
Egypt government had 'no say' in delaying elections: PM

Apr 02 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's government did not have a say in postponing the parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab said on Thursday, adding his cabinet is "dedicated" to carrying them out soon 

The premier said in a meeting with political parties and public figures that he believes the delay will "contribute to protecting the continuity of the upcoming parliament, [help] avoid previous mistakes, and [give it the best possible] constitutional immunity [from dissolution]."

Egypt political groups, officials 'close to an agreement' on elections laws: PM

Apr 02 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Prime Minister said Thursday that the government and political forces are getting close to seeing eye to eye on proposed amendments to laws regulating parliamentary elections after the poll was shelved last month due to legal obstacles.

PM Ibrahim Mahlab made his remarks following the first in a series of national dialogue meetings with political forces in an effort to find common ground over electoral laws that were criticised by several political parties before one of the legislations was successfully challenged by a court ruling last month.

Anwar disqualified as Permatang Pauh MP

Apr 01 2015
New Straits Times

Senior federal counsel Amarjeet Singh told reporters that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been disqualified as the Permatang Pauh member of parliament.

The Pardons Board today had rejected Anwar's petition for a royal pardon for his sodomy conviction

"On March 16, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at the Pardon Board's meeting had rejected the pardon by the applicant. Thus, under Article 48 (4)(c) of the Federal Constitution, the disqualification as MP takes effect immediately and as such, there is no basis for the leave to proceed," he said.

Bosnia Beats Deadline to Form New Governments

Apr 01 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Leaders of Bosnia’s ruling parties averted political and financial disaster - literally on the stroke of midnight - by approving new state and Federation entity governments as well as Federation entity budget for 2015.

Administrative problems, procedural shortcomings and political squabbling had blocked the formation of new governments on different levels for a full half year after general elections last October.

Electoral Reform Commission Has Only Advisory Role: Member

Apr 01 2015

The members of the special electoral reform commission appointed by President Ashraf Ghani complain that the commission has only advisory role, having no authority to bring reform to the election system.

The deputy head of the commission Sediqullah Tawhidi stated on Wednesday that if necessary authorities are not given to the commission, reforming the election system will be "impossible."

"This is an advisory commission. When the suggestions are unlike to president's wish, they are rejected," Tawhidi said. "We can say this is a weak and advisory commission."

Ex-Minister Sets Sights on Mayoralty of Tirana

Mar 31 2015
Balkan Insight

Gjergj Bojaxhi, a former deputy minister of energy, on Monday launched his campaign to become the Albanian capital's new mayor, running on a ticket as independent

Launching his campaign to become the next mayor of the capital, Bojaxhi challenged Albania’s two big political parties, the Socialist and Democrats, arguing that they had little to offer the city.

Feud Poses Threat to Bosnian Serb Leadership

Mar 31 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Igor Radojicic, a popular figure in the main Bosnian Serb party, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, is close to resigning – or being kicked out – from the party, which could undermine the political stability of Republika Srpska, a party source told Balkan Insight.

Radojicic is a deputy in the Republika Srpska assembly, is the vice-president of SNSD and heads its Banja Luka branch – the biggest and most important party branch.

Protestation contre le gaz de schiste : la vie reprend doucement son cours à In Salah

Mar 30 2015

Trois mois après le début du mouvement de contestation contre le gaz de schiste, la vie reprend doucement son cours à In Salah. « Les choses sont revenues à la normale. Les enfants sont actuellement en vacances mais ils ont repris l’école. Les administrations dont la daïra et les mairies ont rouvert leurs portes. Mais des manifestants sont toujours à la place Semoud « résistance », affirme Mokhtar Badjouda, membre de la société civile. Les habitants d’In Salah ont accueilli favorablement l’arrêt du forage sur le gisement de gaz de schiste.

Kahlon to join coalition talks after boycotting first meeting

Mar 29 2015
Ynet News

Kulanu and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party will meet Sunday evening to start discussing the basic guidelines of the new government.

The first meeting between the two teams was meant to take place Thursday morning, with Kulanu being scheduled to be the first party in the negotiating room, but following reports that Netanyahu plans to give the Knesset's Finance Committee to United Torah Judaism and leave the Administration of Planning part of the Interior Ministry (which is being eyed by Shas), Kahlon released a statement hinting he was opposing such moves.

Egypt's top prosecutor places Badie, other top Brotherhood leaders on 'terror' list

Mar 29 2015
Aswat Masriya

Egyptian Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat ordered on Sunday the listing of several prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders as "terrorists", including Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie.

This decision is the first implementation of anti-terrorism legislation officially issued last month, a statement from the prosecutor's office said. 

Likud, Habayit Hayehudi facing off in coalition talks

Mar 29 2015

Likud officials have estimated in recent days that among the three portfolios Bennett is likely to demand – defense, education, and religious affairs – his party will only receive one, in addition to two other portfolios that have yet to be determined.

Earlier this week, Habayit Hayehudi MK Ayelet Shaked suggested a law to be implemented by the next government. The bill would force any organization seeking tax exempt donations from foreign sources to receive approval from the Defense Minister, the Foreign Minister and the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Turkey passes tough new security bill, raising fears of election crackdown

Mar 27 2015
Today's Zaman

The Turkish Parliament on Friday overwhelmingly passed into law a security bill to broaden police powers and allow the use of firearms against demonstrators, deepening fears of crackdowns on dissent ahead of parliamentary elections.

According to the private Doğan news agency, the bill was approved with 199 votes for and 32 against after a 16 and a half hour parliamentary session. The 132-article security package passed into law with 69 articles, as the AK Party decided not to discuss 63 articles so as not to delay the approval of the bill any further.

Sudanese opposition forum denied permit in Khartoum

Mar 25 2015
Dabanga Sudana

The police in Khartoum have refused to issue a permit for a political forum by the Reform Now Movement (RNM), scheduled to take place in Burri district next Monday.

In a statement on Tuesday, the RNM, led by Ghazi Salaheldin El Atabani, reported that the police refused to grant the permission “for security reasons”.

El Atabani and Deputy-Chairman Hassan Rizig were supposed to address the forum.
