant bénéficié de 32,27% des suffrages.

Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem

May 14 2018

Israeli troops shot dead dozens of Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border on Monday as the United States opened its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, a move that has fueled Palestinian anger and drawn foreign criticism that it undermines peace efforts.

It was the bloodiest single day for Palestinians since the Gaza conflict in 2014. Palestinian Health Ministry officials said 55 protesters were killed and 2,700 injured either by live gunfire, tear gas or other means.

Sudan’s Bashir reshuffles cabinet

May 14 2018
Sudan Tribune

President Omer al-Bashir Monday reshuffled the cabinet members from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the National Consensus Government, including the appointment of a new foreign minister and the return of a former presidential aide as interior minister.

According to the decree, the changes didn’t affect the First Vice-President Bakri Hassan Saleh and Prime Minister as it was rumoured in Khartoum.

Lebanon Set for Caretaker Government

May 14 2018

Lebanon’s Cabinet is expected to convene on Wednesday to address several key files, including a controversial electricity file, before it turns into a caretaker government on May 20, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Monday.

The meeting will take place at the Baabda Palace to “tackle and place several files on the solution track before the government turns into a caretaker cabinet,” well-informed sources told the daily.

State Of Law Coalition: The Announcement Of The Alliance Of The Largest Bloc

May 14 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

"The next few hours will witness the announcement of the alliance of the largest bloc," said Hisham al-Rikabi, director of the media office of the leader of the state of law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.

"The state of law coalition began to move to form a broad coalition of political forces of various ethnic and sectarian components to form the largest bloc in the new parliament," Rikabi told the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA).

Vice President of BiH major party announces candidacy for upcoming presidential Elections

May 13 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo Times

The Vice President of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) major party Denis Becirovic announces his candidacy at upcoming presidential elections in October for the member of BiH tripartite presidency, his official social media account said Saturday late night.

In his message to the BiH public, nine years long Vice President of Social Democratic Party of BiH (SDP) said that he continues to advocate for the idea that future BiH Presidency member has to serve to all citizens of BiH.

Iran nuclear deal: Envoy starts diplomatic tour after US withdrawal

May 13 2018

Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has begun a diplomatic tour to seek assurances that signatories to a landmark nuclear deal will back it despite its abandonment by the US.

Mr Zarif said on his first stop, China, that he hoped to secure a "clear future design" for the agreement.

The US will re-impose sanctions on Iran and firms dealing with it could be hit, angering signatories like France.

President Hassan Rouhani said he hoped Iran could stay in the agreement.

People want Islamic Pakistan, not ‘Naya Pakistan’: Siraj claimed

May 13 2018
Geo tv

Jamat-e-Islami leader Sirajul Haq, speaking at the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal's (MMA) first public gathering in Punjab on Sunday, said that the rally was a clear message that the nation wanted an "Islamic Pakistan" instead of "Naya Pakistan".

Addressing the rally held at the Greater Iqbal Park, Siraj said that it was unfortunate that an Islamic political system was not implemented in last 70 years, adding that the party was fighting for the imposition of Islamic system in the country.

Des annonces sur fond de précampagne électorale pour 2019

May 13 2018
Tout sur l'Algérie

À partir d’Illizi où il a effectué une visite d’inspection, hier samedi 12 mai, Noureddine Bedoui, le ministre de l’Intérieur et des Collectivités locales a annoncé la décision du président Bouteflika de réactiver le Fond du Sud.

Un geste qui témoigne, selon lui, « de la volonté des autorités du pays de maintenir le rythme de développement dans cette région ».

I Watch dénonce la faiblesse de l’ISIE lors des élections

May 13 2018
Huffpost Magreb

L'organisation fait état d'un recul de la performance de l’Instance électorale en comparaison avec les élections de 2014.

L’organisation I Watch a dénoncé, samedi, la faiblesse et le manque de performance de l’Instance supérieure indépendante pour les élections (ISIE) lors du scrutin municipal qui s’est déroulé le 6 mai courant.

Sudan’s ruling party endorses Cabinet reshuffle

May 13 2018
Sudan Tribune

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in a meeting headed by President Omer al-Bashir has endorsed a major cabinet reshuffle, announced the official news agency SUNA on Sunday evening.

The NCP leadership council in a meeting that lasted for more than four hours, discussed the ministerial reshuffle and the economic situation in the country.

In press statements after the meeting, NCP deputy chairman for Faisal Hassan Ibrahim said the cabinet reshuffle includes eight ministers, five ministers of state and 10 governors.

Nabil Benabdellah reconduit à la tête du PPS

May 13 2018

Nabil Benabdellah a été réélu, dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Bouznika, secrétaire général du Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme pour un troisième mandat.

Nabil Benabdellah a obtenu 371 voix des membres du comité central, contre 92 pour l'autre candidat Said Fekkak. Dans une déclaration à la MAP, Benabdellah s'est félicité du succès de ce congrès et "de la confiance que lui ont accordé les congressistes", assurant les militants que le parti poursuivra son action "pour davantage d'acquis, de cohésion et d'efficacité".

UN Secretary congratulated the Iraqi people to hold parliamentary elections

May 13 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres congratulated the Iraqi people to hold parliamentary elections after defeating Daesh militarily, stressing that the elections represented further progress towards building a stronger Iraqi democracy.

In a statement to UNAMI, the Secretary-General praised the efforts of election officials, partys' representatives and security forces to make the elections largely peaceful and organized. He praised all the Iraqis who participated, especially those who voted despite their difficult circumstances.

Council officials push for expat voting rights

May 12 2018
News Of Bahrain

Calls have gone out from senior municipal council officials to allow expatriates who are residing in Bahrain and own properties or businesses in the Kingdom to take part in the quadrennial municipal elections, similar to the citizens of GCC countries. The participation of foreign investors in municipal elections has been raised multiple times in recent years, confirms Muharraq Municipal Council Chairman Mohammed Al Sinan.
