
Darfur displaced call for nation-wide protest during election

Apr 08 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The Coordination Office of the Darfur Displaced and Refugees Association has called for a nation-wide boycott of the general election scheduled for 13-15 April.

“We call on all the Sudanese not to cast their vote next week, and to stage mass demonstrations instead, in protest against the rigged election and the brutal regime in Khartoum,” Yagoub Mohamed Abdallah, head of the Coordination Office told Radio Dabanga.

He stressed that the Darfur displaced and refugees are all convinced that unless the regime is overthrown, there will be no stability in Sudan.

Essid receives ISIE’s report on 2014 legislative and presidential elections

Apr 07 2015

Prime  Minister Habib Essid received, Tuesday, Independent Higher Authority for the Elections (ISIE) President  Shafik Sarsar who handed him a report on the 2014 legislative and  presidential elections.

Sarsar said that the meeting had been an occasion to discuss preparations for the municipal elections and ISIE’s staff regulations, a Prime Ministry press release reads.

He announced that the general report on the legislative and presidential elections will be posted on ISIE’s official website as of, today Tuesday.


Egypt's Mahlab to meet with political forces to discuss electoral laws Tuesday

Apr 07 2015
Ahram Online

The first stage of Egypt's parliamentary elections could begin before the middle of June, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Transitional Justice ‎Ibrahim El-Heneidy ‎said on Monday.

 The elections were due to begin on 21 March but were postponed after a court ruling found the electoral constituencies law to be unconstitutional. The elections would be the first parliamentary polls since the 2013 ouster of president Mohamed Morsi.

Dialogue meeting to discuss Egypt parliament law reforms hampered by disagreement

Apr 07 2015
Ahram Online

A meeting aimed at eliminating constitutional gridlocks standing in the way of Egypt's long-delayed parliamentary elections ended abruptly on Tuesday amid verbal clashes and acrimony.

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Ibrahim El-Heneidy told reporters that Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab was forced to end the meeting with political parties and other national figures after verbal clashes erupted among the attendees.

Bosnian Serb Party to Block 'Illegal' State Govt

Apr 07 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The main Bosnian Serb party, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, has threatened to block the work of Bosnia’s long-awaited new state government, the Council of Ministers, which is holding its first session on Tuesday. 
Following a meeting of the party leadership on Monday, SNSD officials pledged to expand their boycott of state institutions, which is already affecting the work of the state parliament.   

Armenian candidate tops Turkey's main opposition list for elections

Apr 07 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has named an Armenian candidate in the first place on their final candidate list for the upcoming elections on June 7 in a move to prioritize candidates with different backgrounds, according to the media reports.

Lawyer Selina Özuzun Doğan has been named by the CHP in the first place for Istanbul’s second region in the June 7 elections.

AK Party axes many, nominates loyalists with Erdoğan’s imprint

Apr 07 2015
Today's Zaman

The ruling party's candidate list for deputies in the upcoming parliamentary election carries the imprint of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, while more than half the current deputies have been left off the list.

A total of 175 out of 312 ruling party deputies currently in Parliament found themselves eliminated after the party's candidate list was submitted to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) by 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

Seventy of the current ruling party deputies were not able to apply to become candidates as they are on their third consecutive term in Parliament.

Sudan’s opposition forces renew call to boycott April election

Apr 06 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Opposition ‘Sudan Appeal’ forces have added their voices to the swelling call to boycott the election scheduled of 13 April.

In a statement issued to mark the 30th anniversary of 6 April 1985 popular uprising which ended the rule of general Jaafar Numeiri, the coalition of the political and armed opposition forces said the government obstructed the African Union brokered pre-dialogue meeting and aborted the German initiative to facilitate a negotiated settlement.

Amar Ghoul annonce la couleur : «La révision de la Constitution en est à son stade final»

Apr 05 2015
Le Soir d'Algérie

Après tant d'étapes, la révision de la Constitution, qui est une promesse du Président Abdelaziz Bouteflika, en est à son stade final. C'est, désormais, un projet de révision». C'est ce qu'a déclaré le président du parti au gouvernement, TAJ, Amar Ghoul hier samedi à l'occasion d'une réunion du bureau politique à Alger. Confirmant du reste l'imminence de ladite révision.

Louisa Hanoune persiste et signe : «Des élections législatives et locales immédiates sont incontournables»

Apr 05 2015
Le Soir d'Algérie

Constamment sur la brèche, Louisa Hanoune, la porte-parole du Parti des travailleurs (PT), était à Annaba hier. Elle a animé un meeting populaire précisément au Théâtre régional Azzedine-Medjoubi où elle avait fait l’objet d’une virulente attaque par Amar Saâdani du FLN, un certain 24 février 2015.

One of Libya’s Rival Governments Moves to Control Oil Revenue

Apr 05 2015
International New York Times

CAIRO — One of the two factions battling for control of Libya took steps on Sunday to divert incoming oil revenue away from the central bank and into its own new account, a steep escalation in the contest over the country’s vast wealth.

Libya’s oil and money are the prizes that have driven much of the competition among militias and factions in the nearly four years since the overthrow of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, and as the fighting on the ground has slashed oil revenues, the legal and political battle for control of Libya’s assets has become overt and intense.

President Caid Essebsi receives report on legislative and presidential elections

Apr 03 2015

President Beji Caid Essebsi received, Friday, a report on the 2014 legislative and presidential elections and on the recommendations for the next polls.

The report was handed to him by President of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE) Chafik Sarsar.

The Head of State emphasised the need to work, immediately, to provide optimal conditions for the organisation of the next elections.


Govt shuts Shabelle radio and detains journalists

Apr 03 2015
Somali security forces have raided, shut Shabelle radio and detained a large number of its staff tonight.
Forces have also detained customers and guests who happened to be the premises of the network during the raid.
The security forces are reported to be those of the Somali national intelligence and security gency and they have taken away some vital broadcast equipments.
