
Polls Open in Iran Presidential Election

May 19 2017
Tasnim News

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Polling stations across Iran opened on Friday morning for the 12th presidential election, the 5th City and Village Councils elections, and the Parliament’s midterm election.

63,429 polling stations across Iran opened at 8 am local time on Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli’s order. Around 14,000 mobile ballot boxes have been also prepared for inaccessible and rural areas.

Iranians headed to the polls as soon as the stations opened to elect the country’s 8th president.

Le Conseil constitutionnel embarrassé par les encombrantes saisines

May 16 2017
El Watan

Mis devant une situation des plus difficiles, le Conseil constitutionnel aura à déclarer, au plus tard jeudi prochain, les résultats définitifs du scrutin législatif du 4 mai. Destinataire de nombreuses requêtes documentées liées au bourrage des urnes et à la manipulation des résultats du scrutin, cette Haute institution aura-t-elle les coudées franches pour réajuster la répartition des sièges au sein de la nouvelle Assemblée populaire nationale ? Une question importante dont la réponse dépend des rapports de force au sein du sérail….

US Diplomat Pleads For End to Albania Crisis

May 15 2017
Balkan Insight

Starting a visit to Tirana, America's Hoyt Brian Yee said it was important for all political parties in Albania to participate in the June 18 elections 

On a visit to Albania, Deputy Assistant US Secretary of State Hoyt Brian Yee asked all Albanian parties to participate in the June 18 elections in order to give all citizens the right to be represented.
