
Explain programmes; suggest solutions, FNC candidates told

Sep 04 2015
United Arab Emirates
Khaleej Times

Each and every Federal National Council (FNC) candidate shall be bound to explain their programmes to the local National Election Committee (NEC) concerned before starting any electoral campaign.

The committee has instructed all FNC candidates to argue about, defend their political stances, and elaborate all components of their electoral programmes in writing in the all-new election form.

Elections: la Cour des Comptes contrôle les dépenses des candidats

Sep 04 2015
Le 360

La Cour des comptes a récemment pris la décision de passer au peigne fin les dépenses électorales des futurs élus pour bien s'assurer de l'origine et de la nature des fonds utilisés durant leur campagne électorale.

Les magistrats vont axer leur travail d'audit sur les déclarations de patrimoine de chaque candidat élu pour vérifier si les dépenses ne proviennent pas d'un financement douteux ou d'un enrichissement illicite.

Elections: le CNDH inspecte des bureaux de vote à Rabat

Sep 04 2015
Le 360

Le Conseil national des droits de l'Homme (CNDH) a dépêché ce vendredi 4 septembre, des délégations d'observateurs pour superviser les opérations de vote à travers les 1500 communes du royaume. L'une de ces délégations conduite par Mohamed Sebbar, SG du CNDH a sillonné des bureaux à Rabat et Témara.

La tournée de Mohamed Sebbar l'a mené à Hay Ryad, à Témara et au quartier Yacoub El Mansour. L'émissaire du CNDH a rencontré des scrutateurs et quelques observateurs d'ONG avant d'accomplir une tournée dans les bureaux de vote.

Red lines for FNC candidates

Sep 03 2015
United Arab Emirates
Gulf News

Dubai: A list of things to avoid while campaigning for the Federal National Council (FNC) elections was shared during a workshop on political campaigns on Wednesday.

The workshop was aimed to help ensure candidates comply with executive instructions of the 2015 electoral process and curb any possible electoral violations.

Politician Abul-Ghar resigns from Egyptian Social Democratic Party

Sep 03 2015
Ahram Online

Prominent politician Mohamed Abul-Ghar has resigned as head of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party citing a schism within the group, ahead of the long-awaited parliamentary elections the party will contest.

Abul-Gahr, 75, said his exit was prompted by destructive splits, "polarisation" and failed attempts to "heal the rift" within the party.

"It strikes me that my desire for the party to have a clear social democratic ideology, to be popular and to self-finance is impossible with these disagreements raging," Abul-Ghar said in his resignation letter.

Egyptian court sentences 25 Morsi supporters to life in prison

Sep 03 2015
Ahram Online

A Sohag criminal court convicted and sentenced on Thursday 25 Morsi supporters to life in prison on multiple counts of murder and the arson of a church in 2013 following the violent dispersal of the pro-Morsi sit-ins in Nahda and Rabaa squares by security forces.


The court also sentenced 67 defendants in the same case to 15 years in prison while 27 others received ten-year sentences, all of which can be appealed.

The defendants were found guilty on a number of charges, including the torching of Mar Gerges Church in Upper Egypt’s Sohag governorate. 

Women seek gender-based voting system

Sep 03 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

AL-NAIRIYA: Women in Al-Nairiya governorate have called on the government to only allow gender-based voting because they believe this would allow women to get places on the new municipal councils.
Nouf Al-Otaibi, a businesswoman in the area, said men can get more votes than women. She said men should vote for men and women for women. 
Hind Al-Maliki said men have significant authority in the governorate that enables them to get more votes, which makes it unfair competition.

Majlis Al Shura candidates warned against bribing Omani voters

Sep 02 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: As the October elections for the Majlis Al Shura approach, candidates have been reminded against indulging in bribery and other such illegal activities to influence the elections.

As per the law for the Majlis Al Shura elections, Article 71 states that candidates who bribe a voter will have to face imprisonment between six months and three years and pay a fine between OMR1,000 and OMR3,000.

Egypt's Court of Cassation keeps top Muslim Brotherhood members on terrorism list

Sep 02 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt’s cassation court rejected on Wednesday an appeal submitted by top Muslim Brotherhood members, including the group's supreme guide, to be removed from the countries "terrorism list" on Wednesday.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, along with 17 other high profile members from the organisation, including Khairat El-Shater, Mohamed El-Beltagy and Essam El-Erian, were all placed on the "terrorism list" earlier in 2015 by the late Prosecutor-General Hesham Barakat.

Don’t bribe voters, FNC candidates warned

Sep 02 2015
United Arab Emirates
Khaleej Times

Abu Dhabi: Slandering other nominees and ‘buying votes’ can lead to individuals’ dismissal from the list of candidates ahead of the upcoming Federal National Council (FNC) elections, officials in the capital said on Wednesday.

Speaking to an audience of candidates for the FNC elections at a workshop on how to launch a political campaign, Dr Mohammad Salim Al Mazrooi, General Secretary of the council, said the voting process does not happen at random but is instead based on scientific methodologies.

Over 2700 parliamentary hopefuls submit papers on first day of registration: HEC

Sep 02 2015
Ahram Online

An estimated 2745 hopefuls aiming to run in Egypt's parliamentary elections have submitted their papers on Tuesday, the first day of registration, Egypt's Higher Elections Committee (HEC) announced on Wednesday.


Candidates wishing to run in the upcoming parliamentary elections, whose first stage is set to begin 17 October, can register between 1 and 12 of September.

Campaign pointers for FNC candidates

Sep 02 2015
United Arab Emirates
The National

ABU DHABI // Strong local knowledge and realistic promises are crucial in a successful campaign, candidates for the FNC polls were told on Wednesday.

A workshop was held at the Higher Colleges of Technology to pass on successful strategies for attracting voters, after the final list of 341 candidates was released on Monday by the National Election Committee.

Assembly chief claims authority over elections for Guardian Council

Sep 02 2015
Radio Zamaneh

In response to President Hassan Rohani’s statements about the limited role of the Guardian Council in the elections, the head of the Assembly of Experts, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, said on Tuesday September 1 that the council has jurisdiction over the approval of candidates.

At the meeting of the Assembly of Experts on September 1, new chairman Ayatollah Yazdi referred to the two upcoming elections. Without naming the president, he said the Executive Branch is changed with running the elections and the Guardian Council is charged with monitoring them.

Violents affrontements entre des partisans du PPS et de l’UC

Sep 01 2015

Une équipe qui accompagnait le candidat et tête de liste du PPS dans les communales de la ville de Machraâ Belksiri affiliée à la région de Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, s’est faite attaquée par des partisans de l’Union constitutionnelle, soutient le secrétaire général du PPS. Ces derniers se serait rués sur les militants PPS.

Elecciones en Marruecos. Únicamente La CNI será válida para votar

Sep 01 2015
Correo Diplomático

La tarjeta del elector es historia antigua en las elecciones en Marruecos. El Ministerio del Interior ha decidido que para las próximas elecciones municipales y regionales del 4 de septiembre, sólo la documento de identidad nacional (CIN) será válido. 

Según el ministerio las personas registradas como votantes deben presentar su CIN sólo para votar, sin ser obligado de presentar la tarjeta del elector como en las elecciones pasadas.
