
Sudan opposition, govt. still at odds on election

Mar 14 2015
Dabanga Sudan

On Saturday, security agents briefly detained about 40 Sudanese opposition leaders who were to attend a public forum in El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan. Also on Saturday, Yasir Arman, secretary-general of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) stated that the recent attacks on government positions in South Kordofan have no relation to the peaceful campaign of the Sudan Appeal forces who aim to boycott the general election, scheduled for April this year.

Netanyahu se lanza al contraataque tras verse superado en los sondeos

Mar 14 2015
El País

La apuesta de centrar su campaña en el eje de la seguridad, que llegó al clímax en su discurso ante el Congreso de Estados Unidos el pasado día 3, puede haberle salido por la culata a Benjamín Netanyahu. El primer ministro israelí, que se ha quedado estancado en el segundo puesto en los últimos sondeos autorizados antes de las legislativas del próximo martes, hechos públicos este viernes, se ha visto forzado a multiplicar su presencia en la campaña para pasar al contraataque.

Tunisia’s elections 2014: EU EOM presents final report

Mar 13 2015

The climate has much improved since our first election observation and restored confidence seems a reassuring and promising factor for the future of democracy in Tunisia,” head of the European Union (EU) Election Observation Mission (EOM) Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck said on Friday. 

Speaking at a press conference held in Tunis to present the final report of the EU EOM on the country’s 2014 legislative and presidential elections, the head of mission reviewed the recommendations made by the mission.

Likud trails Zionist Union by 4 seats days ahead of elections

Mar 13 2015
Ynet News

With four days to go ahead of vote, Netanyahu's Likud suffers blow in polls, receiving only 22 Knesset seats, while Herzog's Zionist Union reaches 26; Bayit Yehudi and Yesh Atid tied at 12, Yedioth Ahronoth poll says.

The Zionist Union has increased its lead over the Likud, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party polling at 22 as opposed 26 for his main rival, Isaac Herzog, giving his center-ticket a clear lead over the ruling party with only four days before Israelis head to the ballots.

'Soy del pueblo palestino y de Israel'. Entrevista a Ayman Odeh

Mar 13 2015
El Mundo

Por primera vez desde el Gobierno de Yitzhak Rabin en 1992, los árabes en Israel pueden tener la llave en las elecciones. La culpa es de Ayman Odeh, de 40 años, al conseguir lo que parecía misión imposible: unir a los partidos árabe-israelíes. También ha contribuido el temor de algunos políticos a quedarse fuera de la Knesset (Parlamento) tras la ley que elevó el corte de escaños a cuatro.

Jerusalem Post political correspondent Gil Hoffman sits down with the PM for a one-on-one interview

Mar 13 2015
Jerusalem Post

Four days ahead of Tuesday’s election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting for his political life.

The Zionist Union’s lead is growing. The Likud’s satellite parties on the Right and Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu are biting off chunks of its support.

Netanyahu’s fate appears to be in the hands of President Reuven Rivlin, with whom he has sparred for three decades. His refusal to endorse Rivlin’s run for president could come back to haunt him next week, when the president begins the process of assigning a candidate to form a new government.

CMC Poll to be Held on May 13

Mar 12 2015
Gulf News

HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani issued Decree No 17 of 2015, setting May 13 as the date for the election of members of the Central Municipal Council.

The decree invited citizens who have voting rights and who are on the electoral rolls to cast their votes in their constituencies. The decree is effective from its date of issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Call for strengthening municipal election financing monitoring process

Mar 12 2015

Member of the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) Anouar Belhassan, on Thursday, called for strengthening the process of monitoring financing of the next municipal elections, namely election campaigns that will see a fierce competition between candidate lists, even candidates.

Speaking at a workshop on “Monitoring political Financing” held by the « Al-Kawakibi » centre, Belhassan called for devising a new strategy regulating the municipal elections so as to ensure a better monitoring of the various stages.

Le régime peine à préserver les équilibres internes : Manœuvres dans le sérail

Mar 11 2015
El Watan

Agitation et manœuvres de repositionnement dans le sérail. Alors que l’opposition s’emploie à briser le blocage politique en forgeant un rapport de force favorable au changement démocratique, au sein du pouvoir, les batailles de tranchées font rage entre les différents groupes influents. Des tensions apparaissent au sein du régime.

Three Top IEC Officials Removed For 10 Years Each: ECC

Mar 11 2015

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) has announced the removal of three top provincial level officials of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) from their positions each for 10 years on charges of fraud.

The announcement came Wednesday when the ECC revealed that 25 permanent officials of the election commission were accused of fraud and violating the election law in last year's presidential election.

Sudan’s ruling party welcomes Berlin Declaration

Mar 10 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The National Congress Party (NCP) has formally welcomed the Berlin Declaration signed by the opposition forces in the German capital on 27 February.

After expressing its reservations last week, the Sudanese government issued a statement, saying that “after studying the document, the party’s political sector extends its thanks and appreciation to the German government. [..] The NCP stresses its firm stance on the national dialogue which includes everyone without exception in order to reach a consensus which supports security, stability, and peaceful exchange of power in Sudan.”

La CNLTD maintient la pression sur le pouvoir, prépare un congrès de l’opposition

Mar 10 2015

Empêchés de tenir leurs sit-in et interdits d’organiser des conférences publiques, les partis de l’opposition, regroupés au sein de la CNLTD, restent mobilisés sur le terrain, comme en témoigne leur mission à In Salah pour soutenir les opposants au gaz de schiste.

Depuis quelques jours, ils ont entamé des contacts en vue d’organiser un congrès de l’opposition, prévu pour le mois d’avril. Selon Ahmed Hadibi, cadre d’Ennahda, « les contacts concerneront, dans une première phase, les partis réunis dans le cadre de la CNLTD avant d’être élargis aux autres partenaires ».

Elections: Hassad compte reprendre contact avec l'opposition

Mar 10 2015
Le 360

Après son retrait de la Commission parlementaire de l'Intérieur, Mohamed Hassad compte reprendre contact, dès ce mardi soir, avec l'opposition, dans l'espoir de la faire revenir à la table des négociations au Parlement.

"Il est possible que le ministre fasse un geste en contactant ce mardi soir les leaders des quatre partis d'opposition pour que leurs groupes parlementaires respectifs reprennent la participation au sein de la Commission parlementaire de l'Intérieur", ont appris à Le360 de sources concordantes
