- Name - Original language & name in English: جبهة العدالة و التنمية (Arabic), Front pour la justice et le développement (French), Front for Justice & Development (English). The party is commonly known as El Adala.
- Year founded: 2011
- Ideology: Islamist
- Current leader & function: Abdallah Djaballah (president)
- Number of seats in parliament (lower house): 8
- Currently in government or in opposition: In opposition
- Legal status: Legal political party
- Link to official party website:
- Observations: The FJD is the latest of a series of parties founded by the well-known Islamist politician Abdallah Djaballah. The party took part in the 2012 legislative elections but heavily criticised the outcome of those elections, refusing to take part in the local elections later that year. Djaballah is an enigmatic figure - seemingly the object of attacks and manipulation from the regime in power and yet allowed to be a two-time presidential candidate (1999, 2004).