
Nomination requirements for the 2016 Local Council Elections

Aug 04 2016
Central Elections Comission

The Central Elections Commission (CEC) announces that nomination for the upcoming Local Council Elections scheduled on 8 October will commence on 16 August until 25 August according to the published elections timeline. Candidacy will be through electoral lists.

Prospective candidates who are already employees of the Ministry of Local Government, the security forces, local authorities, heads and members of local councils or advocates of local authorities are required by the law to resign of their posts prior to nomination.

The CEC trains political parties’ representatives on nomination procedures

Aug 04 2016
Central Elections Comission

The CEC held today a training session for representatives of political parties in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on the process of elections nomination which will be open during the period 16-25 August 2016 according to the published elections timeline.

The meeting aimed at explaining the legal requirements and procedures of nomination to enable parties’ representatives to manage and follow up the nomination of their candidates.

‘Registration for election candidacy to open August 16’

Aug 03 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — Prospective candidates can register to stand for the September 20 parliamentary elections in the period from August 16 to 18, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) said on Tuesday.

Candidates can only stand for election on lists, as running individually is not permitted, said IEC Spokesperson Jihad Momani. 

All candidates on a list must submit their nomination at the same time to sign in the presence of the IEC president and to select one candidate to represent the list to the IEC, Momani said in a statement. 

IEC starts accrediting parliamentary election observers, journalists

Aug 03 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Wednesday started receiving applications for accreditation for both local and international journalists and observers to monitor the September 20 parliamentary elections, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. IEC Spokesperson Jihad Momani said applications can be submitted online (

Iran's 2017 presidential election timeframe

Aug 02 2016
Mehr News Agency

TEHRAN, Aug. 02 (MNA) – While the official dates for the 2017 presidential election will be announced in Nov., Mehr News has drawn up dates based on the previous elections' timetables.

Following Ministry of Interior Affair’s letter to the Guardian Council suggesting to postpone the 2017 election day due to its concurrence with the fasting month of Ramadan, the Council in today’s session agreed to hold the presidential elections on 19 May 2017.

Seminars aim to increase students’ political awareness ahead of polls

Aug 02 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — Out of a belief in the ability of young people to effect change, Al Hayat Centre for Civil Society Development is working to raise students’ political awareness ahead of the upcoming elections.

Talal Oleimat, the centre’s programme coordinator, said the “Rased” programme aims to boost political activities by holding discussions at Jordanian universities ahead of the September 20 parliamentary vote. 

Team to draw up programme for a candidate in Egypt 2018 election: Former presidential aide Heggy

Aug 02 2016
Ahram online

Former presidential scientific advisor Essam Heggy announced on Tuesday that a number of figures from across the political spectrum will form a committee to prepare a presidential programme to be adopted by any potential candidate in the 2018 presidential elections.


The aim of the initiative is to draw up a programme under the slogan "fight poverty, ignorance and disease," to be adopted by potential candidates and implemented as state policies once they get into office, Heggy said in a statement on his Facebook page.

Despite gov’t encouragement, parties say coalition building ‘not viable’ ahead of elections

Aug 01 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — While the government believes that political parties will gain power and influence by forming coalitions prior to the September 20 parliamentary elections, parties still consider themselves incapable of forming such alliances. 

With the increasing number of licensed political parties, which now number 49, the pros and cons of building coalitions amid a “lack of mature political, economic and social agendas” were the highlight of a conference on Monday that brought the government and parties together.

‘Tribal loyalties will be decisive factor on Election Day, but polls a step forward’

Jul 31 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN – Tribal and geographical considerations will continue to have a strong influence on Jordanians' voting decisions in the September 20 parliamentary elections, according to experts interviewed by The Jordan Times Sunday. 

The commentators said electing candidates based on their programmes and visions will still need more time to mature in Jordan, particularly in areas outside major cities such as Amman, Irbid and Zarqa.  

Egypt's Conservatives Party urges government to consider asylum request from Gulen if presented

Jul 30 2016
Ahram online

Egypt's Conservatives Party urged the government to consider giving political asylum to exiled Turkish opposition figure Fethullah Gulen should he submit an official request.

According to the party’s deputy chairman Mohsen Fawzi, "if Gulen decided to submit an official political asylum request to Egypt, the government should consider it and it has the right to approve or reject it."

The Conservatives Party is an Egyptian opposition party with six MPs in parliament led by business tycoon Akmal Qortam.

EU to send team to observe parliamentary elections

Jul 28 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — EU Ambassador to Jordan Andrea Matteo Fontana on Wednesday said that the union would send a mission to observe the September 20 parliamentary elections.

The ambassador's announcement came during the signing ceremony on Wednesday of a memorandum of understanding between the EU and the Independent Election Commission (IEC) regarding the nature and the mandate of the mission.

Election boycott campaigners ‘do not believe in democracy’ — IEC

Jul 27 2016
Jordan Times

AMMAN — Those who have called to boycott the upcoming parliamentary elections do not believe in democracy as a tool for change, Independent Election Commission (IEC) Chief Commissioner Khaled Kalaldeh said on Tuesday.

Kalaldeh’s remarks followed the launch of a Facebook campaign by a group urging voters to boycott the September 20 elections. 

Tunisie : vers un (nouveau) report des élections municipales

Jul 27 2016
Jeune Afrique


Plus de six ans après sa révolution, la Tunisie peine encore à organiser des élections municipales. Déjà décalées au 26 mars 2017, celles-ci devraient être une nouvelle fois repoussées à cause du retard pris au parlement.

« Le retard considérable pris dans l’adoption de la loi relative aux élections municipales et locales va entraîner la révision de la totalité du calendrier électoral établi par l’Instance supérieure indépendante des élections (ISIE) », a indiqué le 25 juillet Chafik Sarsar, son président.

Albania MPs Finally Adopt Judicial Reform

Jul 22 2016
Balkan Insight

Albania's parliament early on Friday adopted long-awaited judicial reforms, after 18 months of technical and political work and days of tense negotiations.

All 140 members of parliament voted in favour of the reform, after negotiations between the three main political leaders led by US ambassador Donald Lu and EU head of delegation Romana Vlahutin on Thursday closed the last remaining disputes over various articles.

Govt willing to pardon remaining MIT members if they surrender

Jul 21 2016
Jakarta Post

The government will consider pardoning the remaining members of the East Indonesia Mujahiddin (MIT) terrorist group if they surrender to security officers, an official said on Thursday.

"We will offer them a pardon once they leave their hideouts. They are Indonesian citizens after all," Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan said on Thursday.

TPPA will be in conflict with Constitution, court told

Jul 21 2016
The Star

The controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) will run foul of the Federal Constitution in regards to Malay rights and Islam as the country’s religion, the Court of Appeal was told.

The contention was put forward by three groups - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim), Urusetia Menangani Gejala Sosial (Unggas) and Persatuan Teras Pendidikan dan Kebajikan Malaysia (Teras) - which are appealing for leave for judicial review in order to stop the agreement.
