
Rejoice! Dems’ popularity increases: SBY

02 Mar 2014
The Jakarta Post

Democratic Party chairman President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says the party’s popularity has continued to increase ahead of the upcoming election as a survey conducted by a credible institution placed the Democratic Party as the third-most popular party.

The President also said that according to the survey, the gap between the Democratic Party and the most popular political party was not very wide.

Bouteflika répond à ses détracteurs

02 Mar 2014
El Watan

Le chef de l’Etat a chargé les partisans du boycott de la présidentielle des plus lourdes accusations.

Après la réplique « musclée » donnée, hier samedi à Alger, aux opposants du quatrième mandat, le président Bouteflika a jugé utile d’ajouter une réponse épistolaire à ses détracteurs parmi les personnalités politiques.

Gerindra reports Rp 306b campaign funds

02 Mar 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Gerindra Party reported an additional Rp 122 billion (US$10.5 million) in campaign funds to the General Elections Commission (KPU), on Sunday. In its first report, Gerindra said it had Rp 184 billion.

“So, the Gerindra campaign fund totals Rp 306 billion in two reports filed with the KPU. The campaign funds are 100 percent from the party’s current legislative candidates,” Gerindra Party treasurer Thomas Djiwandono said as quoted by

Abdeljalil Zaddem : notre objectif est la formation d’un parti destourien puissant

02 Mar 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général du Mouvement Destourien, Abdeljalil Zaddem a indiqué que l’objectif des partis destouriens n’est pas l’entrée dans un front électoral mais la formation d’un parti destourien unifié et puissant capable de rivaliser les autres partis lors des prochaines élections.



CONSTANTINE : Un logement contre une signature pour Bouteflika

02 Mar 2014
El Watan

La campagne de collecte des signatures à Constantine en faveur de la candidature de Bouteflika pour la prochaine présidentielle a été marquée par des procédés rétrogrades utilisés par les comités de soutien, où tous les moyens ont été utilisés dont le recours au chantage.


Selon des témoignages concordants, plusieurs comités de quartiers faisant partie des soutiens à la candidature de Bouteflika ont été instruits de collecter le maximum de signatures auprès des demandeurs de logements.

PKS optimistic of securing top-three spot

02 Mar 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is optimistic that it can finish in the top-three in the upcoming election despite some of its leading members being implicated in corruption or other criminal cases in the last few years.

PKS president Anis Matta said the party had held an internal survey in January and according to its results, the PKS could win quite a significant number of votes.

Un groupe de Boumdeid rejoint Tawassoul

02 Mar 2014

Un groupe de 34 personnes personnalités politiques issues de la moughataa de Bumdeid a annoncé samedi à Noaudhibou rejoindre les rangs du parti islamiste de Tawassoul, rapporte le correspondant de « » dans notre capitale économique.

Les transfuges qui militaient au sein de l’Union pour la République, au Pouvoir, et qui résident à Nouadhibou ont expliqué ce ralliement par l’absence d’une culture démocratique dans la formation de l’Upr et la mainmise de certaines personnes influentes sur les joutes politiques dans cette formation.

Race issue - it's quite complicated

02 Mar 2014
The Star Online

WHERE are you really from?” “Where are your people from?”

You might remember these questions in the comic video What Kind of Asian Are You? by Los Angeles-based artist Ken Tanaka last year.

In the two-minute video, an Asian-American jogger (played by actress Stella Choe) meets a fellow jogger who insists on getting to the bottom of her ethnic heritage by bombarding her with those oh-so-familiar questions.

The video attracted tens of thousands of hits as it struck a nerve with many around the world who have been or are constantly interrogated about their ethnicity.

La famille de Ould Yetna en sit-in devant la présidence

02 Mar 2014

Les proches de Sidi Mohamed Ould Yetna, un gendarme mauritanien porté disparu depuis le 14 décembre 2013, ont organisé dimanche un sit-in devant la présidence de la République constate "".

Les participants au sit-in ont  protesté contre le long silence du corps de la gendarmerie nationale et des autorités supérieures. Ils ont ensuite  réclamé .

Khadijettou, soeur de la mère du disparu, explique que .

All posts up for grabs in PKR polls but keep it cordial, says Anwar

02 Mar 2014
The Malaysian Insider

While declaring he was not opposed to any contest for position in the upcoming March party election, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (pic)  today said the “spirit of friendship” had to be maintained.

Anwar said PKR was open towards the contesting of any position within the party and all candidates should follow the guidelines, which had already been drawn up.

Selection Committee for South Western state of Somalia

02 Mar 2014
Shabelle News

In the conference room of Baidoa’s Hotel Bakiin, the new members of the committee for selecting the leaders of the South Western state of Somalia.

The conference participants have for the first time announced their delight of the new committee members.

The conference leader described that the committee will soon impose regulations restricting anyone from entering the elections for the South Western state

Ministers from the Somali government in Baidoa have increased their efforts to make sure the conferences in Baidoa run smoothly.


Autor: Maalik Eng

Main opposition CHP leader calls on citizens to punish thieves at elections

02 Mar 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader has called on citizens to punish the thieves at the upcoming local elections, continuing to press the government over corruption allegations. 

“I am addressing my citizens who voted for the AKP, of which the country’s prime minister calls his son, asks him to set the money to ‘zero’ at home? Does your conscience accept this?” Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said during an election rally March 2 in the Thracian province of Edirne. 

House of Hawiye appreciative of the new Banaadir governor

02 Mar 2014
Shabelle News

The House of Hawiye have pledged their support for the announcing of the new Governor of Banaadir & Mayor of Mogadishu as Hassan Mohamed Hussein Muungaab, and asked of him to take dire and immediate action to the ensure safety in the capital city Mogadishu.

The Speaker of the House of Hawiye, Nuur Bocor Jeelle, spoke to Radio Shabelle in Mogadishu and mentioned their appreciation of the new Governor of Banaadir as Muungaab.

Mauritanie/Présidentielle : l’opposition en quête d’un candidat consensuel

01 Mar 2014
Financial Afrik

Les forces favorables au changement en Mauritanie : Partis politiques, organisations de la société civile, syndicats et personnalités indépendantes, ont entamé un Forum pour l’Unité et la Démocratie  (FUD), vendredi après midi au Centre International des Conférences de Nouakchott (CICN).

L’ancien président apporte son soutien à l’Opposition

01 Mar 2014

L’ancien président, Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdellahi, renversé le 6 août 2006, par coup d’Etat a apporté sa caution et son soutien au forum de l’Opposition, apprend-on samedi.

L’ancien et unique président élu démocratiquement dans l’histoire du pays a exprimé cet appui, dans une lettre aux participants au forum de l’Opposition, indique-t-on de même source.

Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdellahi aurait notamment exhorté l’Opposition à s’unir et dépasser ses clivages pour mieux appréhender les défis qui se posent au pays.

Up to 10 ministers reach Baidoa

01 Mar 2014
Shabelle News

Almost 10 Ministers have today reached Baidoa, the provincial capital city of Bay where a conference on creating a 3-region administration is expected to take place very soon.

These Ministers when they arrived in Baidoa where greeted by the participants of the conference and gave speeches announcing their delight for being part of the meeting.

Our reported Ahmed Abdi Hassan who is in Baidoa is reporting that the Baidoa conference is almost finished with government officials making the final decision on who will lead the new 3-region state.
