- Name - Original language & name in English: حزب طلائع الحريات or Talaie El Houriat (Arabic), The Vanguard of Freedoms Party (English)
- Year founded: Founded in 2014, legalised in September 2015.
- Ideology: Reformist, Nationalist
- Current leader & function: Ali Benflis (president)
- Number of seats in parliament (lower house): None (party founded post elections)
- Currently in government or in opposition: Opposition
- Legal status: Legal party
- Link to official party website:
- Observations: Party founded by ex-prime minister, ex-FLN secretary general, and ex-presidential candidate (2004 and 2014) Ali Benflis. The party is partly an attempt to bring together into a political movement those who supported Benflis' 2014 presidential campaign, partly a means to keep Benflis relevant as an opposition figure.