
Le forum ne participera pas à un dialogue n’impliquant pas toutes les parties et ne garantissant pas l’unité et la stabilité du pays

Jul 08 2015
Cridem, Essahraa

Le Président du forum national pour l’unité et la démocratie (FNDU) Me Diabira Maroufa, estime que le véritable choix du forum est la participation responsable à un dialogue national global, engageant toutes les parties participantes et garantissant l’unité et la stabilité du pays.

Rival Bosnian Serb Blocs Battle Over Referendum

Jul 08 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The assembly of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, will hold a special session next week to vote on holding a referendum challenging the authority of Bosnia’s High Representative and the state judicial institutions.

The session was requested by the Republika Srpska President, Milorad Dodik, who is launching the initiative for the second time in four years.

International officials, local experts as well as Bosnian Serb opposition parties have condemned the plan.

SPLM-N rebels reiterate calls for new peace process in Sudan

Jul 08 2015
Sudan Tribune

The secretary-general of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), Yasir Arman, said his group won’t participate in a peace process designed to allow the regime win time and covers its crimes, pointing they wouldn’t start negotiations from where the last round of talks has stopped.

Arman stressed they are currently mobilizing internal, regional and international public opinion to launch a new peace process that tackles the two key issues: stopping the war and addressing the humanitarian crisis, and allowing freedoms.

Decision on referendum next week

Jul 07 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Independent Balkan News Agency

Awaiting news from New York, where UN Security Council discusses about the British draft of Resolution on Srebrenica, RS political parties representatives met to decide when they will hold the special session of RS National Assembly to consider the reactivation of the earlier call on referendum about citizens’ trust in BiH state Court and Prosecution office work.

Ghardaïa renoue avec les violences : plusieurs blessés, des maisons et des voitures incendiées

Jul 07 2015

De nouveaux affrontements ont éclaté, dans la nuit du lundi au mardi, à Guerrara dans la wilaya de Ghardaïa, a-t-on appris de Ahmed Baba Moussa, membre de la Cellule de concertation et de suivi des événements de Ghardaïa.

« Les affrontements ont éclaté après la prière de Tarawih. Il y a beaucoup de blessés. Des maisons et des voitures ont été incendiées », a-t-il ajouté.

Au chef-lieu de Ghardaïa et à Berriane, des affrontements ont eu lieu dans la nuit du samedi au dimanche faisant aussi plusieurs blessés.

MPs decide to refer draft law on CSM to General Legislation Committee

Jul 07 2015

One hundred and thirty three (133) MPs voted for the transfer of the draft law on the Supreme Judicial Council (French: CSM) to the General Legislation Committee for reconsideration. Six deputies voted against and fourteen MPs abstained. 

The MPs voted at a plenary session of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) held Tuesday, part of the work of which was devoted to the discussion of the bill on the supreme judicial council.

343 municipal election constituencies established

Jul 07 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

JEDDAH: The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has set up 343 electoral constituencies for the Dec. 12 municipal council elections.

This was done on the orders of Abdullatif Al-Sheikh, the minister and head of the General Committee for the Municipal Elections, said Abdullah Al-Mansour, deputy secretary general for municipal council affairs.

Egypt dissolves 14 Brotherhood-linked NGOs

Jul 07 2015
Ahram Online

Social Solidarity Minister Ghada Waly dissolved 14 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Tuesday in Minya, Beni Suef and Damietta for being associated with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, the Ahram Arabic news website reported.


Twenty-one other NGOs in Qena, Fayoum and Daqahliya will have a new board of directors, so that they do not stop offering their social services.

The decision follows a 2013 court decision to ban the Brotherhood's activities and to seize the assets of Brotherhood-linked organisations, the minister said.

Bashir government is formed on tribal lines : Turabi

Jul 06 2015
Sudan Tribune

The leader of the Islamist opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) Hassan al-Turabi harshly criticized the new government of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir saying it is formed along tribal lines.

Al-Turabi who is the only opposition leader supporting the national dialogue remained silent and refused to speak publically about the delay in the political process or to criticize the ruling National Congress Party (NCP). But, he refused that his party participate in the general election last April.

Egypt's Salafist Nour Party launches counter-terrorism awareness campaign

Jul 06 2015
Ahram Online

The head of Egypt’s ultra-Conservative Salafist Nour Party said on Monday that his party had launched its "Egypt is stronger than terrorism" campaign in support of the Egyptian state.


"We have launched our campaign, through our legitimate political party, as a responsibility towards our country," said Nour Party secretary-general Galal Morra.

FNC polls: A positive step towards political participation

Jul 06 2015
United Arab Emirates
Gulf News

Abu Dhabi: By increasing the pool of voters to more than 224,000 for the upcoming Federal National Elections set for October 3, the UAE has taken a gigantic leap towards greater political participation, Tareq Lootah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of State for FNC Affairs and Chairman of the Election Management Committee, said yesterday (Monday).

Sudan’s opposition party denies participation in NCP-led dialogue

Jul 05 2015
Sudan Tribune

-The opposition Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) led by Ibrahim al-Sheikh has dismissed press reports claiming that it decided to join the national dialogue.

Al-Siyasi newspaper on Sunday quoted the member of the dialogue coordination body known as 7+7, Aboud Jaber, as saying that the SCoP would join the national dialogue.

However, the SCoP , in a statement issued on Sunday, denied Jaber’s statement, describing the government-led dialogue as “infamous”.

Egypt's Judicial Council approves draft anti-terror law

Jul 05 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's highest judicial authority, the Supreme Judicial Council, on Sunday approved a draft anti-terror law that will impose harsher punishments on those convicted of terrorism charges.

The cabinet last week approved the draft legislation which it said would provide "swift and just deterrence" against terrorism and dry up the sources of terrorism funding.

Egypt's journalists' syndicate says new anti-terror law will curtail press freedoms

Jul 05 2015
Ahram Online

The press syndicate has said a new anti-terror law Egypt is set to pass will trample on press freedoms and enable authorities to censor media.

The draft anti-terrorism legislation imposes a minimum two-year sentence as punishment for "reporting false information on terrorist attacks which contradict official statements.”

The law was approved by the cabinet last week after President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi pledged tougher legal measures to combat terrorism after the assassination of the country's top public prosecutor in a Cairo car-bomb attack.
