
Collapse of Bosnia’s Ruling Coalition Deepens Crisis

Mar 02 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnia’s ruling coalition has effectively collapsed after the three main parties in the Federation failed to agree on the makeup of the entity's new government on Sunday. 

This development puts in question the recent agreement on the formation of the new state government, and threatens to push the country deeper into political chaos five months after the elections. 

Talks were held in Sarajevo on Sunday aimed at finding an agreement on how to distribute eight Bosniak, five Croat and three Serb ministerial positions in the new Federation government. 

Committee to begin reviewing elections law after court deemed it unconstitutional

Mar 02 2015
Aswat Masriya

 Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb ordered on Monday the formation of a committee to re-draft the constituency law, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Constitutional Court on Sunday.

The committee is headed by Transitional Justice Minister Ibrahim al-Heneidi, according to a cabinet statement.

Mehleb said the amendments to the law should come in line with the regulations and standards set by the court in its ruling.

Révision de la Constitution : Bensalah contredit Ould Khelifa

Mar 02 2015

« Tous les indicateurs indiquent que la révision de la Constitution n’est pas loin, » a annoncé le président du Conseil de la Nation, Abdelkader Bensalah, dans son discours d’ouverture de la session de printemps du parlement. « Peut-être que l’honneur de [la révision de la Constitution] marquera l’histoire du parlement durant cette session, » a-t-il précisé.

Netanyahu lands in US ahead of Congress speech

Mar 01 2015
Ynet News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has landed in the US ahead of a speech he called "historic" before the US Congress. Netanyahu will address AIPAC on Monday and will then address Congress on Tuesday in a speech that has seen political tensionsbetween Israel and the US reach a record high.

According to a source within Netanyahu's entourage, the prime minister will expose details of the looming deal with Iran, which will show the world powers have conceeded to much to Iran as part of the negotations.

No Talks so far Between Ghani and Abdullah on Electoral Reforms: Danish

Mar 01 2015

The National Unity Government (NUG) leaders have still not agreed on how to bring reforms to the electoral system and the establishment of the special electoral reform commission, a senior NUG official told TOLOnews.

In an exclusive interview with TOLOnews, second Vice President Sarwar Danish expressed that President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah have not met with each other so far on electoral reforms.

Egypt parliamentary elections postponed as constituencies' law ruled unconstitutional

Mar 01 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt has postponed parliamentary elections originally set to start in less than three weeks, after the country's highest court struck down one of the laws regulating the electoral process.

On Sunday morning, Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled that the country’s Elections Constituency Division Law is unconstitutional.

Shortly after the SCC issued its ruling, a spokesman of the Higher Electoral Commission (HEC) said that the parliamentary elections, previously scheduled to start on 21 March, would be put on hold for the time being.

Egypt's political parties blame government for imminent election delay

Mar 01 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt has postponed parliamentary elections originally set to start in less than three weeks, after the country's highest court struck down one of the laws regulating the electoral process.

On Sunday morning, Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled that the country’s Elections Constituency Division Law is unconstitutional.

Shortly after the SCC issued its ruling, a spokesman of the Higher Electoral Commission (HEC) said that the parliamentary elections, previously scheduled to start on 21 March, would be put on hold for the time being.

Sisi urges cabinet to amend unconstitutional parliamentary law within a month

Mar 01 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Sunday urged the cabinet to amend a law regulating parliamentary elections, which the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled on Sunday were "unconstitutional", within a month.

Earlier in the day, the Higher Electoral Commision (HEC) put parliamentary elections previously set for March on hold, following a SCC ruling which deemed the Elections Constituency Division Law “unconstitutional.”

The Elections Constituency Division Law determines the number of voters per constituency and their representation.

Elections communales, régionales et du district de Bamako : plus d’une centaine d’associations et ONG recommandent le maintien du 26 avril 2015

Feb 28 2015

Elles sont plus d’une centaine d’ONG et d’Associations à mettre en place depuis le 22 janvier 2015, l’Observatoire pour les élections et la bonne gouvernance (Observatoire). Né sur les cendres du Réseau APEM, actuellement plongé dans un imbroglio judiciaire, l’Observatoire, avec l’expertise accumulée par ses membres fondateurs à travers le Réseau APEM, se fixe comme objectif la supervision du processus électoral. Il a rencontré aujourd’hui la presse pour parler des élections communales, régionales et du district de Bamako.

Zionist rabbis switch from Habayit Hayehudi to Yahad

Feb 27 2015

A group of senior rabbis from the religious Zionist movement announced Thursday it had withdrawn its endorsement of Habayit Hayehudi in the March 17 election in favor of Yahad, the party established recently by former Shas chairman Eli Yishai.

The announcement was in the form of an open letter published as an advertisement in the religious Zionist weekly BeSheva.

“At this time, we are called upon to make our calculations according to the Torah’s truth,” the letter said.

Les élections municipales en 2015, improbables

Feb 27 2015
La Presse

 Le président de l’Instance supérieure indépendante pour les élections, Chafik Sarsar, a jugé improbable la tenue d’élections municipales en 2015, invoquant le facteur temps pour la promulgation préalable de l’arsenal législatif nécessaire à cette opération, dont une nouvelle loi électorale.
«Au vu du rythme d’avancement du travail législatif, il serait difficile de tenir les élections municipales cette année», a déclaré Chafik Sarsar.
