
Moussa Mara annonce sa candidature à la présidentielle

Apr 09 2018
Jeune Afrique

L'ex-chef du gouvernement d'IBK s'est déclaré dimanche candidat à l'élection présidentielle du 29 juillet. Moussa Mara, président du parti Yelema, entend faire mieux qu'en 2013, où il avait recueilli 1,5 % des voix au premier tour.

Sa candidature était un secret de polichinelle, elle est désormais officielle : Moussa Mara sera bien candidat à la présidentielle du 29 juillet. L’ancien Premier ministre de Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (avril 2014-janvier 2015) a annoncé son intention de se présenter à la magistrature suprême dimanche 8 avril.

Government parties back Bashir’s re-election in 2020

Apr 09 2018
Sudan Tribune

The political parties of the National Consensus Government (NCG) have agreed to back the re-election of President Omer al-Bashir in 2020.

The announcement was made by Sudanese Information Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman following a meeting of an NCG delegation with the deputy chairman of the National Congress Party (NCP) Faisal Hassan Ibrahim on Monday.

Speaker of the House of Representatives discusses with the Minister of Interior the security file and preparations for he elections

Apr 09 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri and Interior Minister Qassim Araji discussed the security file and preparations for securing the elections on time. 

A statement by Al- Jubouri office said that during the meeting they discussed the developments of the security file, the preparations of the Ministry to secure elections in the country, and its efforts to achieve security and stability in all governorates.

Constitution allows Moussa’s proposal on merging parties: expert said

Apr 09 2018
Egypt Today

The Egyptian constitution does not ban merging political parties of similar programs, constitutional expert Salah Fawzy said Sunday April 8, after former presidential candidate Moussa Mostafa Moussa proposed the idea. 

However, Fawzy told Egypt Today that the laws regulating parties, the Parliament and its statute should be comprehensively reviewed. He added that the law did not tackle merging parties but did not ban it. Regulatory issues should be considered in such process, he continued. 

CHP calls on top court for decision on imprisoned CHP lawmaker

Apr 09 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) spokesperson Bülent Tezcan called out on the Constitutional Court to make a decision on the imprisoned CHP lawmaker Enis Berberoğlu, noting that the lawmaker has been in prison for 300 days.

It has been 300 days since Enis Berberoğlu was arrested. A lawmaker in Turkey, where the law does not work and justice is controlled by politics, has been a hostage for 300 days and the Constitutional Court hasn’t made a decision on this subject yet,” Tezcan said on April 9 following the CHP Central Executive Board Meeting. 

Sawiris refutes merging Free Egyptians party with Al-Ghad

Apr 09 2018
Egypt Today

Egyptian tycoon Naguib Sawiris denied on Sunday April 8 split reports within his faction of the Free Egyptians Party over proposed merger with al-Ghad Party. 

On his official Twitter account, Sawiris wrote: "It is totally unfounded, especially with regard to a party that did not even win a single seat in the last [parliamentary] election." 

April 24 set as deadline for changes to voter lists, constituencies

Apr 09 2018
The Express Tribune

The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) has handed over the list of 104.26 million voters to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

According to the electoral authority, the voters can confirm their registration and acquire details of their constituency on the mobile phones by sending an text message on 8300. In a statement, Nadra said that voters can contact their nearest display centre to have their voting constituency updated.

L'opposition appelle à un processus électoral concerté

Apr 09 2018

Le président en exercice du Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDU), vaste rassemblement de l’opposition, Mohamed Ould Maouloud, également leader de l’Union des forces de progrès (UFP), a annoncé que le Groupe des 8 (G8), dont la coalition est membre, est favorable à une participation aux prochaines échéances électorales prévues en Mauritanie. 
Toutefois, il s'est empressé de souligner que cette participation est conditionnée à la mise en place d’un processus concerté.

Fighting chance: HRCP demands free, fair elections

Apr 08 2018
The Express Tribune

Given the vicissitudes of Pakistan’s political situation, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) demands that free and fair elections be held this year, said the organisation in a statement. The statement was issued after HRCP’s 32nd annual general meeting at its office in Garden Town. In the statement, HRCP also highlighted the importance of ensuring an even playing field for all, without interference from any state agency.

