
Des salafistes et des chiites au sein du MDS

May 25 2015
Le 360

C’est le fruit de deux mois d’intenses et secrètes tractations entre les dirigeants du MDS et des salafistes emprisonnés, rapporte Al Massae dans son édition de ce lundi 25 mai. Il s’agit ainsi, selon le journal, d’ouvrir la porte du Mouvement démocratique et social d'Abdessamad Archane à des salafistes qui se seraient remis en question et auraient pris leurs distances avec les idées obscurantistes et destructrices qui les animaient.

Albania Parties Trade Allegations as Poll Campaign Starts

May 25 2015
Balkan Insight

The main political parties in Albania officially started electoral campaigns on Saturday for the next local elections, but the first days of the campaign were marred by claims of irregularities.

On Saturday, Zef Hila, the opposition Democratic Party candidate for the municipality of Vau i Dejes, alleged that he was subjected to harassment by police officers.

“I have denounced this violence from uniformed police officers for weeks, but this is still going on,” Hila said in a statement published by the Democratic Party.

Opposition imposes conditions for cooperation with the government after the local government elections

May 25 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency, Albanian Correspondant

In Albania, the opposition says that it will accept to collaborate with the government after the local government elections only if the latter meets several conditions that aim at relaxing the austerity measures imposed upon the citizens.

Democrat leader, Lulzim Basha said today that “there will be collaboration with the government after the elections only if it [government] accepts the platform for the reduction of the price of energy and fuel, the pardoning of late payment charges and the reduction of taxes”.

Albanians must not sell their vote, appeals the President of Republic

May 25 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency, Albanian Correspondant

President of Albania launched a strong appeal today for voters asking them not to sell their vote on June 21.

Bujar Nishani addressed the nation (photo) about the 21 June 2015 local government elections.

At the focus of his message was the call not to sell the vote. “Do not sell your vote! It has no price. Selling your vote is a disgrace which will tarnish you all. The candidate that buys your vote, does not respect you, he only lies you, despises you and hates you”, Mr. Nishani says.

High ranked official left the SDS

May 25 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Independent Balkan News Agency

The political scene in BiH was shaken Monday as Nenad Stevandic, one of highest officials in Serb Democratic Party (SDS), announced that he is not a member of this party any more.

At the press conference in Banja Luka, Stevandic explained why he decided to leave the biggest opposition party in Republic of Srpska, which is also part of the ruling coalition on the BiH level.

Los reformistas iraníes preparan su regreso a la escena política

May 24 2015
El País

Hubo una explosión de esperanza y luego vino la represión y el silencio. ¿Qué ha pasado con el Movimiento Verde que sacudió Irán hace seis años? No sólo ha sobrevivido en los corazones de quienes ansiaban cambios, sus ideólogos han empezado a organizarse para encuadrar el proyecto reformista dentro de la ley, e intentar volver a la escena politica. Su objetivo es participar en las elecciones parlamentarias del año que viene.

Egypt's opposition to issue reports on Sisi's one year in power

May 23 2015
Ahram Online

Just like they drafted unified amendments for election laws last week, a number of Egyptian political parties have said that they plan to issue a unified report about President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s first year in office.


El-Sisi won Egypt's presidential elections by a landslide majority of 96 percent after a three-day vote in May, 2014. El-Sisi's one rival, leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, won almost 4 percent.

El-Sisi swore in as president of Egypt on 8 June, 2014.

Elections: les partis politiques mobilisent leurs troupes

May 23 2015
Le 360

Les formations politiques comptent mobiliser leurs troupes autour du thème des élections communales, prévues le 4 septembre 2015. Un seul sujet domine les débats, à savoir l'appréciation du bilan du gouvernement, selon l'angle où se positionnent les uns et les autres. Bilan positif pour la majorité, pas du tout reluisant pour l'opposition. Or, le principe voudrait que cette avant-campagne pré-électorale se concentre sur les affaires intrinsèquement liées aux résultats obtenus dans la gestion des communes, ainsi qu'aux futurs plans d'action permettant un réel développement de ces dernières.

Cherki Drais défend bec et ongles la loi organique relative aux régions

May 22 2015
Le 360

La loi organique relative aux régions a fait débat au sein de la Chambre des conseillers, lors même que ce texte a été récemment adopté à l'unanimité, en première lecture, par la Chambre des représentants.

"Cherki Drais sort ses griffes", titre ainsi Al Akhbar qui rapporte, dans son édition de ce vendredi 22 mai, que les opposants à ce projet de loi ont vivement dénoncé, devant la Commission de l'Intérieur, la prédominance des prérogatives du ministère de l'Intérieur au détriment du pouvoir des présidents des conseils.

Sudanese opposition leader prevented from travelling abroad

May 21 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Security officers at Khartoum International Airport on Tuesday prevented Farouk Abu Eisa, chairman of the National Consensus Forces, a coalition of opposition parties, from leaving the country.

They claimed that the state security prosecutor imposed a travel ban on Abu Eisa, pending a lawsuit against him.

Early this month, on 5 May, Dr Amin Mekki Madani, head of the Civil Society Initiative, was halted at the airport in the same manner. He was allowed to travel to Cairo the next day.

Parliamentary Elections a Serious Challenge For the Government: Ghani

May 21 2015

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani told delegates attending an International Contact Group meeting at the Presidential Palace early Thursday that the task of holding parliamentary elections was a serious challenge for the National Unity Government (NUG) and that government needed time in which to bring about electoral reforms.


The cornerstone to Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah's NUG agreement was the condition of fundamental reforms in the electoral system.


Rama and Meta elect the head of the Tcham party

May 21 2015
Balkan Insight, Albanian Correspondant

Leader of the Party for Justice, Integration and Unity (PDIU), the party that defends the rights of the Tcham community, has been voted today by the left wing majority as the new deputy speaker of Parliament.

Immediately after this, the other deputy speaker of Parliament, Vangjel Dule announced his resignation from this post.

These consecutive developments came a few weeks after PDIU decided for the first time in many years, to join the left wing and leave the right wing majority.

Rama and Meta elect the head of the Tcham party

May 21 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency, Albanian Correspondant

Leader of the Party for Justice, Integration and Unity (PDIU), the party that defends the rights of the Tcham community, has been voted today by the left wing majority as the new deputy speaker of Parliament.

Immediately after this, the other deputy speaker of Parliament, Vangjel Dule announced his resignation from this post.

These consecutive developments came a few weeks after PDIU decided for the first time in many years, to join the left wing and leave the right wing majority.

La justice a mis en délibéré une nouvelle fois sa décision : Statu quo au FLN

May 21 2015
El Watan

Un nouveau report. Alors qu’une décision était attendue hier à 11h, puis reportée à 15h, le juge près le tribunal de Bir Mourad Raïs a décidé, après avoir écouté les plaidoiries des deux parties, de mettre en délibéré, pour le 27 mai, la demande de report du 10e congrès. Une décision surprenante, d’autant qu’elle n’a pas été motivée. Elle marque assurément la difficulté qu’éprouve le tribunal à statuer sur une affaire aussi sensible que celle qui touche au FLN.
