
AK Party spokesman says Gül will not run for Parliament

Feb 26 2015
Today's Zaman

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Spokesman Beşir Atalay said on Thursday that former president and AK Party co-founder Abdullah Gül will not be a candidate in the June elections, citing remarks Gül himself had made in the past.

Speaking at a press conference at the AK Party headquarters in Ankara, Atalay was speaking on recent political developments when he was asked if the former president would run in the general elections slated for June 7.

“He won't be a candidate according to his own remarks,” Atalay said.

Tunisie- Election du bureau politique de Nidaa Tounès le 1er mars

Feb 26 2015
Tunisie Numerique

L’élection du bureau politique de Nidaa Tounès aura lieu dimanche 1er mars, a annoncé le secrétaire général de Nidaa Tounès, Taeib Baccouche. Le prochain bureau politique de Nidaa Tounès comptera 16 membres dont 8 du bureau exécutif du parti. Les 8 autres seront nommés parmi les députés de l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple.


Elections : Vers un nouveau report des municipales et des régionales

Feb 25 2015
Malijet, L'Indicateur du Renouveau

Annoncées un instant pour le 26 avril prochain, les élections communales et régionales sont en passe d’être reportées à une date ultérieure. C’est la recommandation faite par les partis hier mardi au Grand Hôtel de Bamako lors de la réunion du cadre de concertation entre les représentants des partis politiques et le ministère de l’Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation et la Délégation générale aux élections.

Egypt postpones verdict on election laws constitutionality

Feb 25 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court adjourned on Tuesday the trial determining the constitutionality of the parliamentary elections laws to 1 March, as a verdict is expected to be returned next session.

The elections are expected to take place in March and April.

The court's board of commissioners had filed a report to a 12-judge panel in the court, saying there were "unconstitutional" articles in laws regulating parliamentary elections.

National Liberation and Justice Party launched in Sudan’s capital

Feb 24 2015

On Monday, the founding conference of the National Liberation and Justice Party, led by Dr El Tijani Sese, was launched at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum.

Sese, who is also chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), said in his opening speech that “today, we celebrate the birth of a new political entity, named the National Liberation and Justice Party. Besides constituting a valuable addition to democracy, it will add flavour to a sound party life in the country”.

Sufi orders to field followers in Egypt's parliamentary elections

Feb 24 2015
Ahram Online

The association of the Sufi Orders of Alexandria has announced that it will officially field nine of its followers, including one woman, to run for individual seats in different constituencies in March's parliamentary elections, the Ahram Arabic website has reported.


“We encourage and support the members of the Sufi orders to run for the individual seats in the parliamentary elections for the first time in the history of the Sufi Orders of Alexandria” Sheikh Gaber Kassam, the secretary-general of the Sufi Orders of Alexandria, said in the statement. 

Survey: Zionist Union leads Likud by 2 mandates

Feb 24 2015

A new survey conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach and published by Channel 2 Tuesday shows the Zionist Union, headed by Isaac Herzog, beating out Prime Minister's Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party by two mandates.

The Likud lost two mandates since the previous survey and the Zionist Union one.

On the other hand, Naftali Bennett's Bayit Yehudi party received one more mandate in the latest survey and so did Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid. The ultra-Orthodox Shas party also received one more mandate in the poll.


Electoral reforms commission to be formed soon

Feb 24 2015
Pakhwok Afgan News

The office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on Tuesday said consultation about the creation of electoral reforms commission has been finalised and the body will be announced through a presidential decree soon.

Reformation of system and rebuilding of election commissions were the main elements of agreements between President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah.

Heavy security prevents opposition protests in Algiers

Feb 24 2015
The News Tribune

Hundreds of Algerian police officers sealed off avenues in the capital on Tuesday to prevent an opposition demonstration against plans to drill for shale gas in the south of the country.

A few dozen opposition activists were able to briefly demonstrate near the rally site in Algiers chanting "Algeria Free and Democratic" before being detained. There were reports of demonstrations elsewhere in the country, especially in the south that is most affected by plans to drill.

Mali: vers un statut pour le chef de l’opposition

Feb 23 2015

Le chef de l'opposition au Mali aura bientôt un statut officiel. Les députés ont pris cette décision, en fin de semaine dernière, à une très large majorité. Désormais, le représentant des opposants bénéficiera des mêmes avantages que le vice-président de l'Assemblée nationale.

Selon le projet de loi adopté par les députés, l’opposition malienne sera désormais représentée par un porte-parole qui prend le titre de chef de file de l’opposition politique. Il est désigné par le parti d’opposition ayant le plus grand nombre de députés à l’Assemblée nationale.

Communales 2015 : IBK programme les élections de la partition du Mali

Feb 23 2015
Mali Web

Le Conseil des ministres du mercredi 18 février 2015, sous la présidence du Président de la République, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita a décidé d’organiser les élections communales, régionales et du District de Bamako le 26 avril 2015. Et comme le territoire national est émaillé de zones d’insécurité et de conflits ouverts dans de nombreuses localités du Mali, le gouvernement veut tenir ces élections « partout où c’est possible ».

USFP: La fracture consommée

Feb 23 2015

Les dissidents de l’USFP se mettent au travail. Le groupe «Démocratie et ouverture» a tenu, samedi dernier à Bouznika, une assemblée générale pour préparer la création d’un nouveau parti. Les discussions ont porté, lors de cette rencontre, sur le projet que cette formation va proposer aux Marocains et la valeur ajoutée qu’elle représentera sur la scène politique.
