
Almost 2M votes lost in presidential election: What does the spoilt ballot signify?

Apr 03 2018
Egypt Today

Since Egypt has just been through an election, with its results announced Monday, one could not help but notice that the number of spoilt ballots has increased considerably from previous years. In fact, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi came first, then came the void votes, and finally Moussa Moustafa Moussa who came in the third place. Sisi amassed more than 21.8 million votes; the invalid votes counted for 1.76 million, and Moussa garnered 656,534 votes. 

Un nouveau front anti-IBK est né

Apr 03 2018

Un nouveau front anti-IBK est né au Mali. Le regroupement composé de plusieurs partis politiques se nomme « Unis pour le Mali ». Le mouvement veut œuvrer pour l’alternance au à l’occasion de la présidentielle de juillet prochain. Le coordinateur de « Unis pour le Mali » est l’ancien ministre de la communication et président du parti CNID Me Mountaga Tall .

Dioncounda Traoré peut-il se présenter à la présidentielle ?

Apr 03 2018
Jeune Afrique

L'ancien président de la transition du Mali, Dioncounda Traoré est attendu par certains comme candidat à la présidentielle de 2018. Mais le principal intéressé ne semble pas déterminé.

Convaincus que lui seul peut mettre tout le monde d’accord, certains pressent Dioncounda Traoré de se présenter. Le 21 mars, ils ont déposé un dossier de candidature à son nom. Mais l’intéressé en a-t-il vraiment envie ? À 76 ans passés, l’ancien président de la transition (2012-2013) se mure dans le silence.

Et si l’Opposition se donnait la main?

Apr 03 2018

Pour l’instant, on dénombre  plus de trois fronts anti IBK et tous  prônent l’alternance en 2018. Il y a d’abord l’opposition classique composée de Soumaila Cissé, Modibo Sidibé, Tiébilé Dramé, Amadou Thiam, Mamadou Sidibé, Oumar Mariko et Nouhoum Togo. Ensuite, celles sorties des flancs de la Convention de la Majorité, qui sont au nombre de deux dont les têtes de proues sont Moussa Mara et Mountaga Tall. Tous ces fragments de l’Opposition n’ont comme objectif ultime que de réaliser l’alternance le 29 juillet 2018.

Administrative Court announces ruling on municipal election disputes

Apr 03 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

The Administrative Court and its regional chambers finished off reviewing appeals and rendered their final verdicts in the electoral disputes related to the municipal elections set for May 6.

According to a press release issued on Monday by the administrative court, some 25 legal challenges were reviewed by this court, divided as follows:

- Seven legal challenges lodged by party lists

- Nine by independent lists

- Three by coalition lists

- Six by electoral authority

Hariri Says Mustaqbal Backs Berri's Reelection

Apr 02 2018

Prime Minister Saad Hariri has confirmed that al-Mustaqbal Movement is in favor of the reelection of Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to his post.

“The relation with Speaker Nabih Berri is excellent,” Hariri told MTV.

“We have a long journey with him and we always agree on the issues that have to do with the country's interest and the things that benefit citizens,” the premier added.

He also stressed that his bloc will back Berri's reelection.

MP Hani Qobeissi of Berri's AMAL Movement had warned Saturday that there are attempts to "weaken" Berri.

Sudan’s al-Bashir threatens to punish political parties

Apr 02 2018
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir on Monday said the opposition parties within the Sudan Call must choose between their alliance with the armed movements or the civic action.

In a four-day meeting held in the French capital Paris, the Sudan Call picked Sadiq al-Mahdi, the leader of the National Umma Party as the chairman of the opposition umbrella. The meeting also chose Sudan Liberation Movement leader, Minni Minnawi, as a secretary general of the coalition which encompasses political and armed groups.

‘Pakhtun Tahaffuz Movement has no anti-state agenda’

Apr 02 2018
Dawn News

The leaders of Pakhtun Tahaffuz Movement have said that they have no anti-state agenda as all their demands are in accordance with the Constitution of the country. Addressing a well attended public meeting at Bacha Khan Chowk here on Sunday, they took serious exception to what they called a venomous campaign against them on media, branding them traitors and agents of the enemies of the country.

Egypt's Sisi wins 97 percent in election with no real opposition

Apr 02 2018

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been re-elected with 97 percent of votes, the same proportion that the former military commander secured four years ago for his first term but with a lower turnout, official results showed on Monday.

Turnout was 41 percent, despite efforts to get as many Egyptians as possible to polling stations during last week’s vote. Sisi had been virtually guaranteed a landslide win, confirmed by early tallies as voting ended on Wednesday.

Egypt's Sisi vows to work for all Egyptians without discrimination after securing second term

Apr 02 2018
Ahram Online

In his first speech after winning a second term as Egypt's president on Monday, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi vowed to work for all Egyptians without any discrimination.

"I promise to work for all Egyptians without discrimination. Those who renewed their confidence in me [with their votes] are not different from those who did otherwise. Egypt includes all, as long as a difference in opinion doesn't spoil a nation's cause," President El-Sisi stated in the televised speech after winning a sweeping 97% of the votes.

Sudan’s ruling party to launch national consultations

Apr 01 2018
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Sunday said arrangements are underway to hold discussions with all political forces over the permanent constitution.

The semi-official Sudan Media Center (SMC) has quoted the NCP political secretary Omer Basan as saying all political forces, not only the ruling party, must participate in the constitution-making process.

“The constitution must be a product of political consensus and agreement in order to overcome a lot of problems and challenges facing the country,” he said

Libya electoral commission makes new proposal

Apr 01 2018
The Libya Observer

The High National Elections Commission (HNEC) proposed to have multi-polling centers' system instead of the single-polling system.

"The coming presidential elections will be the first in Libya so there will be no organizational experience in the country. We thus want to save the country the burden of presidential campaigns that will be very difficult to conduct in the vast area of Libya." HNEC said in a statement on Saturday.

İYİ Party holds first congress in Ankara

Apr 01 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

The İYİ (Good) Party, which is currently not on the list of the “parties to participate in elections” published by Turkey’s Higher Election Board (YSK), held its first extraordinary general congress on April 1 in order to fulfil a necessary condition for inclusion on the list. 

Meral Akşener was again elected as party chair at the congress, the theme of which was: “The good ones to win.” In her speech to delegates, Akşener said people are currently “silent because of fear,” vowing that the İYİ Party will “destroy the wall of fear.”

"Tunisia First" movement pleads for national reform pact

Mar 31 2018
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

The Tunisia First movement deemed it "essential” to put in place a national pact of reforms to “resolve the crisis paralysing country.”

This pact should engage all the forces of the nation and therefore promote a true national unity and "courageous" reforms, the movement noted in a statement released after its political bureau meeting on Saturday.

In the same vein, "Tunisia First" advocated the formation of a technocratic government, far from any partisan quota.
