
«Il consacre le recul de la liberté d’expression»

Apr 28 2015
El Watan

Flou, vide, répressif, général sont autant de qualificatifs utilisés par les députés pour désigner le projet de loi relatif aux activités et au marché du livre présenté hier à l’Assemblée par la ministre de la Culture, Mme Nadia Labidi. Habib Zagad de UDS, parti présidé par Karim Tabbou, pense que ce texte de loi consacre la régression de la liberté d’expression en Algérie.

Une centaine de députés veulent la tête de Saadani

Apr 28 2015
El Watan

Les députés menacent de créer un groupe parlementaire parallèle si le parti ne se dote pas d’une direction légitime.

La crise qui secoue le Front de libération nationale (FLN) s’installe définitivement au sein de l’Assemblée populaire nationale (APN). Dans une déclaration adressée hier à notre rédaction, des députés, appartenant à cette formation politique qui bat de l’aile, interpellent vivement le premier magistrat du pays, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, en lui demandant d’user de son poste de président d’honneur pour remettre le parti sur les rails.

Mali: Senior UN Official Urges Parties to 'Immediately Cease Hostilities'

Apr 28 2015
All Africa

Amid an upsurge in violence in Mali, the top United Nations official there today warned parties about the serious consequences their actions could have on the country's peace process.

"I urge the parties to immediately cease hostilities and to return to their positions. This resurgence of tensions imperils everybody's efforts to restore lasting peace in Mali," said Mongi Hamdi, the Secretary-General's Special Representative and head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).

Amendments to Egypt election laws complete: Minister

Apr 28 2015
Ahram Online

The Egyptian cabinet’s drafting committee on Monday finished amending laws regulating parliamentary elections, Transitional Justice Minister Ibrahim El-Heneidy has said.

Amendments to the Parliamentary Elections Law and the Law of the Exercise of Political Rights were minimal, committee member Ali Awad said.

The Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled parts of the laws unconstitutional on 1 March, hence postponing long-delayed parliamentary elections originally scheduled for late March.

Egyptians should stand behind their president, says Hosni Mubarak

Apr 27 2015
Ahram Online

In a rare talk, Egypt’s ousted president Hosni Mubarak said on Sunday that there are "fateful decisions" that need to be taken by current president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and that Egyptians should stand behind him.

 Mubarak, who was ousted on 11 Feburary 2011 following an 18-day uprising, spoke briefly on the phone with TV host Ahmed Moussa on Sada El-Balad private TV channel in commemoration of the 33rd anniversary of the liberation of Sinai.

Mubarak reiterated that the army, headed by President Sisi, clearly "understands the sanctity of the national territory".

Mali pro-gov't militias seize northern town amid clashes

Apr 27 2015
Yahoo News UK

Pro-government armed groups in Mali seized the northern town of Menaka from Tuareg separatists on Monday during fierce fighting, a spokesman for the group and a resident said.

The clashes come after months of relative calm and risk derailing a fragile United Nations peace process that aims to settle the future of Mali's desert north, known by separatists as Azawad.

Sudan's al-Bashir re-elected with 94 percent of vote

Apr 27 2015
Yahoo News

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir won re-election with 94 percent of the vote, according to official results announced Monday, extending his 25-year rule despite international war crimes charges and multiple insurgencies.

The head of the Election Commission, Mokhtar al-Assam, announced the results to reporters. He said turnout was 46.4 percent, insisting that widespread reports of low participation were "not accurate."

Turkey’s two opposition parties kick off foreign election campaign from Germany

Apr 27 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

Two of Turkey’s opposition parties have kicked-off their foreign election campaigns in Germany over the weekend, targeting the more than 2.7 million Turkish voters living abroad. 


The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) initiated its foreign election campaign in the German city of Oberhausen, where MHP head Devlet Bahçeli slammed European leaders who used the word “genocide” to define the 1915 killing of Anatolian Armenians.


Bosnian Party Congresses Set Stage for New Conflicts

Apr 27 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnia's main Serbian party, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, on Saturday re-elected its leader, Milorad Dodik, at a party congress in Eastern Sarajevo for another four years.

The SNSD also elected other key party bodies and adopted several declarations, setting out its long-term strategic orientation. One called for a referendum for the independence of Bosnia’s Serbian-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, RS, in 2018, unless Bosnia’s political and administrative settlement under the original 1995 Dayton peace accord is restored by then.

Names linked with crime appear on the list of candidates for the local government elections

Apr 27 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

US ambassador to Albania, Donald Lu said today that the list of candidates for the local government elections contains several names with possible criminal records.

This comes a few days after Mr. Lu had declared that the embassy would observe the candidates.

“We promised that we would look into the names of candidates, to see if they have been arrested before, in or outside of the country for different criminal offenses. We are happy with the candidate list, but we have concluded that some of the names in it may have criminal records”, Mr. Lu said today.

Egypt's Sisi says country will take 2 years to "get back on its feet"

Apr 27 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Monday said that the country would take two years to "get back on its feet", during Labour Day celebrations at Cairo's Police Academy.

 Egyptians should tell families, colleagues and neighbours to be patient and give the government two years to show positive results, he said.

The president added that every citizen should help the government to combat terrorism.

He said that efforts were ongoing to set minimum and maximum wages in Egypt.

Turkey's main opposition leader pledges ‘zero poverty’ in Edirne rally

Apr 26 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the head of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), pledged to end poverty at his party’s rally in the Western border city of Edirne on April 26.

There will be zero poverty in four years, Kılıçdaroğlu claimed, adding, “Thirteen years ago they promised to fight poverty, corruption and bans. When the year is 2015, there are 6,200,000 people unemployed in the country. None of the children of those who made these promises are unemployed now.”

Les délais de mise en place de la Cour Constitutionnelle: Laxisme et vide juridique

Apr 26 2015
Le Temps

Durant l’ancien régime il n’y avait pas de possibilité pour le citoyen de soulever l’inconstitutionnalité d’une loi ou d’un décret-loi , ni par voie d’action , ni par voie d’exception, c’est-à-dire à l’occasion d’une affaire judiciaire quelconque. Le Conseil constitutionnel n’avait qu’un rôle consultatif.

Or, parmi les acquis de la Révolution, la création d’une Cour constitutionnelle.

Bennett gives up on Foreign Ministry for Education portfolio

Apr 26 2015
Jerusalem Post

Bayit Yehudi chairman Naftali Bennett asked to be Education Minister Saturday night, giving up his previous demand of the Foreign Ministry in order to ensure his party will have two more ministers.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Bennett he would give him an answer in the coming days.

Bennett’s move could pave the way for Netanyahu to bring Yisrael Beytenu into the coalition by offering Avigdor Liberman a third term in the Foreign Ministry.
