
Preparations for Egypt's parliamentary elections ‎will begin soon: HEC

Jul 14 2015
Ahram Online

A nine-member judicial body in charge of ‎supervising Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections ‎held a meeting Monday to begin preparing for potential ‎polls.

Ayman Abbas, chairman of Cairo's Appeals ‎Court and head of the Higher Election Committee ‎‎(HEC), said the committee will remainin session ‎over the next few days until a timeline for elections is ‎announced.‎

According to HEC's spokesman, Omar Marwan, ‎the meetings come after the electoral ‎constituencies law, necessary for paving the way for ‎the elections, was ratified by president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.

Les manifestations publiques, les spectacles et les cortèges interdits, la police annonce des arrestations

Jul 13 2015

Les services de sécurités ont arrêtées deux personnes, âgées respectivement de 29 et 50 ans, à Ghardaïa, annonce, ce lundi 13 juillet, un communiqué de la police. « La première faisait l’objet d’un mandat d’arrêt délivré par la justice ». Il est soupçonné d’appartenir à « une association de malfaiteurs », ajoute le communiqué. Il également poursuivi pour « tentative d’homicide volontaire et attroupement armé ».

Pour la majorité, pas question de report des élections

Jul 11 2015
Le 360

Réagissant à des informations au sujet d’un éventuel report des prochaines élections, une source gouvernementale a démenti catégoriquement ces rumeurs, ce samedi 11 juillet, affirmant que ces échéances électorales se tiendront à leurs dates initiales. 

"Il n’y aura pas de report des élections. Le Chef de gouvernement et la majorité son intransigeants sur cette question", a affirmé un responsable gouvernemental à Le360.

Sudan’s dialogue opposition forces to meet with holdout parties

Jul 11 2015
Sudan Tribune

The chairman of the Just Peace Forum (JPF), al-Tayeb Mustafa, has announced that the opposition forces participating in the government-led dialogue formed a committee to convince the holdout political forces to join the process.

Mustafa also said the dialogue opposition parties would meet with the government parties soon in order to move the dialogue process forward.

Egypt's Sisi approves new parliamentary election law

Jul 10 2015
Ahram Online

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has ratified amendments to an election law regulating electoral constituencies, paving the way for setting a date for the long-delayed parliamentary poll, according to state news agency MENA.

The vote was set to be held last March before a court ruled part of the electoral districts law regulating the individual seats system was unconstitutional.

Egypt has been without a parliament since June 2012 when a court dissolved the lower chamber after ruling it was not constitutionally elected.

Egyptian PM 'admitted that media restrictions in anti-terror law were a mistake': Press syndicate

Jul 10 2015
Ahram Online

The Egyptian government has acknowledged that it was a mistake to publish a draft law that limits how journalists report terrorist incidents without first consulting the press syndicate, a syndicate official said Thursday.


The draft anti-terrorism legislation contains a controversial article which states that anyone who intentionally publishes information on a terrorist operation other than that which is cited in government statements can be sentenced to at least two years in prison.

Second largest party in the majority grows significantly in the local government polls in Albania

Jul 10 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Socialist Movement for Integration, led by the speaker of Parliament, Ilir Meta, has achieved very good results in the local government elections held a few weeks ago.

In 61 municipalities, SMI has managed to come out as a winner in 11 of them, while in 21 other municipalities, SMI has managed to be ranked second.

This way, SMI has ruined the traditional ranking which has existed in the past 25 years, where the two first places were always occupied by the Democratic Party and the Socialist Party.

La stratégie commune des partis de la majorité pour les élections

Jul 09 2015

La majorité fait front commun à l’approche des élections régionales et communales de septembre 2015. Abdelilah Benkirane, secrétaire général du Parti de la justice et du développement (PJD), Salaheddine Mezouar, président du Rassemblement national des indépendants (RNI), Mohand Laenser, secrétaire général du Mouvement populaire (MP) et Nabil Benabdallah, secrétaire général du Parti du progrès et du socialisme (PPS), se sont réunis le 7 juillet à Rabat pour présenter leur stratégie commune en préparation de l’échéance électorale de septembre.

Egypt's journalists syndicate calls for amendments to draft anti-terrorism law

Jul 09 2015
Ahram Online

The journalists syndicate has called for changes to a draft anti-terrorism law which imposes two-year jail sentences on journalists who "report false information on terrorist attacks which contradict official statements."


Journalist Khaled El-Balshy told Al-Ahram Arabic news website that the syndicate had called for the cancellation of Article 33 of the draft law during a meeting on Wednesday with Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab. 

The syndicate also called for amendments to four other articles of the law, El-Balshy added.

La première chambre adopte trois nouveaux textes, dont deux sur les droits de l’Homme

Jul 09 2015

A l’occasion d’une session plénière tenue au parlement le 7 juillet, trois nouveaux textes ont été adoptés par la Chambre des représentants. Ces trois textes ont été présentés par la ministre déléguée aux Affaires étrangères, Mbarka Bouaida.  Le premier est le protocole additionnel aux accords de coopération judiciaire liant la France et le Maroc qui a été signé le 31 janvier par le ministre de la Justice Mustapha Ramid et son homologue française Christine Taubira. Le texte a été adopté à l’unanimité par la première chambre et n’a toujours pas été adopté par la Chambre des conseillers.

Govt reiterates rejection of foreign involvement in Sudan’s dialogue as opposition supports it

Jul 09 2015
Sudan Tribune

foreign minister Ibrahim Ghandour reiterated his rejection for external intervention in Sudan’s affairs and praised the role of the African Union mediation in this respect, while the leader of the opposition National Umma Party Sadiq al-Mahdi called on the African Union to support the involvement of the international community to achieve peace in the country.

Ghardaïa : l’Armée autorisée à décréter le couvre feu

Jul 09 2015

L’intervention de l’armée à Ghardaia se précise. Le président Bouteflika a décidé, mercredi, de mettre en place la haute Commission sécuritaire et militaire. Elle est « chargée de travailler en coordination avec la quatrième région militaire pour suivre la situation au niveau de la wilaya » de Ghardaïa, confrontée aux violences intercommunautaires.

Government rejects opposition call for UN resolution over Sudan peace process

Jul 09 2015
Sudan Tribune

 The Sudanese government Thursday rejected a call by the National Umma Party (NUP) leader Sadiq al-Mahdi for a new peace process supported by a resolution from the United Nations Security Council under Chapter Seven.

On Wednesday, al-Mahdi accused the Sudanese government of killing the national dialogue and called on the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union to adopt a news peace process where the mediation is consolidated by including international partners. He also called to empower the mediators to judge the actions of the Sudanese antagonists .
