
Egypt's Press Syndicate to hold emergency meeting to discuss 'media crackdown'

Jun 14 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Press Syndicate is to hold an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss the ongoing crackdown on journalists and press freedom, the head of the syndicate’s freedoms committee, Khaled El-Balshy, told Ahram Online.


“The interior ministry and many other governmental apparatuses have been filing frequent legal complaints against journalists, and these are all proof that the current government is targeting journalists,” El-Balshy said.

Former PM Shafiq steps down as leader of Egyptian Patriotic Movement

Jun 14 2015
Ahram Online

Former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq announced late Saturday night that he had resigned from leading the Egyptian Patriotic Movement, casting further doubts about his political future.

"I had to resign due to the difficult circumstances I had to face while doing my job," he said on Twitter.

Shafiq's resignation comes days after news spread that his interview with controversial TV host Abdel Rahim Ali on Al-Asema TV channel [The Capital], which was to be aired last week, was cancelled due to alleged "political pressure", according to media reports. 

Sudanese opposition launches a campaign to stop the war

Jun 14 2015
Sudan Tribune

The opposition “Sudan Call” forces has launched Saturday the “Leave to Stop the War” campaign and called for immediate international intervention to stop aerial bombing on civilians and end the war in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur.

“Sudan Call” forces include the rebel umbrella Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), National Umma Party (NUP) and the opposition alliance of the National Consensus Forces (NCF).

ICC judges reject South Africa’s argument against arresting Sudanese president

Jun 14 2015
Sudan Tribune

The judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an urgent decision on Saturday by which it asserted that South Africa is under the obligation to arrest and surrender Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir who has arrived on Saturday in Pretoria to attend the 25th ordinary session of the African Union (AU).

Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009 over alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Darfur conflict. As a result his overseas travel has been restricted to friendly nations ever since.

Nouvelle alliance présidentielle : Saâdani dit non à Ouyahia

Jun 13 2015

C’est un non poli, mais ferme. Pour Amar Saâdani, secrétaire général du FLN, la nouvelle alliance à laquelle a appelé Ahmed Ouyahia jeudi est « prématurée ». Le FLN n’y prendra donc pas part.


Amar Saâdani appelle à un « front national » de soutien au président de la République. Ce front sera constitué de l’ensemble des partis et associations qui ont soutenu le président, a précisé le patron du FLN.

Lois électorales: les femmes députées se disent lésées

Jun 13 2015
Le 360

Les femmes parlementaires montent au créneau. Elles se sont opposées catégoriquement aux projets de lois électorales qui consacrent, selon elles, la discrimination à l’encontre de la gent féminine.

Le ministre de l’Intérieur, Mohamed Hassad a, lors de la réunion de la commission de l’Intérieur à la Chambre des représentants, dévoilé les grandes lignes du projet de lois électorales relatives à l’élection des membres du conseil des collectivités territoriales, rapporte le quotidien Al Akhbar dans son numéro de ce week-end (12-13 juin).

Dialogue politique : Point mort

Jun 12 2015
Cridem, L'Authentique

Après l’euphorie des premières rencontres entre les délégués du FNDU (Forum national pour le développement et l’unité) représentant l’aile dure de l’opposition et ceux du pouvoir en avril dernier, le dialogue tant souhaité par l’opinion semble aujourd’hui au point mort.

Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition says open to coalition without AK Party

Jun 11 2015
Today's Zaman

Turkey's pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) said on Thursday it was open to all options for a coalition government other than with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), and that President Tayyip Erdoğan should remain within his constitutional limits.

The HDP was a big winner in a national election on Sunday, crossing the 10 percent threshold to enter parliament for the first time and helping to deprive the AK Party, founded by Erdoğan, of the overall majority it had held for more than a decade.

Sudanese security reinstates four suspended newspapers after ‘apology’

Jun 11 2015
Sudan Tribune

 The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) allowed four newspapers to resume publication after making a written apology for publishing what was described as stories that are harmful to the society’s security and values.

Last month, the NISS suspended al-Intibaha, Akhir Lahza, al-Jareeda and al-Khartoum newspapers indefinitely without reasons.

Erdogan reaparece tras perder su mayoría absoluta

Jun 11 2015
El Mundo

El presidente de Turquía ha pronunciado este jueves su primer discurso tras un período de inquietante silencio posterior a las elecciones legislativas del domingo pasado. Recep Tayyip Erdogan ofreció una comparecencia dominada por una llamada al diálogo doméstico y renovados ataques a Occidente.

Tras las preceptivas referencias al acto institucional, el cierre del sustancioso programa de becas nacional, Erdogan centró sus palabras en los últimos comicios. En ellos el Partido Justicia y Desarrollo (AKP), que él lideró hasta 2014, perdió la mayoría absoluta ostentada desde 2002.

Change in cabinet is always on the table: Egypt's PM Mahlab

Jun 11 2015
Ahram Online

“I don’t have any information about a coming cabinet reshuffle,” said Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab Wednesday, commenting on speculation that he himself might leave office ‎sometime soon.


Reports have circulated recently in the Egyptian media of a possible cabinet reshuffle as ‎President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Sunday publicly criticised a number of ministers, including ‎Mahlab.

Bosnian Serb Leaders Reject EU Reform Plan

Jun 11 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn cancelled his visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo after leaders of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity of Republika Srpska refused to sign the action plan on reforms aimed to unblock EU integration and secure new funding from international financial institutions.

According to the plan, the country's two entities and state government were due to sign the reform agenda at a meeting with Hahn at a roundtable in Sarajevo on Thursday.

Caid Essebsi reiterates his commitment not to promulgate any law contrary to principles of constitution

Jun 10 2015

President Beji Caid Essebsi reiterated his commitment not to promulgate any law contrary to the principles set out in the Tunisian constitution.

At his meeting, Wednesday, with a delegation of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), led by its President Karim Lahidji, Caid Essebsi pledged to strengthen and promote human rights in Tunisia.


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