
Le dialogue entre le pouvoir et l'opposition à la une des journaux à Nouakchott

May 17 2015
Cridem, Pana

Le dialogue entre le pouvoir et l'opposition a été le principal sujet traité par la presse parue en Mauritanie cette semaine, après une réunion entre les délégués du gouvernement et les représentants du Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDU), vaste rassemblement composé de partis politiques, centrales syndicales, organisations de la société civile et personnalités indépendantes.

‘Tribal clashes in Darfur result of govt. policies’: Sudanese Communist Party

May 17 2015
Dabanga Sudan

According to the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP), the tribal clashes in Darfur are a result of the “divide and rule” government policies.

Yousef Hussein, spokesman for the SCP, told Radio Dabanga in an interview on Friday that the ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) efforts to achieve full domination over the resources in Darfur are based on “divide and rule” policies.

Egypt court issues preliminary death sentence to Morsi in 'jailbreak case'

May 16 2015
Ahram Online

Cairo Criminal Court on Saturday issued a preliminary death sentence to former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and 105 other defendants in the trial known in the Egyptian media as the Natroun jailbreak case.


The court has sent its decision in the Natroun case to the country's grand mufti, a senior Muslim cleric, for a consultative review as required by Egyptian law, setting 2 June as a date for a final verdict.

Pivots Of Dashti’s Grilling Proposal Full Of Constitutional Defects: MP

May 16 2015
Arab Times

MP Abdullah Al-Adwani found it strange that MP Abdul Hamid Dashti is involved in the interrogation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid concerning Kuwait’s foreign policies, reports Al-Jarida daily. Al-Adwani added the pivots of grilling proposal submitted by MP Dashti is full of constitutional defects that interfere in the activities of the Executive authority and meddle in the general policies of the state governed by HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad who’s among the major political leaders of the world.


Convocation des leaders de la CUPAD au palais présidentiel

May 16 2015
Cridem, Alakhbar

Des sources politiques autorisées évoquent un tête-à-tête entre des leaders de la Convention pour l’Unité et l’Alternance Pacifique et Démocratique (CUPAD) et certains proches collaborateurs du Président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz au cours des deux derniers jours au palais présidentiel à Nouakchott.

Les sources parlent de la convocation au palais brun de Messaoud Ould Boulkheir, Président de l'Alliance Populaire Progressiste (APP) et de Boidiel Ould Houmeid, leader du parti El Wiam démocratique et social.

Judicial structures call on President of Republic not to promulgate law on CSM

May 15 2015

Seven judicial structures, on Saturday, called on the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and MPs who support the independence of the judiciary to recognise the unconstitutionality of the draft law on the Supreme Judicial Council (French: CSM). 

“Provisions of the constitution and the rule of law must be respected,” they stressed, calling on the President of the Republic not to promulgate the law.

Party Battles Threaten Bosnia Federation Govt

May 15 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The coalition government of Bosnia’s Federation entity was on the brink of collapse on Friday as the main players battled over control over lucrative public companies.

“Collapse in the government of BiH Federation,” the Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz reported on Friday, referring to the decision of the ministers from the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, to walk out of an entity government session in a dispute about the control of public companies.

Le président du RCD dénonce les « vieilles recettes de recyclage des décideurs »

May 15 2015

Le président du RCD ne voit dans le dernier remaniement ministériel qu’une manière de maintenir le système.

« Aujourd’hui encore, ils veulent réviser la Constitution juste pour introduire d’autres mécanismes qui leur permettent de maintenir le système en place comme ils l’ont fait une fois de plus lors de l’amendement de 2008 », a estimé, ce vendredi 15 mai, Mohcine Belabbas, président du RCD.

Kuwaiti women celebrate their fruitful struggle

May 15 2015
Kuwait Times

Kuwaiti women celebrate today attaining their political franchise on May 16, 2005, when the National Assembly headquarters witnessed a historic session with 35 MPs blessing amendment of the electoral law's first article, thus granting them the right to vote and run for polls. This accomplishment capped long struggle by the Kuwaiti women for the constitutional and political rights, backed by men legislators, during a series of parliamentary sessions.


