
Sisi close to second term in office with 97% of valid votes

Mar 30 2018
Egypt Independent

Preliminary results of the Egyptian presidential election show that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is close to a second term in office after defeating his competitor Moussa Mostafa Moussa, head of the Ghad Party, in a landslide victory. The results showed that 25 million of the eligible voters have casted their votes, and that Sisi gained 23 million of them, accounting for 97 percent of the valid votes, while Moussa obtained 3 percent of the valid votes.

‘I was not surprised by the result’, says Moussa Mustafa Moussa

Mar 30 2018
Egypt Independent

Presidential runner-up Moussa Mostafa Moussa told al-Ahram he felt proud of the result of the presidential election, after obtaining an estimated 3 percent of the vote, as he said it showed the true will of the Egyptian people and took place in a democratic and transparent atmosphere.

Moussa believes the election has shown that Egypt has passed a dangerous phase, “I thank god that Egypt has become stable and has passed its rough period as shown by this free, fair election,” he said, denouncing any claims questioning the process.

Trascendencia de las municipales lleva a la UE a una observación inusual

Mar 29 2018
La Vanguardia

La singularidad y la trascendencia de las elecciones municipales de Túnez ha llevado a la Unión Europea a hacer una excepción y observar este proceso local, el primero que el país norteafricano celebra desde la caída en 2011 de la dictadura de Zinedin el Abedin Ben Ali.

Así lo destacó el jefe de la Misión de Observación Electoral de la Unión Europea (MOE-UE) en Túnez, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, en una entrevista exclusiva concedida a Efe a una semana de la celebración de unos comicios considerados históricos.

Egyptians vote in final day of presidential elections

Mar 28 2018
Ahram Online

Egyptian citizens headed to polling stations across the country on Wednesday for the third and final day of voting in Egypt's 2018 presidential elections. Voting started from 9am in 13,706 polling stations in all 26 governorates, with the process due to end at 9pm on Wednesday. Vote counting is set to start after the polls close on Wednesday night.

Premier of Canton Sarajevo submits Resignation Letter after Government’s Dismissal

Mar 27 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo Times

Premier of Canton Sarajevo (CS) Elmedin Konakovic submitted the resignation letter on Monday in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) capital Sarajevo, a week after the dismissal from the CS government, local media reported Monday. The resignation letter that thanked for the former cooperation was submitted to the Chairman of Canton Sarajevo Assembly Ana Babic.

“I use the opportunity to thank you for the good cooperation done so far and to wish you a successful work in the future” Konakovic wrote shortly in the resignation letter.

77 Electoral Lists, 917 Candidates to Run in Legislative Elections

Mar 27 2018

Registration of electoral lists has closed at midnight and the interior ministry said a total of 77 lists, the largest in the history of parliamentary elections, and 917 candidates will run in the upcoming legislative elections.

The registration of lists was accompanied by individual withdrawals, where 58 candidates were not included into any of the lists and decided to pull back, said the ministry.

Comités CDR : Un nouveau départ du Mali

Mar 27 2018

Le Carrefour des jeunes a abrité, le samedi 24 mars 2018,  les travaux des assises des comités du Collectif pour la défense de la République (CDR). Ces travaux se sont déroulés, du 24 au 25 mars  2018. Ils étaient placés sous la présidence du porte- parole du Collectif pour la défense de la République, Youssouf Bathily dit Ras Bath, qui avait à ses côtés Boubacar Yalcouyé, le modérateur. Les participants étaient venus de toutes les régions du Mali et de la diaspora.

Prélude à la présidentielle de 2018

Mar 27 2018

Le 1er tour de l’élection présidentielle est prévu pour le 29 juillet 2018. Presqu’unanime que le bilan d’IBK est chaotique, de nombreux prétendants sont en concertation. L’objectif majeur est de battre le président sortant afin de redonner espoir au peuple malien. A cet effet, Aliou Boubacar Diallo, Cheick Modibo Diarra, Moussa Mara, Moussa Sinko Coulibaly et Mohamed Ali Bathily semblent dans l’expectative de se choisir un candidat consensuel pour juillet prochain. Et Aliou Boubacar Diallo semble le candidat idéal pour diverses raisons.

L’Observatoire dénonce l’absence de concertation avec la société civile

Mar 27 2018

L’Observatoire pour les élections et la bonne gouvernance au Mali a livré, le Samedi 24 Mars 2018 dans ses locaux, une déclaration en prélude aux élections présidentielles de 2018. Selon l’Observatoire, la société civile électorale n’a pas été associée à la relecture de la loi électorale. D’après elle, cette loi électorale (loi n°2016-048 du 17 octobre 2016) n’a pas été testée lors d’une élection depuis son adoption en 2016.

Turkish government readies to squeeze internet service providers

Mar 26 2018
Turkey Pulse - Al Monitor

The government’s chokehold over Turkey’s beleaguered media is tightening with the slapping on of new restrictions and the concurrent sale of the country’s last notionally independent media conglomerate to a pro-government group. The moves are widely seen as part of a concerted push by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to guarantee victory for himself and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in critical municipal, parliamentary and presidential elections that are due to be held next year.

No complaints received since presidential poll started: NEA confirmed

Mar 26 2018
Egypt Today

The National Election Authority has not received any complaints since the start of the presidential election voting process across Egypt on Monday, according to the authority’s head counselor, Lashin Ibrahim. 

In a statement from Ibrahim, he stated that the voting process is going as predicted, and opened at 9 a.m. However, some polling stations have seen judges swap due to emergency medical conditions, which has caused a delays in opening schools for voters. 
