
Albania’s Live-Streaming Politicians Push Media Aside

Apr 10 2017
Balkan Insight

As Albania heads into elections, the politicians are turning to live streaming their messages on Facebook to connect with voters - and marginalize traditional media. 

Two weeks ahead of presidential elections in Albania, and with general elections looming in June, both the Socialist Prime Minister, Edi Rama, and the leader of the opposition Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, are busy live streaming their meetings and messages via Facebook.

Reports: Govt. Meets Next Week over Electoral Law, Outcome Determines Fate of Elections

Apr 07 2017

Preparations have started at the Presidential Palace in Baabda for a cabinet meeting devoted to tackle Lebanon's electoral law for the upcoming parliamentary elections, amid reports that Speaker Nabih Berri might schedule a term extension session if a breakthrough is not reached, media reports said Friday.

Neuf femmes dans le nouveau gouvernement de Saad Eddine El Othmani

Apr 06 2017
Aujourd'hui Le Maroc

Les neuf portefeuilles occupés par les femmes, qui représentent environ 25 % de l’actuel gouvernement, ont été confiés à Bassima El Hakkaoui, ministre de la Famille, de la Solidarité, de l’Egalité et du Développement social, Mbarka Bouaida, secrétaire d’Etat, chargée de la Pêche maritime, qui occupait dans l’ancien gouvernement le poste de ministre déléguée auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération.