Voters optimistic at Egypt's Wafd Party elections despite internal rift

May 15 2015
Ahram Online

Hundreds of Wafd Party members flocked to the party’s Cairo headquarters on Friday to cast their ballots in internal elections, amid an ongoing rift between the party head and prominent members.


The rift began earlier this month when at least 1,200 members of the right-of-centre party met in the Nile Delta governorate of Sharqiya, announcing that they were withdrawing their confidence in party head El-Sayed El-Badawi.

El-Badawi responded on the same day, suspending the membership of eight prominent members of the party’s high board.

Mali Signs Half-Baked Peace Deal Without Main Ingredients - Tuareg Rebels

May 15 2015
All Africa, RFI

Mali's government and allied fighters signed a long-awaited peace deal on Friday in a ceremony attended by numerous heads-of-state but boycotted by the country's main Tuareg-led rebel groups. The coalition previously initialled the document, but refused to sign it, saying the peace deal does not go far enough.

Report: Peace deal without the main peace makers

Listen (04:16)

15/05/2015 by Christina Okello

Conseil des ministres: cinq lois organiques adoptés

May 15 2015
Le 360

Cinq projets de lois organiques et deux projets de décret ont été adoptés lors du conseil des ministres, présidé par le roi Mohammed VI, ce vendredi 15 mai, au Palais royal de Casablanca. Trois projets de lois organiques, relatifs à la Chambre des conseillers, aux partis politiques et à l’élection des membres des Conseils des collectivités territoriales ont été adoptés.

Netanyahu logra la investidura de su nuevo Gobierno por un solo voto

May 14 2015
El País

Después de haber dado la vuelta a los sondeos el 17 de marzo, el primer ministro Benjamín Netanyahu se disponía a iniciarse cuarto mandato de forma apacible, con el apoyo de 67 escaños en una Cámara de 120. El nacimiento del nuevo Gabinete se ha producido, sin embargo, tras un prolongado y accidentado parto en el que tuvo que esforzarse hasta cerca de la medianoche del jueves para sumar una mayoría de uno sólo voto, en medio de las acusaciones de la oposición, que calificaron de “circo político” la subasta de carteras ministeriales hasta última hora.


Nouveau gouvernement : les enjeux du remaniement

May 14 2015

Il l’a remanié. Enfin. Envisagé dès la fin de l’été 2014, reporté à plusieurs reprises, le remaniement ministériel a finalement eu lieu ce jeudi 14 mai.  Au moment où personne ne l’attendait presque plus.

Mais au-delà de la composition du nouveau gouvernement avec son lot de partants et de nouveaux arrivants, ce remaniement suscite aux moins trois interrogations.

Two women victorious in CMC election

May 14 2015
The Peninsula

Fatima Al Kuwari wins from Constituency Number 9; Sheikha Al Jefairi retains seat

DOHA: Two women, including a sitting member, have made it to the 29-member Central Municipal Council (CMC) in the election that was held yesterday to its fifth term (2015-2019).

Sheikha Al Jefairi, from Old Airport neighbourhood of Doha, was the lone woman CMC member for 12 years (for three terms of the CMC of four years each beginning 2003).

Egypt's Wafd Party still faces crisis despite presidential intervention

May 14 2015
Ahram Online

In the latest in an internal political crisis rocking Egypt’s oldest liberal party, the Wafd Party, suspended board members have said they would not attend party leadership elections on Friday.


The party's leader El-Sayed El-Badawy, in whom they have withdrawn their confidence citing abuse of power, has said that the elections would go ahead and that the party’s board would then convene on Saturday to discuss the fate of the suspended members. El-Badawy added that the suspended members “are welcome again in the party.”
