
Albanian political parties may score the same election result, polls suggest

May 14 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

The results of a recent poll for the main municipalities in the country, indicate that the current majority is still strong, while the opposition continues with the same results.

Meanwhile, 21,2% of respondents said that they have not decided who to vote.

The poll for the June 21 local government elections, was carried out by IPR, an Italian based research institute. With the results collected in the 2009 and 2013 election polls, this institute was very close to the official result.

Entre entraves administratives et refus politique

May 14 2015
El Watan

Interminable parcours du combattant. De nombreux partis politiques sont en attente de la fameuse autorisation du ministère de l’Intérieur pour pouvoir tenir leurs congrès constitutifs. Le système d’autorisation est devenu un instrument de blocage politico-administratif. Plusieurs fois interpellé, Tayeb Belaïz ne semble pas enclin à débloquer les dossiers qui sommeillent dans les tiroirs de son département, et ce, malgré son «engagement».

Egyptian president meets with El-Badawy over Wafd Party crisis

May 14 2015
Ahram Online

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met Wednesday with Al-Wafd Party leader El-Sayed El-Badawy along with other officials to discuss the latest crisis facing the party, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported

The internal political crisis rocking Egypt's oldest liberal party has been on the rise since late April.

Following the meeting with El-SIsi, El-Badawy told Al-Ahram Arabic news website that he will be meeting with the party's high board members to discuss El-Sisi's advice.

Date of municipal elections could not be set before adapting laws to Constitution (Nabil Bafoun)

May 13 2015


Participants in the conference organised, Wednesday in Tunis, on local power, unanimously pointed out the urgency of starting as soon as possible to review the laws in force and which are in total contradiction with Chapter 7 of the Constitution on the local power, before the organisation of municipal and regional elections. 


What a Qatari election looks like (updated)

May 13 2015
Doha News

Despite predictions of a dismal voter turnout for Qatar’s only elected political body, some Qataris said they spent nearly two hours waiting to cast a ballot today.

Early indications suggested that participation in this year’s Central Municipal Council (CMC) elections – the nation’s fifth – would be the lowest in the political body’s 16-year history.

Qatar: élection du Conseil municipal, seule voix du peuple

May 13 2015
RFI Les voix du monde

Au Qatar, ce mercredi 13 mai, c'est jour d'élections. Et pourtant il n'y a pas de partis politiques dans le petit émirat du Golfe. On vote néanmoins pour élire des conseillers municipaux.  Ce sont les seules élections libres et mixtes dans le pays puisque les femmes peuvent aussi se présenter.

De notre correspondante à Doha,

Study: Only One in Three Tunisians Back Religious Freedom

May 13 2015
Tunisia Live

Two out of three Tunisians are opposed to religious freedom, according to a study.

The poll by the Arab Institute for Human Rights found that just 33 percent of respondents in Tunisia support the right to freedom of belief.

Meanwhile just under one in three agree with the principle of religious conversion. Worryingly the report shows that 54 percent of Tunisians look down upon members of the Shiite Islamic sect.

The study spells bad news for those hoping to openly practice minority religions in the post-revolution state.

CMA to Sign Thursday Peace and Reconciliation Agreement

May 13 2015
All Africa, APS

The Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) will sign Thursday, in Algiers, the peace and reconciliation agreement in Mali, already signed in March by the Malian governments and groups involved in the platform, said Wednesday a diplomatic source.

This phase represents a "significant step" in the resolution of the Malian crisis, before the official signing scheduled for Friday as part of an international mediation, of which Algeria is the head the mediation team, said the source.

Mali rebels agree to sign preliminary peace deal: Algeria state media

May 13 2015

Mali's Tuareg-led rebels have agreed to sign a preliminary peace deal, an accord the government already accepted as a step to ending decades of separatist fighting over the country's north, Algeria's state news agency APS said on Wednesday.

APS said the rebel alliance would sign up to the accord on Thursday in Algiers.

Mali's government in March signed up for the agreement brokered by Algeria and the United Nations, but Tuareg and Arab rebel groups, including the main groups, the MNLA and MAA, had said they needed more time.


Egypt's opposition to unify positions on election laws

May 12 2015
Ahram Online

Close to 40 political parties are to meet on Thursday to discuss an ‎initiative aimed at unifying the Egyptian opposition's ‎positions on the country's election laws and ‎moving the country's long-delayed parliamentary ‎polls forward. ‎

In public statements on Monday night, Akmal ‎Qortam, chairman of the Conservatives Party, said ‎that participants at Thursday's meeting would recommend holding ‎workshops on the three election laws for three days. ‎‎

Le poids du mouvement réformateur au sein du parti minimisé: La riposte de Laenser aux «frondeurs» du MP

May 12 2015
Aujourd'hui Le Maroc

Une conférence qui ressemble plutôt à une riposte au mouvement contestataire qui a fait son apparition au sein du parti ces derniers mois. La sortie de Laenser intervient d’ailleurs quelques jours seulement après une conférence organisée par ledit mouvement dans un hôtel de la capitale.

Elections: le PPS appelle à la coopération et la concertation

May 12 2015
Le 360

Le parti du progrès et du socialisme (PPS) appelle tous les partenaires politiques à faire en sorte que les opérations de préparation des prochaines élections prévues en septembre prochain se déroulent dans un cadre de concertation et de coopération. 

Le Bureau politique du parti du progrès et du socialisme (PPS), réuni lundi à Rabat, appelle les différents intervenants dans le processus électoral en cours à opter pour la concertation et la coopération.

Mauritanie: une coalition opposante refuse toute modification de la constitution

May 12 2015

La CUPAD (Convention pour l’Unité et l’Alternance Pacifique et Démocratique), qui regroupe trois partis d’opposition mauritaniens, a exprimé son refus de toute modification constitutionnelle relative au mandat présidentiel. 

La CUPAD a cité nommément les articles 26 et 28 de la Constitution (consultée par Alakhbar) qui fixent le mandat du Président de la République à "cinq ans", "rééligible une seule fois". La CUPAD a également cité l'article 29 qui exige au président élu de jurer par Allah de ne pas modifier les articles 26 et 28.

Puntland Regional State Propose Vote of No Confidence Against Cabinet

May 12 2015
All Africa, Dalsan Radio

More than 21 Puntland regional state assembly members have signed petition against the regional state cabinet.

The members are pushing for vote of no confidence against the President Abdiweli Gas cabinet which they said is under performing.

In the letter to the speaker of the regional state assembly signed by more than 21 members they cited issues to do with security, economy and political failure by the cabinet.

HPR holds plenary session to look at draft law on CSM

May 12 2015

The parliament will exercise in the coming period, its right of legislative initiative to set up the constitutional commissions within the deadlines, House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Speaker Mohamed Ennaceur said. Opening, Tuesday, the plenary session devoted to the examination of the draft law on the creation of the High Council of the Judiciary (French: CSM), Ennaceur pointed out that after having finished off the executive power foundations, the HPR will work as of  Tuesday, on the components of the judiciary power through the establishment of the CSM.

Justice Minister resigns amidst wave of criticism over classist remarks

May 12 2015
Mada Masr

Egypt’s Justice Minister tendered his resignation on Wednesday following a barrage of criticism directed against him after he stated that custodial workers, garbage collectors, or their children should not join the ranks of the judiciary.

The state-owned Al-Ahram news portal confirmed that Judge Mahfouz Saber had officially submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb as result of the public outcry against him.
