
20 South Darfuris detained for refusing to vote

Apr 15 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Security officers detained 20 people, most of them women, in South Darfur's Gireida on Tuesday, when they refused to leave the Zakat Chamber and cast their votes instead. Security forces in North Darfur’s Kutum knocked on house doors, ordering the residents to vote.

A relative of one of the detainees told Radio Dabanga that a force of security agents, led by the head of security of Gireida locality, told a group of poor women and men applying for financial support at the Zakat (Islamic alms) Chamber, to move to the polling centres and vote for President Al Bashir.  

Local council elections go unnoticed in Tehran

Apr 15 2015
Al Monitor

Tehran — a metropolis with 7.8 million inhabitants, 22 districts and 354 neighborhoods — conducted its fourth set of neighborhood council elections in March. More than 13,000 candidates ran for office, and according to high-ranking municipality officials, the number is a significant increase compared with 2009 elections. Still, although voter turnout was significant, there are doubts about the effectiveness of the councils in the framework of urban policymaking.


Herzog denies reports of secret meeting with Netanyahu over coalition

Apr 15 2015
Jerusalem Post
Opposition leader Isaac Herzog continued to deny reports that he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a secret meeting last week in which they discussed the possibility of forming a national unity government.

"It didn't happen and did not take place. Nothing about it was suggested and there was no discussion," Herzog said on Wednesday to Channel 2.

Egypt's Wafd Party head lashes out at electoral meetings, laws

Apr 15 2015
Ahram Online

The head of Egypt’s the liberal Wafd Party has criticised the prime minister’s meetings with political parties on the country's electoral laws, describing them as “useless.”

 Ibrahim Mahlab has held a series of meetings this month with political parties and public figures to discuss amendments to Egypt's electoral laws, paving the way for Egypt’s long-delayed parliamentary elections.

African civil society raise concern over AU monitoring of Sudan election

Apr 15 2015
Dabanga Sudan

A group of 25 African and Sudanese civil society organisations have sent a letter to the AU Commission and the AU High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) for Sudan, expressing their “deep concern” about the decision by the AU Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) to send a an electoral observation mission to Sudan.

Albanian opposition leader accuses the majority of running people with criminal records for the local elections

Apr 15 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

The leader of the Democratic Party in Albania, Lulzim Basha accused today the two governing allies of running people with criminal records for the June 21 local government elections.

During the meeting of the democrat parliamentary group, Basha said that decriminalization is a decisive moment. Basha said that PM Edi Rama is not able to separate himself from people with criminal records and not defend them when they appear in front of the prosecution and police.

Mali Suicide Attack: At Least Three Killed and Nine Injured, U.N. Says

Apr 15 2015
NBC News, Reuters

At least three civilians were killed and nine United Nations peacekeepers seriously injured in a suicide attack on Wednesday at a U.N. base in town of Ansongo in northern Mali, a spokesman for the peacekeeping mission said.

"A vehicle tried to penetrate the camp and there was an explosion," Olivier Salgado told Reuters by telephone from the capital Bamako. He said the casualty figure was provisional as the wounded were still being evacuated.

Proposed amendments to Egypt electoral law see number of MPs increased

Apr 14 2015
Ahram Online
Egypt's cabinet is expected Wednesday to discuss new amendments to two election laws aimed at paving the way for Egypt's long-delayed parliamentary elections. The two laws are on the workings of the House of Representatives and the Division of Electoral Constituencies.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Ibrahim El-Heneidy told reporters Tuesday afternoon that "the two amended laws were submitted to prime minister Ibrahim Mahlab in person in order to be reviewed by the cabinet in a plenary meeting Wednesday."

Seventeen dead in al-Shabab attack on Somalia ministries

Apr 14 2015
Shabelle, BBC

Al-Shabab militants have attacked a government complex in a busy area of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, leaving at least 17 people dead, including seven assailants.

A car loaded with explosives was driven into the wall surrounding the compound, and gunmen then stormed the building.

Officials say the attack is now over and the building has been secured.

Al-Shabab opposes the UN-backed administration and wants African Union forces to leave Somalia.

Last month, the al-Qaeda-linked insurgents launched a two-day siege at a hotel in Mogadishiu.

Moroccan Opposition Leader Defends Right to Criticize Government Actions

Apr 14 2015
Morocco World News

Chabat, who was a guest to MAP Forum on Tuesday, cited, particularly increase of water and electricity bills decided by the government and its failure to solve the unemployment problem.

He added that his party is seriously preparing for the upcoming elections, particularly by visiting all regions of Morocco, and voiced satisfaction at the large number of new memberships to the IP (10,000 new members each month).

Sudanese Umma Party organises sit-in against election

Apr 13 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The National Umma Party (NUP) launched a sit-in at its headquarters in Omdurman on Saturday, in protest against the election that started today.

A large number of political leaders and civil society activists participated in the sit-in. On Sunday, Faroug Abu Eisa, head of the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties), Dr Amin Mekki Madani, chairman of the Civil Society Initiative, and Farah El Agar, legal consultant of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) attended.

AU deploys election observers to various states in Sudan

Apr 13 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The African Union (AU) launched its election monitoring in Sudan on 10 April with the deployment of 20 short-term observers from 14 African countries, representing institutions such as the Pan-African Parliament, Election Management Bodies, and civil society organisations.

The observers were deployed in teams of two to cover seven states in the country, the AU Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) said in its arrival statement today.

Sudan votes in polls set to extend Bashir's rule

Apr 13 2015
Al Jazeera

Sudan is voting in elections shunned by the opposition and expected to see the incumbent President Omar al-Bashir hold on to power for another five-year term.

Voting in the general and presidential elections began at 8am on Monday and will continue for three days.

More than 13 million people have registered to vote at some 11,000 polling stations across the country, but voting got off to a slow start, with mostly soldiers and elderly people showing up at locations visited by Al Jazeera.

Serb Party’s Resolution ‘Threatens Peace’ in Bosnia

Apr 13 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The statement from Nebojsa Radmanovic, a senior leader of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, sparked a heated debate in Bosnian media over the weekend, with opponents claiming that it could unsettle the ethnically-divided country’s stability.

“The resolution that was anounced directly threatens peace and stability in our country,” said a statement from an opposition Social Democratic Party, SDP.

Extremely low turnout on Sudan’s first election day

Apr 13 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Most of the polling stations, which opened their doors at 8am this morning, remained empty throughout the day, amid a widespread boycott by opposition parties and civil society organisations.

Sources in the five states of Darfur; South, North, and West Kordofan; River Nile state and Northern State; El Gezira and White Nile  in central Sudan, and in eastern Sudan reported to Radio Dabanga that the turnout was extremely low during the first day of voting.

Projet de révision Constitutionnelle : C’est la confusion

Apr 12 2015
El Watan

Dans une ambiance de désordre et de confusion générale, le président du Conseil constitutionnel, Mourad Medelci, a été contraint de sortir de sa réserve afin de recadrer le débat sur l’état du projet de révision de la Constitution tel que porté par certains acteurs de premier plan, dont le président de l’APN lui-même.

Le terrorisme et le discours politiquee justifien-ils un nouvveau report des élections?

Apr 12 2015
Le 360

Et voilà qu'il est question d’un nouveau report des élections pour cause de menaces terroristes qui viseraient des acteurs politiques. Ou serait-ce le climat délétère entre rivaux politiques qui en serait la cause ? Al Akhbar a recueilli les réactions des uns et des autres.
