Study: Only One in Three Tunisians Back Religious Freedom

Tunisia Live
Publication date: 
May 13 2015

Two out of three Tunisians are opposed to religious freedom, according to a study.

The poll by the Arab Institute for Human Rights found that just 33 percent of respondents in Tunisia support the right to freedom of belief.

Meanwhile just under one in three agree with the principle of religious conversion. Worryingly the report shows that 54 percent of Tunisians look down upon members of the Shiite Islamic sect.

The study spells bad news for those hoping to openly practice minority religions in the post-revolution state.

Similarly conservative attitudes were prevalent on the topic of marriage, with 40 percent of respondents believing that marriage between two people of different religions was morally wrong.

Just 37 percent of respondents are for marriage between a Muslim Tunisian with a non-Muslim and regard this as a personal freedom.

Tunisia has seen a rise in religious conservatism since the 2011 revolution which toppled former dictator Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali.

