
Over 53 pct Libyan eligible voters registered for upcoming elections

Apr 11 2018

TRIPOLI, April 10 (Xinhua) -- Libya's Higher Commission of Election on Monday revealed that more than 53 percent of eligible voters have registered for the upcoming elections.

"When the voter registration inside and outside the country closed, the number of Libyan voters registered was 2.43 million, which is 53.26 percent of the eligible voters," the commission said in a statement.

The registration, which ended in late March, has lasted nearly four months.

Al-Nujaifi calls for international monitoring

Apr 11 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

Vice President of the Republic Osama Abdul Aziz al-Nujaifi called for international monitoring to ensure the fairness and transparency of the elections.

Al-Nujaifi received on Wednesday the Australian Ambassador in Iraq Joan Lundes, who congratulated him on the occasion of the victory of Iraq on the Daesh terrorist organization, and offered Australia's contributions with the International Coalition to help Iraq, both in the training aspect or grants. 

Heated debate in Parliament over corruption accusations

Apr 11 2018
News Of Bahrain

A heated discussion over bribery accusations against some government establishments broke out at the Council of Representatives during its weekly meeting yesterday. The debate between MP Abdulrahman Buali and Shura Council and Representative Council Affairs Minister Ghanim Al Buainain began after the former claimed that corruption has spread in government entities, specifically the municipalities.

Quand l’UPR s’implante pour préparer l’avenir

Apr 11 2018

L’affluence sur les opérations d’implantation de l’Union pour la République est très forte. «Trop forte». Au point de faire douter une partie de ses responsables sur l’éventualité «d’un complot visant à ridiculiser le processus». Mais qui a intérêt à faire échouer le processus de renouveau de l’UPR ?

L’heure de vérité

UAE equal-pay legislation approved to close gender gap

Apr 11 2018
United Arab Emirates
The Daily Star

The United Arab Emirates’ Cabinet approved a bill guaranteeing equal pay for men and women as the Gulf nation strives to bring more females into its workforce. “We don’t want any exceptions to equal opportunities between the sexes,” UAE Prime Minister and Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid al-Maktoum said on Twitter. He didn’t say when the bill would be presented to the country’s advisory federal national council for final approval.

Outcome of vote of police and military will not be announced until May 6

Apr 11 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

he names of voters among the police and military will not be revealed, said Najla Brahim, member of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE).

The publication of their names outside the polling stations or their participation in electoral campaigns is prohibited, she said, adding that the results of the poll will not, under any circumstances, be revealed immediately after the voting operation not to reveal its trends.

Les politiciens aux manettes du jeu électoral

Apr 10 2018

Alors que l’opposition exige une large concertation, en vue d’avoir des élections apaisées et transparentes, l’Union Pour la République(UPR) est dans une phase de massification. 

Une campagne d’adhésion à cette formation politique au pouvoir entamé depuis la semaine dernière risque de se prolonger dans les jours qui viennent, apprend- on de sources sûres. Une situation qui risque encore une fois de plus de mettre l’opposition significative, incarné par le Forum national pour la démocratie et l’Unité (FNDU) dans tous ses états. 

Egyptian court affirms fairness of 2012 presidential election

Apr 10 2018
Egypt Independent

Giza criminal court upheld on Sunday a previous ruling that stipulated that the 2012 presidential election that brought Mohamed Morsi to power in Egypt was fair, according to the state-run newspaper Al-Ahram.

The lawsuit dates back to 2012 when the former presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq filed a complaint alleging that the Egyptian Election Committee rigged the outcome in Morsi’s favour.

EU deploys election observation mission

Apr 10 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

At the invitation of the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE), the European Union (EU) has deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) for the municipal elections scheduled for May 6.

Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, appointed European Parliament member Fabio Massimo Castaldo as chief observer of the mission.

Awareness programme to encourage voters to go to poll by ISIE

Apr 10 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

The Independent High Authority for Election (ISIE) has launched an awareness programme to encourage the voters to go to the polls massively, on May 6, 2018, the day of the municipal elections, said Tuesday ISIE President Mohamed Tlili Mansri.

This awareness programme includes the dissemination of awareness spots in several avenues in different regions of the country, the dissemination of awareness spots on national and regional television and radio, the sending of SMS awareness messages and the dressing of four trucks, he explained during an awareness meeting held in the capital.

Al Bashir ordena liberar a todos los presos políticos de Sudán

Apr 10 2018
Europa Press

El presidente de Sudán, Omar Hasán al Bashir, ha emitido este martes un decreto por el que ordena la puesta en libertad de todos los presos políticos en el país, según ha informado la agencia estatal de noticias SUNA.

Al Bashir ha tomado la decisión en respuesta a los llamamientos de los partidos políticos y las fuerzas que han participado en el diálogo nacional que el presidente puso en marcha el presidente en noviembre de 2015, según precisa la agencia oficial. Por el momento no hay datos de a cuántos presos beneficiaría el indulto presidencial.