L'opposition mauritanienne s'oppose à toute modification de la Constitution

Apr 07 2018

Le chef de l'opposition radicale mauritanienne, Mohamed Ould Moloud, a demandé que soient poursuivis en justice les auteurs d'appels à une modification de la Constitution qui permettrait au président Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz de briguer un troisième mandat en 2019.

Lors d'une conférence de presse, M. Ould Moloud, président du Forum national pour la démocratie et l'Unité, opposition radicale (FNDU), a par ailleurs annoncé l'intention de l'opposition de participer, sous conditions, aux prochaines élections législatives et municipales, prévues au second semestre.

Sudanese opposition calls for popular uprising

Apr 07 2018
Sudan Tribune

 Several opposition forces have called on the Sudanese to get inspired by the 33rd anniversary of the 1985 popular uprising to overthrow the regime of President Omer al-Bashir.

In 6 April 1985, the Sudanese people managed to bring down the military regime of former President Gaafar Nimeiri through a popular uprising.

In a statement seen by Sudan Tribune on Friday, the Broad National Front (BNF) led by Ali Mahmoud Hassanien vowed to continue its resistance until toppling the regime.

Imran calls for ‘truly neutral’ caretaker set-up for upcoming polls

Apr 07 2018
Dawn News

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan rejected on Friday the tax amnesty scheme announced by the government and said that after coming to power his party would investigate those who would benefit from it. Speaking to journalists at the residence of Javed Junejo, a prominent citizen of Hyderabad, the PTI chief called for setting up of caretaker governments both at the Centre and in the provinces that were “truly neutral” in character.

Hariri Urges Voters to Refrain from Voting in Favor of Parties Limiting Reforms

Apr 07 2018

Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Saturday urged the Lebanese to refrain from casting votes in favor of parties who abstain from introducing reforms they once vowed to do.

Addressing the Lebanese community at the opening of the Lebanese Diaspora Energy conference for Europe in Paris, Hariri said: “You are our secret weapon. You must as well threaten us into introducing reforms, otherwise you may refrain from voting for us.”

Les libertés démocratiques et le consensus national, une ligne infranchissable pour le FFS

Apr 07 2018
Algérie Presse Service

La construction d'un Etat de droit fondé sur de "véritables" libertés démocratiques et sur un consensus national constitue une "ligne rouge infranchissable" pour le Front des forces socialistes (FFS), a réaffirmé vendredi à Bouira le premier secrétaire du plus vieux parti de l’opposition.

Le président Aziz aurait fait un premier choix

Apr 06 2018

Des sources propres à Sahara Media ont révélé que le président mauritanien Mohamed O. Abdel Aziza constitué une commission de 11 personnalités importantes de la majorité et de l’opposition dialoguiste avec pour mission de constituer la commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI). 

Selon ces mêmes sources une sous commission issue de cette commission forte de 11 personnes constitue « la commission des sages » qui devra proposer les noms pour diriger la CENI.

Les opposants à la recherche d’un candidat unique

Apr 06 2018

Le mot clé de précampagne des élections présidentielles de juillet prochain pour les opposants est ”l’alternance”. Tous parlent de l’alternance, et pourtant, celle-ci est loin d’être incarnée par certains candidats. Le camp d’opposition veut vaille que vaille chasser l’actuel président de la République, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita du pouvoir, qui doit éventuellement se présenter pour un second et dernier mandat, bien entendu.

Présidentielle 2018: Faire élire IBK dès le premier tour

Apr 06 2018

Si tout se déroule bien comme prévu, les maliens seront invités à choisir leur futur président de la république le 29 juillet prochain. Si les uns sont en train de s’activer depuis le début de l’année 2018, d’autres par contre sont toujours restés mobilisés depuis 2013. Parmi ces associations et mouvements figurent celle de la coordination des associations et mouvements de soutien à IBK dirigée par Dr Boulkassoum Maiga.  
