Algerian Rally

  • Name - Original language & name in English: التجمع الجزائري (Arabic), Rassemblement Algérien (French), Algerian Rally (English)
  • Year founded
  • Ideology: Nationalist
  • Current leader & function: Ali Zeghdoud (president)
  • Number of seats in parliament (lower house): 2
  • Currently in government or in opposition: In opposition
  • Legal status: Legal political party
  • Link to official party website
  • Observations: This is the second political party founded by Ali Zeghdoud, a former adviser to the late President Boumediene, after his first party, the Rassemblement Arabe Islamique (RAI, Arab Islamic Rally) a pro-Islamic, pro-Arab, nationalist party (as its name suggests) died out in the late nineties. The party has been in parliament since 2007.