
Egypt's extended state of emergency raises eyebrows, questions

Apr 26 2018
Al Monitor

Egypt has extended its state of emergency for the fourth time, sparking controversy in political and legal circles about the security reasons behind this step and whether the decision is constitutional.

The constitution clearly states that a state of emergency can last a maximum of three months, with one three-month extension. Egypt has been living under a state of emergency for 12 months, and now has at least three more months to go.

Fresh Faces but Same Old Names

Apr 26 2018

Fresh young faces may be campaigning to win a seat in Lebanon's parliament next month, but their family names are anything but new.

For decades the same families have played a pivotal role in the small Middle Eastern country, officially ruled by a parliamentary democratic system but where political power is still informally handed down through generations.

As Lebanon finally heads to the legislative polls after a nine-year hiatus, several candidates hail from a third -- or even fourth generation -- of the same political clans.

The upcoming elections is the most competitive since 2005 said Salim al-Jubouri

Apr 26 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri stressed that "the upcoming elections will be the most competitive since 2005.

"The political targeting of many political leaders has not exceeded the law in my election campaign. I have not received any external funding for my campaign," he said in a televised statement.

"The national list entered in all provinces and the largest weight in the western provinces. The National Coalition is not a temporary compound for me. We began knitting the bridges of partnership with some political coalitions after the elections."

L’UPR va-t-elle transformer l’essai ?

Apr 26 2018
Le Calame

La campagne d’adhésion à l’UPR  s’est achevée, il y a quelques jours. Les Mauritaniens attendent la publication officielle des résultats,  pour se faire une idée exacte du nombre d’adhérents  ayant choisi de militer  au sein de cette formation politique, objet,  comme on l’a signalé dans nos précédentes éditions, d’une véritable  déferlante. Pour quelles raisons ? Un vrai mystère, pour  nos analystes et acteurs politiques objectifs.

Analyse des conséquences de la participation du FNDU

Apr 26 2018

Le Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDU-collectif formé de partis politiques, organisations de la société civile, centrales syndicales et personnalités indépendantes) a annoncé, ce week-end, sa décision de prendre part aux prochaines élections en Mauritanie.

Le calendrier électoral du pays comporte des législatives, des régionales, des municipales en 2018, et une présidentielle à laquelle le titulaire actuel du fauteuil ne devrait prendre part pour cause de limitation des mandats, en 2019. 

Erdoğan signs election harmonization bill

Apr 26 2018
Yeni Safak

Bill to bring Turkey’s election system in line with constitutional reforms approved in 2017 referendum. 

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Wednesday signed a harmonization law to bring Turkey’s election system in line with constitutional reforms approved last year in a referendum, according to the presidency.

Under the law, Turkish citizens living abroad can cast their votes until three days before election day in Turkey, scheduled for June 24.

'Support Egypt' observes reaction to merging move

Apr 25 2018
Egypt Today

The head of the Parliament’s majority Support Egypt coalition, Mohamed Al-Sewedi, met on Tuesday at the coalition headquarters members of the Parliamentary bloc’s offices in all of Egypt’s governorates. 

Members of the Egyptian parliament’s majority bloc has been putting out feelers lately to see how the Egyptian citizens will react to the suggestion of merging all parties within the coalition into a unified party. 

CHP party assembly authorizes Kılıçdaroğlu to form alliance

Apr 25 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) party assembly on April 24 granted full authorization to its leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to hold electoral alliance talks and make all necessary decisions regarding the issue, CHP spokesman leader Bülent Tezcan has said. 

In its extraordinary meeting regarding the upcoming early presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24, the CHP party assembly unanimously accepted that Kılıçdaroğlu is fully authorized to take steps regarding a possible electoral alliance with other political parties.

Imran says he will introduce system to favour the underprivileged

Apr 25 2018
Geo tv

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan said on Wednesday that his party will introduce a system where poor can have the opportunity to move to the upper strata of the society. 

The PTI chairman while addressing a rally to welcome former Pakistan Peoples Party leader Nadem Afzal Chan in his party's fold said that up till now the state has made rich-friendly policies but when his party will come in power it will cater to the interests of poor. 

Chief of EU Election Observation Mission in Tunis

Apr 25 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Chief Observer of the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) and Member of the European Parliament, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, arrived on Wednesday in Tunis.

"Through this election observation mission, the European Union renews its commitment alongside the Tunisian people in this crucial phase for entrenching their democracy," he said upon his arrival in Tunis.

Aoun to Address Expats, Move ‘Serves’ Bassil Electoral Campaign

Apr 25 2018

Preparations for Lebanese emigrants voting from abroad are underway as President Michel Aoun is set to deliver a statement Wednesday evening urging Lebanese expats for massive participation in the country’s general elections, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Wednesday.

Lebanon’s parliamentary elections will be held on May 6, but Lebanese expats will be voting from April 27 to 29.

Aoun will address Lebanese expats through media outlets and will emphasize the importance of participation in the electoral process under the new electoral law, said the daily.

Opposition party calls to overthrow Sudanese regime

Apr 25 2018
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) has called on the opposition forces to escalate peaceful resistance in order to overcome what it described as “quagmire of crises”.

Since January, the economic conditions have deteriorated significantly as prices reached high levels and the Sudanese pounds hit historic low against the US dollar leading to an unprecedented rise in the cost of living. Also, since last week, the East African nation has suffered a severe shortage in gasoline.

Des élections sans observateurs internationaux

Apr 25 2018

Un proche du pouvoir en Mauritanie estime «inutile» la présence d’observateurs internationaux dans la perspective des législatives, des régionales et des municipales en 2018. 
Non encore officielle, cette position a cependant été clairement exprimée par une source autorisée de la mouvance présidentielle à travers un canal informel. 

Laskri promet de «restituer le parti à ses militants»

Apr 25 2018
El Watan

Pour la nouvelle instance, le sort du premier secrétaire  Hadj Djilani sera débattu et une décision sera très prochainement annoncée. Mais au parti, les proches du premier secrétaire espèrent le maintien de leur poulain, dont ils vantent «les bons résultats obtenus lors des dernières élections législatives de mai», qui ont permis au FFS de remporter 14 sièges.

Un scrutin sur fond d’indifférence

Apr 24 2018
Jeune Afrique

Alors que les élections municipales se tiendront en Tunisie le 6 mai, la partie semble jouée d'avance, selon certains observateurs. Nidaa Tounes et Ennahdha, les deux principales formations politiques, devraient se partager l’ensemble des municipalités. À moins d’une forte mobilisation des électeurs, ce qui semble loin d'être acquis.
