Egypt postpones verdict on election laws constitutionality

Ahram Online
Publication date: 
Feb 25 2015

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court adjourned on Tuesday the trial determining the constitutionality of the parliamentary elections laws to 1 March, as a verdict is expected to be returned next session.

The elections are expected to take place in March and April.

The court's board of commissioners had filed a report to a 12-judge panel in the court, saying there were "unconstitutional" articles in laws regulating parliamentary elections.

The board issued its recommendations after reviewing six lawsuits brought against the House of Representatives law, the Political Rights law and the Parliamentary Constituencies law.

The upcoming elections are the third and final step in a political roadmap set forth by the Egyptian army following the ouster of former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013. It comes after a vote to ratify the constitution in January 2014 and the presidential elections in June 2014.

Egypt has been without a parliament for three years, after the house of representatives elected in late 2011 was dissolved in June 2012, following a court ruling that judged the law that regulated its election to be unconstitutional.

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi holds legislative powers until an elected parliament convenes.
