
BN leaders pledge support for PM

Mar 19 2015
New Straits Times

Barisan Nasional component party leaders today pledged their full support to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.


"We will stand all the way behind him to lead Barisan Nasional (BN) to ensure transformation of the country to continue,” MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai told reporters after a meeting in Parliament between the component party leaders and the BN chairman.


Speaking on behalf of all the BN component party leaders, Liow added: “We are confident that national transformation programme can achieve its vision by 2020."


Overwhelming majority against presidential system, poll shows

Mar 18 2015
Today's Zaman

According to a recent poll by the Gezici Research and Polling Company, the overwhelming majority of people in Turkey are opposed to the presidential system of government that is being heavily promoted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Gezici -- which was subject to an extraordinary tax inspection following its findings of low approval rates for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in February -- revealed that 77.1 percent of people disapprove of the proposed presidential system, while 22.9 percent are in favor of it.

L’élection présidentielle n’était “pas transparente”

Mar 18 2015

Les élections présidentielles d’avril n’étaient pas transparentes. Le constat a été fait par plusieurs partis algériens. Mais un rapport de la mission d’observation de l’Union européenne vient de conforter cette thèse. Le document, révélé par El Watan dans son édition de mercredi, a longtemps été « caché » sur demande des autorités algériennes. Et pour cause ! Il contient des critiques acerbes sur le déroulement du scrutin présidentiel.

Netanyahu wakes up to shock election victory

Mar 18 2015
Ynet News

With 99 percent of the ballots boxes counted, Likud opens six seat lead over Zionist Union with 30 mandates, Joint Arab List retains third place; Lieberman, who was polling at the electoral threshold, surprises with 6.


While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been trailing his Zionist Union opponent in the polls leading up to the elections, the real-time results on Wednesday morning show the Likud leader enjoying a major advantage over the left-wing's Isaac Herzog.


Tunisia ends deadly siege of museum

Mar 18 2015
Al Jazeera

Tunisia's prime minister says 19 people have been killed during a security operation at a museum in the capital after a deadly hostage siege.

The attackers killed at least 17 foreign tourists at the National Bardo Museum in central Tunis during Wednesday's assault before they were killed, Habib Essid said after the crisis was over, addingt that 22 were wounded.

The prime minister added that Italian, German, Polish and Spanish tourists were among those killed in museum attack.

He said his government was working to find out the identity of the two attackers.

Serb Party Boycott Deepens Bosnia's Paralysis

Mar 18 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Western powers may take sanctions against the Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, after his party, the Alliance of Social Democrats, SNSD, blocked the decision-making process in the country's state parliament, an EU official told Balkan Insight on Wednesday. 

Bosnia’s international overseeer, the High Representative, Valentin Inzko, in a press statement on Tuesday, condemned the withdrawal of the Serbian MPs.

Quelle liste électorale pour les premières élections régionales de l’histoire du Mali ?

Mar 16 2015

Sur la base de quel fichier électoral va-t-on organiser les premières élections régionales au Mali ? Comment les bureaux de vote vont-ils être organisés ? Y aura t-il deux bureaux de vote l’un pour les communales et l’autre pour les régionales ? Ou deux équipes de vote dans un même bureau pour prendre le vote des électeurs ? Ou tout simplement allons nous avoir des élections séparées en des jours différents ? Pour la première fois de son histoire, le Mali a décidé d’organiser des élections régionales.

Netanyahu says no Palestinian state if he remains PM

Mar 16 2015
Ynet News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a final bid to shore up right-wing support ahead of a knife-edge vote on Tuesday, said he would not permit a Palestinian state to be created under his watch if he is re-elected.

Trailing his centre-left opponent Isaac Herzog in opinion polls, the three-term leader has sought to shift the focus away from socioeconomic issues and on to security challenges, saying he alone can defend Israel.

‘Berlin Declaration will be annulled if election takes place’: Malik Agar

Mar 15 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The Berlin Declaration will come to an end if the Sudanese general election, scheduled to start on 13 April, are not suspended.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, Malik Agar, chairman of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and head of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) explained that one of the conditions for participating in the Addis Ababa preparatory meetings for a broad national dialogue is the postponement of the upcoming election.

La agenda social se impone en Israel

Mar 15 2015
El Mundo

"Recorro todo el país y lo que más le preocupa hoy al ciudadano es si podrá comprar una casa en su vida o si los bancos dejarán de cobrarle escandalosas comisiones", asegura a EL MUNDO Moshe Kahlon a tres días de las elecciones en Israel. Este ex ministro del Likud y pieza clave en el puzzle del "día después", ha fundado el partido centrista Kulanu ("Todos Nosotros") por una sola razón: la agenda social.

Erdoğan says switch to presidential system inevitable for Turkey

Mar 14 2015
Today's Zaman

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said drafting a new Turkish Constitution and a switch to a presidential system is inevitable for Turkey, reiterating his call for support for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party).

“Are we ready for the presidential system? This switch is inevitable. The building of 'New Turkey' is inevitable. A new constitution and the presidential system are inevitable,” Erdoğan said while addressing a crowd during a visit to the northwestern province of Çanakkale on Saturday.

41 judges sent to retirement for "unlawfully engaging in politics" in support of Mursi

Mar 14 2015
Aswat Masriya

A disciplinary council sent to retirement on Saturday 31 judges accused of unlawfully engaging in politics and supporting a certain political faction, while it turned down the case against 25 other judges. 

Judge Mohamed Shereen referred in October 2014 60 judges to the disciplinary council, accusing them of signing a statement supporting ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi during the pro-Mursi Rabaa al-Adawiya camp on July 24, 2013. 
