
Somali President urges ongoing dialogue to resolve Jubba state-formation process

Jun 08 2015

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today urged all parties to work together to reconcile issues currently under discussion in the Jubba state formation process.

‘Across Somalia, Somalis are moving to create one Somalia: a united, federal republic in which all citizens are equal, represented by and with recourse to a competent, transparent, functioning government.

Sudanese opposition leaders barred from travelling to Strasbourg

Jun 08 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Security officers prevented opposition leaders from travelling to France today. They were invited to participate in the European Parliament hearing on Sudan in Strasbourg, scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

The passports of seven opposition leaders, including Maryam El Sadig El Mahdi and Mohamed Abdallah El Doma, co vice-presidents of the National Umma Party (NUP), Siddig Yousef, senior member of Sudanese Communist Party, and Fathi Nuri of the Baath Party, were taken from them at Khartoum Airport early this (Monday) morning.

Sudan’s opposition forces, Darfur displaced denounce new cabinet

Jun 08 2015
Dabanga Sudan

According to Sudanese opposition forces and displaced leaders in Darfur, the appointment of the new cabinet members, presidential assistants and state governors by President Omar Al Bashir on Saturday, only means a reshuffle of the same officials.

The chairman of the Sudan Revolutionary Front rebel alliance, and leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, Malik Agar, commented to Radio Dabanga by saying that the formation of Al Bashir’s new government turned out to be a transferral of the same persons to other locations.

La izquierda kurda acaba con el 'sultanato' del presidente Erdogan

Jun 08 2015
El Mundo

La mayor pesadilla del presidente de Turquía se llamó en la noche del domingo Semo. Semo era uno de los miles de kurdos que, tras votar en masa, tomaron las calles de la ciudad kurda de Diyarbakir celebrando la entrada en el parlamento del Partido Democrático de los Pueblos (HDP). "Ésta es una victoria de kurdos, pero también de turcos, de alevíes, de armenios, de laz y de circasianos. El pueblo ha ganado", declaró Semo a EL MUNDO.

Tunisia determined to complete democratic, economic transition despite challenges

Jun 08 2015

"Despite challenges, we are determined to carry out necessary reforms in accordance with a clear and well-defined timetable," President Béji Caid Essebsi said in his speech on the second day of the G7 Summit currently held in Germany.

Addressing guests of this 41st Summit, the President shed light on the strides made by the country on the pathway to democracy since the Deauville Summit and the  challenges confronting it, particularly unemployment and terrorism.

Le soutien de Gaïd Salah à Amar Saâdani

Jun 08 2015

Amar Saâdani continue d’engranger les soutiens au sommet de l’État. Après Abdelaziz Bouteflika, c’est au tour du général Ahmed Gaïd Salah, vice-ministre de la Défense nationale et chef d’état-major de l’Armée nationale populaire, d’apporter son soutien au patron du FLN. Une première, au moins depuis l’instauration du multipartisme en Algérie.

Soutien de Gaïd Salah à Saâdani : l’opposition dénonce et accuse

Jun 08 2015

La lettre de soutien, envoyée par le chef d’état-major de l’ANP et vice-ministre de la Défense, Ahmed Gaïd Salah au patron du FLN Amar Saâdani, « déshonore l’armée », renseigne sur les « arrangements » qui s’opèrent au sein du pouvoir et le « coup d’État » qui se prépare, selon l’opposition. « La lettre de Gaïd Salah au Secrétaire général du FLN déshonore l’ANP et discrédite toute l’architecture institutionnelle du pays », souligne Atmane Mazouz, chargé de communication du RCD.

Sudanese president forms cabinet, appoints state governors

Jun 07 2015
Dabanga Sudan

President Omar Hassan Al Bashir on Saturday announced the names of his new cabinet, presidential assistants, and state governors, after his inauguration earlier this week.

Minister of Finance, Badreldin Mahmoud, and Interior Affairs Minister, Esmat Abdelrahman, remain in their posts. Ibrahim Ghandour, presidential assistant for the past two years, replaces Ali Karti as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Turquía decide su destino con gran afluencia a las urnas

Jun 07 2015
El País

Los cerca de 54 millones de turcos que hoy están llamados a las urnas para decidir el destino de su país están ejerciendo su derecho en un ambiente, en general, tranquilo, pese a la violencia que ha precedido a estos comicios durante la polarizada campaña electoral, en la que se han producido atentados, ataques a las sedes de los partidos y peleas que han dejado media docena de muertos y cientos de heridos.

Sudanese president replaces defence, oil and foreign ministers in cabinet reshuffle

Jun 07 2015
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir issued decrees on Saturday night naming ministers in his new cabinet formed after the official commencement of his new term this week.

The acting head of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Mohammed al-Hassan al-Mirghani entered the government as Bashir’s assistant to replace his brother Ja’afar who was largely out of the public eye.

The former agriculture minister Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid was also appointed as a new presidential assistant.

Somalia’s Jubaland breaks off relations with central government

Jun 06 2015

Somalia’s interim Jubaland administration said on Saturday it had cut all ties with the central government in a likely setback to efforts to pacify the Horn of Africa Country.

The move comes after Somalia Parliament ousted Jubbaland regional Parliament in a vote of no-confidence on Saturday.

There was no immediate response from the federal government based in Mogadishu.



De nouveaux ministres et de hauts cadres de l’État intègrent le Comité central élargi

Jun 05 2015

Une semaine après le Congrès, la direction du FLN revoit la composition du Comité Central (CC). Les membres de cette instance passent de 489 à 505.

Dans le même temps, quatre nouveaux ministres intègrent le CC : Boudjemaâ Talai, Abdelouahab Nouri, Abdelmalek Boudiaf  et Abdelkader Ouali. Mustapha Karim Rahiel, ministre  et directeur de cabinet du Premier ministre, intègre aussi le CC.

Back to Ben Ali: Tunisian Cops Love Torture

Jun 05 2015
Tunisia Live

Human Rights activists claim that Tunisia is facing a a torture ‘epidemic’ amid fears of a return to a Ben Ali- style police state.

The comments come after it emerged that The Tunisian Organization Against Torture (OCTT) is currently investigating almost 70 torture cases in 2015 with 23 claims submitted in the past month alone.

OCTT chief Mondher Cherni has hit out at the authorities over their ‘reluctance’ to investigate torture claims adequately and the human rights experts believes that Tunisia is at risk of once again becoming a police state.

Bosnia Federation Entity Coalition Falls Apart

Jun 05 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The Democratic Front, DF, has quit the ruling coalition in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, after the government – against the votes of DF ministers – changed the rules on the appointments of new managers for public companies.

The break-up of the ruling coalition has been dragging on for months, marked by personal rows, conflicting statements and short-lived compromises.

GCC parliamentary committee meets

Jun 04 2015
Gulf Times Qatar

Doha yesterday hosted the second meeting of the GCC parliamentary committee in the legislative field. The meeting was attended by delegations from the GCC Shura councils and national assemblies and the GCC Secretariat General. 

In his opening remarks, Advisory Council controller Mohamed Abdullah al-Sulaiti outlined the progress of the GCC joint parliamentary work and its achievements, saying it was reached through concerted efforts and co-ordination. 

Decriminalization, serious effort or electoral propaganda

Jun 04 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Majority in Albania is seeing the opposition’s proposal for a decriminalization pact, as pure electoral propaganda ahead of the June 21 elections.

In the recent days,  Democratic Party has proposed to the majority to sign a pact between political parties in order to verify the candidates that race for the June 21 elections in the framework of decriminalization and the removal of those candidates with criminal records.
